63 Mileuda & Tia Interlude (1/2)
”Ugh, good to have a chance to sit back and relax.” I leaned back on the tub. The door opened in walked Mileuda.
”Hi, just wanted to see how you were doing.”
”Eh, could be better or worse. But I am good. Yourself?”
”Good.” She said as she ran her hands in the water. ”I want you to give Agria some slack.” I raised an eyebrow at that. ”She has worked really hard. You know this already. The sisterhood is unbelievably strong. Way stronger than what Galtea predicted they would be. She even we.. no never mind that part. She is frustrated about not convincing her cousin to come join us. But she knew it would be to hard anyway.” Mileuda eyes flickered a little. ”I dont want her here right now anyway. To many problems with us knowing how the Templars operate. We would not convince her successfully. The other one plan is going underway fine.”
”Hmm, alright. However.. get in this tub or wait till I get out. Your hand on this water is driving me nuts.” I thought about how I had a few women go and shadow the monastery that the princess would wind up at. Better to change that and have them watch her from afar or just befriend her.
”Oh, how so?” Mileuda gave me an evil smirk.
”Because the tub is big enough for two people for one. I can feel your hand considering I am focused on you right now. The water is just an extension of me.” I said this lightly. I didn't want to be demanding considering my mood swings as of late.
”Very well.” Mileuda stopped and gave my thigh a squeeze. ”I will wait till you get out. I well go bathe in another room. Oh, and thank you.”
”Hmm for what?” I was surprised. I hadn't done anything of note I thought.
”For agreeing to take me. As one of your women. Not take me take me.” She was a little flustered. Hadn't seen that in a few days. ”I am glad you havent regretted it. I know I havent.”
”Oh, and how do you know I havent?” I mused a little after I said that. Thinking about it would be pointless I guess. I have not moved ahead much in that department since Sophia. 'Just thinking about her makes me feel wanted. Defintely like that feeling. Heh, I am turning into a putz.' Shaking my head I focused my attention back on Mileuda. She was becoming more attractive by the day. Weird how when you think of someone that way they become more appealing. I guess I started a little to long without saying anything.
Mileuda smirked and moved her hand in the water. She actually grabbed my hand and held it. ”The way you look at me. From the bond as well. I know your darker thoughts. You havent acted on them. They are growing the more we mess with you. Glad you are able to resist.” Her touch was warmer than the water, way more so than it should be I thought. The bond was amplifying my Pather power. She sent me a load of feelings on purpose. I became lost in them. It was better than a deep tissue massage but on an emotional level instead of physical. Coming to I felt the water was cold and she was walking away. She stopped at the door. ”I promise it will be worth it in the end. Galtea knows what she is doing. Just trust them ok?”
Nodding my head like a parrot I agreed dumbfounded. She threw a face towel at my head. I stopped it with magic and used it to cover my face. ”I hope so. I really do.” I sunk a little in the tub and relaxed. I almost fell asleep until a knock at the door. ”Go away. To tired to talk. Feeling to good to talk.”
”Krrk,” the door opened and in walked Mileuda's honor guard. ”Chck,” one of them locked the door. I was to relaxed to even remember their names. But the cold water didn't help my current state. I really liked cold water after a bit of time. Another weird habit I was told I had as a child.
”Lord Primarch, we have a request to make.” I think it was the leader of the group that said it.
”Hurry up and name and then leave.” I had the towel over my eyes so I really didnt see who was speaking. ”Make it quick. You caught me at a bad time.”
”Well.. please dont take lady Mileuda's chastity tonight.” One of the mousy members said. She was the mechanic as far as I remember. Also the driver I think.
”Ok, done now go.” I didnt want to get rude considering I didnt interact with them much. I mean the other me had, but not me personally.
”Thats it?”
”Yes now leave.” I flicked my hand at them to go.
”Are you kidding me?”
”No. I am not. We weren't planning on doing anything like that tonight. Just talking and whatever else.”
”I dont believe this? I cant believe this.” The first one said. Then they all started talking again. The thing was a few sisters of battle yelling tends to sound like a stampede of deer. Slow and low at first, then deadly and loud. I could feel my nice little happiness going away.
”Get Out!” I yelled standing up. ”The door. Leave now!” The just looked at me then their eyes travelled down to my groin. Two blushed one whistled. The other grabbed it and flicked it. ”Oh for the love of..” I started to say before the door opened. One of them opened it and was actually leaving. The thing was..Tia and a few other squad members were walking by.
”What are you all doing!?” One of the squires yelled. They didnt keep walking. That would have been to easy. ”Get out of there!” They were ready to fight. Why I had no idea.
”I give up.” I flopped back into the tub soaking the one woman who thought it would be a good idea not to let go. ”Ugh, Mental Cleansing.” I cast the spell hoping this was just someone playing a trick on me. It was not. I watched as they all blinked and if realizing what was going on they walked away. A little embarrassed but they left.
”Roana come on.” One of the honor guard said. The one holding onto me gave her a look I knew to well. The shut the hell up look.
”Bye Overlord, see you in your dreams.” Roana said letting me go after a squeeze.
She caught up with the rest leaving me alone again. I was going to soak again then thought better of it. Removing the water after I dried off, I switched to some nightclothes and went to my room.
”Ah, sleep time.” I relaxed onto the bed. The pillow was just perfect. A knock at the door caught me from resting again.
”Knock, knock,” it was a low knock.
”Hey, you still up?” Mileuda asked coming into my room. I looked up to see her in shorts and a sports bra. ”Heard what happened in the bathtub. Not my idea I assure you.” She was hugging a pillow that she brought with her.
”Uh-huh, get on the bed already. You are way to distracting dressed like that. Did anybody see you? That is not enough clothing for this era.” Realizing what I just said, I couldn't help but laugh. ”Hehe, you know this better than I do. What the heck am I saying.?”
”I have gotten to use to the monastery. To hard to change back. Besides the clothing you made me, I can call it forth if anyone that I dont want to see me comes by.” Sitting on the bed Mileuda stared at me. ”Or do you not like what I am wearing?”
”Tch, you know dang well I do.” I flipped the covers over and pulled her to me. ”Get in here already.”
”Of course.” Settling in she leaned against me and sighed. ”Ahh, I like this.” She dropped her pillow behind her head and snuggled closer. ”Promise we can do this a lot more?”
”Dont see why not.” I agreed and started to drift off to sleep. ”Wait.. weren't we suppose to talk about something?”
”Forget it. Another time.” Mileuda said as she opened her mouth yawn. ”Ahh, another time. Let's just sleep.” I could feel my wolf was content. Very content at that. On instinct, I pulled her tighter and was completely out a few minutes later.
The next morning I woke up to an empty bed around 5:00. That was a little disappointing. I was not gonna do anything today so I got up clean myself off and got back into bed.
”Knock, knock,” someone was already up at this hour. They opened the door despite me not telling them to come in. So I knew it was not official business.
”Sunstrider your still on bed!?” Tia said suprised. ”I think you should get up.”
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”Already cleaned up. Just got back into bed is all. I have no real work to do that cant be put off till later.”
”You cant be serious.”
”Of course I am. The squads are patrolling keeping order and the people safe. The adventuring guild already has people going out doing work for us. Food is stocked already. Water is in large supply. The walls are strong. We have no trade set up because it is not needed. The laws are already written and enforced.” I paused to see if I was forgetting anything. I was not. ”What else do you want me to do?”
”Well.. your right. Guess there is nothing else to do till the scouts get back.” Tia said defeated. She looked at me and started to fidget a little. ”You are not going to laze about all day really though right?”