32 The ship.. and the ship??? (1/2)
In the medical area, me and Sophia worked tirelessly to stabilize Chari. Once we made it to the ship all sorts of shocks awaited us. Slipp stabbed Chari in the back while she was supposed to work on her. The crew was to stunned to help at the time and to busy. Using her chance, Slipp had escaped the ship. A small demolition charge had gone off. Good thing everyone responded quickly. Stopping the damage before the ship became a derilict. With no chance to pursue. I was greeted by a very angry crew throwing the blame my way. Considering Slipp was part of the crew before me you would think they would have cut me some slack.
Stabilizing Chari proved to be a hassle. Her enhanced durability made the surgery twice as hard. As I moved the scale my adrenaline rush was going full throttle. Moving the blade shards out took up to four hours alone. While the surgery went on, I kept pouring my excess generated biotic energy mixed with my healing abilities to help. My secondary mind worked tirelessly to keep her with us. The shock itself may have played a part in it as well... Several times throughout the surgery Sophia gave me a look. Couldn't tell what it was but it did not bode well.
Galtea told me before the surgery started my completed quest had a problem. Taking that into consideration I told everyone to get ready just in case Exogeni decided to betray us.
'Lunabella send an encoded message to Miranda. Technology of value as the title. Ask her how much would it be worth to her?' I neede to capitalize on this before any spies in Exogeni leaked any of the info.
'Sending now. I have also ran an additional scan on the ships that came in. Weapons are primed and ready to fire. The first salvo can tear through our shields.' Lunabella said as she went to work on her with the message. Her attitude had gotten a lot better recently. 'Infiltrating the fleet will take no effort. Will you like me to proceed?'
'Yes, please do. If they attempt to fire shut the guns down and cause an explosion. Do not get detected. Your safety is my concern. If they do detect you blow up their ship. Make it look like an accident.'
After that little communication, I moved back over to the Captain.
”Will she make it?” Lady Maldova moved about antsy. Despite the protest from the crew, she refused treatment until Chari was in the clear.
”She will be fine. Everything else is just fatigue now.” Seeing my nonchalant attitude the crew looked a little angry at me. ”My biotics are a lot different than most. Slight cellular boosting properties. In a few hours, she will regain consciousness. In a day she can move but I wouldn't tell her that. Better safe than sorry. So you can all stop giving me that look.” Stopping in front of the captain I reached to check her wounds. Her blood looked off to me.
”Stop! I will be fine!” Lady Maldova stopped me with her biotics. Her injuries were more serious than she made them out to be. I fleft untreated she would die in two or three days.
The other crewman had pistol at the ready. I couldn't tell if they were concerned or just wanted to cause trouble. Seeing as how I didn't listen in still treat to treat the captain I settle on the latter.
”Captain,” I said as kindly as I could enveloping her in a small wisp of my own biotic energy. ”I am trying to help you. Just let me?” I looked over my shoulder to Mia. ”Hand me the kit over there. The advanced one please.”
System: Wisdom Check 19
”It's your fault we are in this mess in the first place. We could have done other jobs instead of this one. Shit, you even killed several mercenary groups!” A Salarian crew memberI had barely talk to much spoke out. ”What are we gonna do about the survivors? Tell us!”
The room became quiet. Lady Maldova looked to the side feeling guilty. Mia moved about busing herself She kept out of the view of the others. I knew differently. She had taken the best method of killing her way out in the room. It took a bit to cool her down with my biotics.
”How about this, the job is finished. You cutthroats can blame me if any groups asked about what happened. Should be enough to settle up Lady Maldova. Me and the people I brought on board will leave and never bother you again. Deal?” I tried my best to calm them as well. I start feeling tired all of a sudden. Grabbing some fresh supplies I tried to treat Lady Maldova again.
System: Sophia -15
Lady Maldova ????
Chari ???
Mia 120
Crew 133
”Lady Maldova I think you should do it.” An Asari said in the group. The others voiced their opinions agreeing as well.
Before she could voice her opinion the comms came on overhead. It was Hotshot. ”Captain, the Exogeni want to talk. Should I patch him through?”
”Yes.” Looking back to the crew she started to try moving again. I reached my biotics out holding her in place. ”What the hell! Azul stop now.” Lady Maldova said staring at me. The others tensed placing weapons at the ready.
System: Charisma 22
”Captain you have a lot of bleeding going on. Lay down!” Pointing at the blood on the floor I was starting to get angry. Ignoring the crew I close the small distance I picked her up and placed her on the adjacent bed. ”Talk to Exogeni while I work on you. If you dont I guarantee you won't make it pass half the conversation.”
”Fine just hurry. Do not remove my helmet! Send them the tech we found.” No longer resisting Lady Maldova finally relaxed. ”Patch them through to medical.”
A slight feedback passed in the comms before the voice could be heard on the other end. ”Greeting's Lady Maldova. I wish this was under better circumstances.” His voice sounded slightly condescending.
Lunabella started passing some readings on to me. 'My tamer they have hacked the ship. So far they have gone through all the personnel logs. Also databanks. I believe they are looking for any of the Prothean information.'
'Bah, those fools won't find anything. Keep them away from personal files such as any of the crew's medical information and everything should be fine. Give the security system a boost. Mask it if you can.' Working on the Captain I mouthed to her that this will hurt. She shook her head for me to continue. Sliding a synthetic femur in place I watched slowly as biotic energy flare washed over the room.
Her pain was immense. She held it all in quite well. From her feelings, I could tell she rather I had knocked out once it started. But she kept a tough front. Mostly to keep the Exogeni man from noticing anything. And mostly to keep the others from worrying. The conversation droned on for about an hour or so. Mostly him stalling. I could hear his sanger much to my amusement. Lunabella had actually breached all of the Exogeni ship's communications. coming across some good data later.
”Well, we have made our calculations. If the lab was not blown up we could have gotten deeper into the place. It will take about two years to get inside with no problems. But the data you have sent is worthwhile. It will be enough to cover your debt.” The more the representative talked the more I could hear his distaste.
”Fine. Just clear it all. I want the confirmation sent at once. Only then will I send the remaining files.” Lady Maldova tensed up getting ready. She assumed an attack was imminent.
”Lady Maldova I am hurt. If I was a lesser man, I would think you did not trust me.” Seeing Maldova not take the bait the Exogeni man grunted and signed off.
”Captain you did all this. Just to take care of a debt? So no money?!” Dammit!” The young Asari grumbled. A moment later each of the omni-tool's in the room went off.
”Baddo,” the sounds rang in the room. ”All debt's paid in full. Digital copies have been sent to the Citadel, Illium Officials, and your personal banking institutions. Have a nice day. Thank you for working with Exogeni.”
Lady Maldova Omni-Tool went off next. I stopped her from trying to deactivate it. ”1 million credits left in your account. All debts have been settled. All fines have been paid. The deal is finished.”
'That voice sounded familiar. Thoughts for later. Wait this can't be over. I haven't gotten the quest rewards yet.' Coming to a good stopping on her I contacted Galtea. 'What gives now?'
Galtea: I am checking on it. Give some time.
Chari had woken up sometime during everything. She kept quiet the entire time until now. ”Alright before anyone gets stupid. The captain took on all your debts. Every last single one when you joined up. Show some gratitude already!”
I walked over to her and ran an additional check to make sure everything was ok. Chari squirmed any time I tried to look at her directly. 'Don't know what that's about but oh well.' Finally making sure she was ok. I informed her to get plenty of rest. No getting up and beating people up. ”Trust me you will need the rest.”
The crew apologized to the captain and started to leave the room. Some would stay aboard others wanted to leave after that last mission. With the freedom, they now had things were different. A lot of them wanted to go to see loved ones again. Freedom from crippling debt made them realize how short life is I suppose. That and constantly getting shot at. My crewmates dismissed themselves. Leaving me, Chari and Lady Maldova left.
On her way out Lunabella gave me a look. I do not know what that look was, but it unnerved me a little.
'Lunabella what is the word on the Exogeni ships?' Working back on the captain I made sure she was at least capable of defending herself if an attack broke out.
'Everything is good. Lynxx has interfered. She has pulled some strings and made sure Exogeni has gotten off your back. Also, payment has been deposited into your bank for the data that I sent. It included 15% of what you have and all that Exogeni received. She has paid you well.'
'I see. I wonder how much?' Before I could check both the Captain and Galtea talked to me first. I guess my silence bothered the captain.
”You are to quiet. You lived up to the deal and then some. Shit you even” if it werent for the helmet I could swear she was crying. ”You even saved me after things went bad.” Lady Maldova kept her eyes on me from under her visor. ”Thank you. And sorry for the helmet I rather you do not see my face.”
Galtea: Do not worry about a ship. Or getting kicked off this one. Funds have been deducted and the right people have been paid.
”No problem. To each there own.” I didn't look up as I focused more on her surgery scans. Nothing too dangerous laid in wait. But I would have to wait a few more days to find out. ”Listen, Lady Maldova... I will need to check on your development in a few days. I understand the crew wants me off the ship so I think it best we head somewhere near a decent medical facility. Just in case.”
Chari tensed up about the idea of me leaving. So did Lady Maldova. each for different reasons.
”That is fine. Parting so soon.. is not what I wanted. But I understand. I am gonna miss this old rust bucket.”
”Wait come again?” I said as I stopped working.
”The ship will be returned back to the Council. I only had it for a short time. A 100 years is not that long. I was basically using it for extra business. Mostly for help on the side for my cover. I should have finished my assignment 4 or 5 years ago. But the crew and the different debt kept piling up... I just cashed in on my vacation time and did some extra undercover work. I was fine money wise.”
”Wait so what about Slipp? Did she really try to kill Chari?” I couldn't help asking. 'I need to check my status later. I should get some answers from it.'
”Yes. That is real. I have no idea what's going on with that, but I will find out. After the crew disbands I will dissolve my commission. No need for the extra risks for joy seeking. The problem is what to do next.” Lady Maldova looked at me in the corner of her eyes before looking to the side. ”Chari what will you do now?”
”I don't know. I knew this day would come but not so soon. Thanks a lot for eating up my remaining time Sunstrider!” Chari said this jokingly but she was still a little upset.
Galtea: Do not miss this chance. If you do I will never let you hear the end of it.
”He..hehe..” I laughed dryly not knowing what to say really. ”How attached to this Galaxy are you two? If I had a ship to take us to the farther reaches of space what do you say to joining my crew?”
System: Charm Check 14
”I would do it in a heartbeat!” Chari said. ”If its something new.. count me in.”
”I.. would consider it. But you don't really have a crew do you?” Maldova asked a little worried. 'He cannot be talking about the Andromeda project. I need to check more on him. Should I get in touch with my contact again.' Shaking her intensely she made a snap decision. 'No. I will not do that. Something is going on with him as well.”
Galtea: You do. You have enough people with the Vorcha joining you. Agria has talked to a few of the citizens that you rescued. Some do not have any homes to return to. They risked it all coming here to Feros. A home to stay with food is right up their alley. Your points will be spent on getting the rest of the people you need.
'Eh, but I need those points.' Thinking that I haven't checked everything in awhile I guess I may have gotten a good bit more. 'Crap I need to check on the Vorcha.' Standing up I hit up my Omni-tool. ”Shalla' how is everything?”
”Everything is fine. We have done all we can to help with repairss. When we go to get food. These rationss are dissgussting. How can anyone eat thiss sstuff?” Shalla sounds a little more normal but really dissatisfied with the food.
”RIght.. we will head to a port soon. Just make sure everyone behaves themselves.” I relaxed after hearing that report. Made it a lot easier to work with them.
”Of coursse. Anything for the Hive.” Shalla' then cut the connection.