31 Not much time. Feros is ... Dangerous Part 3 End. (1/2)

I gathered all the physical energy I could muster to stay standing. Riku and Mia Started firing at the laser team. a few Krogan stepped forward erecting a barrier.Their shots couldn't get past the barrier they threw up. Agria continued to pour energy into a barrier she placed as the one I had started to fade. All I could do was condense it, as the laser fire pushed me back.

System: Intelligence Check 23

Her barrier will not last. She is not designed for barriers. Sisters of Battle are fighters and vanguards, not shield generators. 'This won't work I can see her straining with this.' Gritting my teeth, I took a deep breath. 'Decision time.'

”Agria get them in that door now! They can't breach those shields especially in their condition!” I yelled over my shoulder.

”Kachak” a bright light travelled towards me. I was able to see the light but couldn't react.

The sound of sniper fire tore a hole through my shield and Agria's. It tagged me in the shoulder Punching a hole in my armor.

System: Willpower Check 26 Constitution Check 23

Health -14

”Gasp,” I took a strong breath. From the shot, I almost lost my footing. I brace myself to get ready for the next hit. It was gonna hurt even more so if the same location was punctured.

”We can't leave you here against that! They have a damn laser! A ship laser at that! You are outnumbered you, idiot.” Riku screamed.

”Agria get them through that door now!” I bellowed.

”Do forgive me. But it is his orders.” Agria said as she knocked Riku out lifting Mia with her other arm.They dashed into the door.

”Kachak” The sound of another sniper fire tore a hole through my shield much easier without Agria's aid to help bolster it. It was to easy. I now had a hole where my shoulder used to be. The hole was about the size of a softball.

Health -47

System: Constitution Check 16 Willpower Check 26

”Pft,” I spit out some blood onto the floor. ”Alright Sophia, Lunabella you two are next to go!”

”As you say, Master. We will wait for you on the other side.” Sophia said. The grim look on her face did not make me feel confident. Not in the least.

”Tsh” The door close behind them slowly.

”Yeah, not gonna make it. I take it this would be a fine ho ra.” I knew the door was gonna close. I said this all to no one in particular. My voice brought me comfort. Then the whisper came in.

'Fight! Kill them! Slaughter them!' Ignoring the voices I focused more.

”You Vorcha, get in there and dig him out. Bring me his corpse if he's dead. The rest of you get that drill ready.” The Krogan war leader bellowed.

Waves of resentment flowed off the vorcha onto the surroundings. Fear, despair, and utter hatred.

'I could use this to my advantage.' Thinking to myself I focused on a Vorcha. My physic powers should be strong enough to get through.

'Hey, you!' I sent to it when it was close. Pierced right through its meager defenses.

”Ekk, who said that?” The Vorcha said looking around.

”Quite slacking off. Another mess up and they will kill the rest of the colony.” Another vorcha said.

”Right, right.” The Vorcha said moving about. ”I must be going crazy.”

”No, you aren't going crazy I am talking to you through mass effect transmission. If you can get your fellow Vorcha to help me buy time. I will take care of those Krogan for you.” I project as much sincerity and trust I could.

System: Persuasion 23

A thread of biotic energy floated back to me. From what I could tell. He/She agreed.

I use the remaining time to rest and meditate.

A few minutes later as a Vorcha reached me. It dropped a medigel onto me. With enough healing from that and the energy I restored through meditation, it was enough.

”Brace yourselves!” I told the Vorcha hopefully the Krogan didn't hear this.

Several biotic barriers went up.

I slowly wrapped my energy around the rocks and flung the rocks towards the Krogan laser.

”Ding, ding, ding.” The final shard hit something good.

”Bzzt., ” Electrical sparks started to gather around it.

”What the hell?” A Krogan by the machine said startled. ”The readings are skyrocketing. Damn it! It's not shutting down.”

Standing up I coaxed it with my energy. Not caring about what will happen. I hoped for the best. Standing up looking for any weapons or something to use. Not getting to far with the rocks keeping me in place still. I was spotted.

”There he is, get him!” Another Krogan yelled.

Before they could make do on that an electrical charge flared up.

”Boom!” The laser exploded lighting some of the Krogan on fire.

I felt a hand lift me from the debris. I was now faced to face with a Vorcha.

”Holyshit your tall.” I said with a smile.” Reaching for my pistol I realized it was gone.'Damit Riku has it. Guess Melee it is.' Activating my Biotics I charged in.

”Bury me under rocks huh. Shoot me with a fucking laser. I am gonna kill you filthy lizards.” I yelled as I tore into them.

Gunfire started to pour from behind me. The Vorcha didn't let this chance slip by.

One Vorcha had pulled out a heavy pistol. Each shot was accurate. This Vorcha took care of any of the Krogan who got close to the others.

”Chup, chup, ” the shots landed in the Krogan's knee cap to my left.

Round after round tore into the remaining Krogan causing them to fall back.

Next thing I know, I felt a tap on my shoulders. This drew me from stabbing into the Krogan I was mounted on.

”Yeah what is it?” I asked. The Vorcha pointed to the door that opened just a bit. ”Don't shoot! The Vorcha are on our side.”

I managed to say this just in time as Riku ran out kicking me in the gut.

”Never do that again asshole,” Riku said somewhat red-eyed.

”Right no promises. How the hell are you moving again? Aren't you injured?” I asked surprised that she kick me that hard in her condition. Staring at her standing upright I couldn't believe my eyes.

”We found all kinds of stuff inside. I am all patched up, and ready to go.” Riku beamed at me smiling.

”Sweet. How about getting me patched up as well. Someone kicked me in the gut. It hurts something fierce.” I said this while getting up. The kick really hurt actually. I was not joking.

”Yeah, yeah sure. What about these Vorcha. What to do with them?” Riku asked. Her biotics were already flared up and ready to go.

”They helped. I will not screw them over. Oi Vorcha with us. There has to be a way out of here.” Calling them over my mind started to fog up again.

”Crrkkk crk ” The vorcha leader I would assume turned to the others. With a clicking of noise in his/her throat, the others fell in behind.

Agria came over and lifted me up. Not a shoulder carry or helping me walk. She grabbed me like I was groceries and sprinted me inside.

”If I wasn't so hurt I would actually be upset,” I said while looking at her. She just looked down at me with a smirk I assume.

Once inside I could see several pods lining the sides. There was a strange uniformity to them all. A few pods on the left-had more contractions added. The ones on the right were more jammed packed together.

”Shit... I hope these aren't what I think they are.” Touching the nearest one I was proven right. ”Fucking Protheans. Just great...” Seeing no one looking I moved over to some of them. 'Galtea can my inventory place them inside?'

Galtea: The dead ones yes. The live ones... no. However, you can take a few into yourself taking their data for later creation as an Overlord.

'Do it. Two pairs into the inventory. Also, two pairs to turn into mana.' Walking away after I felt a tingle I looked for whatever could be used to help heal me. Seeing Riku walking over looking at me weirdly. I had to pause for a moment. She looked at me staring at the pods weirdly.

”They are... complicated,” I said trying to pick at her mind.

”Ok, let us get you medically treated. I have taken care of the Vorcha myself.” Riku had an edge to her voice building up. Her biotics flared up again. Even though she tried to keep it under the radar.

I couldn't help wanting to get out of here soon. This place was making everything wonky. But why wasnt it affecting Agria and Mia? ”Riku! Yell at me all you want later. For now, I need everyone in fighting shape.”

Looking at me pouting she did. As she walked away her tail smacked in the stomach. Next Lunabella floated down. I had no idea when she had returned and attached an injector to my skin. A special medi-gel brought me up to full health in a matter of moments. Two minutes later I was fit as a fiddle. 30 minutes later and the Vorcha were good. My physiology along with my upgrades helped my recovery.

Sophia fixed my armor up for me. Piece by piece she removed the segments. While I was getting treated with the injector. Re-equipping it to me she was quite.. cross with me. Also disappointed, I was to be her Overlord in her mind. Right now I had the strength of a damn prinny. It was disgraceful. My abilities just read anger coming off of her.

”Ok tell me what is the problem now?” These conversations.. started to wear on me. Always explaining always compromising. Then the voices could be heard again in the back of mind.

'Kill them! They will betray you!' Grunting I dismissed the thoughts. ”Hmph, spit it out.” More anger in my voice than I wanted.

”Nothing my lord.” Sophia had a slight smile creeping on her face.

”Just tell me.”