33 Outworld Part 1 (1/2)

Arriving this time was a cinch. Looking around he was surprised to see Riku standing right next to him. He was even more surprised to see the devastation that had taken place around the area.

”Oh no,” I said out loud. ”Riku are you ok?”

”Yes, I am fine.” Despite what Riku said I could see her shiver a little bit. Then I paid attention to the close she wore. ”Stop staring at me!”

”Fuck, sorry. Why are you mad at me for?” Turning around I reached out to Galtea. 'What the hell is this place? No way this is earth it looks like shit!'

Galtea: This is Edina. You and Riku along with Sub-Zero are here to pick up someone. The specific area you are in, happens to be a collapsed space. It is the result of Edina losing to Shao Khan a few years ago. This timeline is unlike any you have been to. Be careful. The lore of the world has been warped and twisted.

System: Assist your teacher in his task. Rewards: Admiration by ????, Weapon of the Lin Kuei.

”Great just great. Where the hell is Teacher at then?” As I talked out loud to her I felt my pulse jump. Behind me, A body started to form out of gasoline and oil from a flipped over car. Riku had walked away scouting ahead so I was on my own. Right before the blow stabbed me I used Lv3 162/200 Adrenaline Rush. A noise went off in my head as I ignored it.

A palm thrust went pass my side as I moved and back kicked. My foot caught against my assailant's other palm. Before I could move it back he already turned my ankle trying to snap it. With a launch of Lv1 65/150 Concussive Shot, he moved to let go of me. As the water missile came at him, he moved his hands around it. In less than three seconds it turned into an ice missile. With a spin he launched it back at me.

”Shit!” On reflex, I threw up Lv5 251 /370 Biotic Shielding. I watched in horror as it froze. Taking my daze as a chance. My assailant slid on some ice and broke right through it. The rejuvenating feedback would have been nice but I was not wearing mass effect armor. I had on clothes that were similar to his. I had an idea who this was now but I did not want to take a chance.

Pushing the power of my adrenaline rush I caught his next palm strike. Realising I threw his hand down with too much force. He used the momentum to flip and kick me in my head with his heel. Taking my chance I swung up with a closed fist hitting the back of his calf. I then step back as he did a split. Pushing his hand against the ground he flipped up. My assailant dusted himself off and moved his hand out to the front. Doing the come here motion with his fingers he openly taunted me.

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”Fine. Mom's didn't raise no chicken.” Charging forward I let all my biotics drop. They wouldn't help me too much in this instance. Each strike was parried effortlessly but I had stamina so I was not too worried. When a high kick came my way I leaned in taking the blow with my shoulder. Sending my left elbow I aimed for his exposed thigh. Before it made contact he grabbed my elbow with his other arm and sent me to the ground this time. As I fell forward I curled my body in. As I rolled in front of him. I felt my head was a little fuzzy. Different ways to use my abilities popped up in my head.

”What the hell?” My assailant was a little surprised at this I guess.

Pushing myself up with two hands my feet caught him in the chest. He only moved back slightly. I dont know what I was thinking considering he was already able to react to me during an adrenaline rush. He looked at me like I was an idiot and went to kick me. When his fist came down I jumped to the side on my hands. Then his other kick came I did the same. This went on and on me just jumping to the side on my hands him going for a kick. Eventually my back hit against a dumpster.

”Dammit.” I bent my arms to get ready to make another leap or jump.

My assailant didn't come forward as I thought. Instead, he took a stance centering himself. His hands moved around his chest. Little crystals of ice pulled from the air and came his way.

”Oh shit.” Realizing the danger I jumped up putting my strength in my hands launching my self a good distance in the air. I felt the breeze as he fired the blasted ice at me. 'Shit hope this work. I activated my shield again and collapsed it instantly on my self. Using the boost of power from it, I used it to bolster concusstive shot to intercept.

”Boom,” the two attacks blew up in the air I hit the side of the building. Digging my left fist in the structure I watched down below.

My assailant stepped back a little bit from the blast. From the look in his eyes, he sorta looks like he was smiling. I didn't care either way. Kicking off the wall, I launched towards him. The building didn't fair to well from my push off. I may not be a full space marine but dammit I was stronger than most people. This shocked him a little bit. Using my Misty fist towards my toes to give me more umph.

He tried to time my attack just right. I could already perceive what he was going to do. An over handed chop to my deck. 'Nah, I don't think so.' My fist came down first he sidestepped it. My left foot touched down next. Pivoting with my toes I came down with my right fist. He continued his plan sidestepping and going for my neck. Feeling the water around my toes I sent it towards my neck.

”Whack,” my plan worked only a little. Only some of the strike was mitigated. Not missing his chance to attack, my assailant struck my body slowing from the strike my assailant started laying into my ribs with palm strikes. He was able to hit me six times before my body responded to my control. I activated by biotic shield again. When his next palm strike came it broke my shield. Causing him to bounce back. It was formed to hastily to provide any real defense. But that's ok. I wanted it for the quick recharge. Taking the energy in, I squatted low and came up with everything I had hitting him in the gut.

”Umpph,” his grunt passed my ears making me smile. That smile was short lived. As he sent a palm strike to my throat. A blast of green wind past between us both.

”That is enough Master.” A voice came from the side. My assailant stopped in his tracks and stared to the side. I followed suit. What greeted us was a few people dressed the same as us just different colors. As well a few other people dressed in robes. The Edenia I take it. Riku stepped out of the crowd and walked up to me. She stood behind me as we waited to hear what would happen next.

A young boy and girl walked up to my assailant. I say young but they looked to be in their teens. The girl early teens. They both stood behind my assialant.

”We are here to see how we can help. Yet you are here messing around with your informal disciple. What am I to do with you? Hmm hmm, tell me.” The old man said.

With a slight bow, my assailant apologized. But it came out devoid of much emotion. ”My apologies Grandmaster. I could not pass up a teaching moment.”

”See that you control yourself better in the future. Ah, Sub-zero there is still much to teach you.” Turning back the Grandmaster and the others walked away. ”Stay with them Sektor.” Except for a guy in red. He walked over giving Sub-Zero a handshake.

”Man I have not seen you in a half a year and the first thing that happens, you are getting in trouble with my old man. Why didn't you include me in the fun?” Sektor said joking.