30 Not much time. Feros is ... Dangerous Part 2. (1/2)

”Well, that bites.” Now I had to come with a plan for the Captain's team. 'Wait Riku's drone was able to still send video earlier. Where is it now?' I looked for the little drone.

I found it near the shaft that I dropped from. It was in a constant scan surrounding's mode. I grabbed it and connected my Cerebus Node to it.

”Lunabella give me the coordinates, of the last location of Riku.” Hopefully, this works.

Lunabella: Sending signal pulse now … location found my Tamer. Uploading to map now. Trying to work through the interference. So far no luck.

”What the hell is all this jumble? Hey, colonists send me any data of a map you have on your Omni-Tool's.” I told the colonists. I then turned back to Lunabella. ”Try to clean this up as best you can.”

Lunabella: Of course. Matching data now.

After three minutes a clear image was formed on the screen. Collapsed tunnels, destroyed lifts but wait... what the hell is this corridor? How the heck is it still intact? ”Lunabella what do we have here? Can you find anything matching in the Cerebus Node?

Lunabella: Riku detected 2 miles below current location. Her Omni-tool is sending out a damage signal. The distress signal has not been triggered, odd. It would be best to assume it is not triggered due to the damage. The materials suggest it is an underground laboratory. Referencing with the Cerebus Node... alarming news. I will have to get back to you, my Tamer.

”Shit! Is there any way to get info on the other's?” This is going south really fast. I hope they are ok. This is my fault I relied too much on my history of this mission.

Massive amounts of negative biotic strands have been pouring into me. I fell to my knees grabbing at the ground. My heart both of them for that matter seized up on me.

Galtea: My User snap out of it! You are absorbing too many biotic strands from the colonists. It is clouding your judgment. There is too much depression for your current mental state. Focus on rescuing your team. Blame can be assigned later.

System: Willpower Check 21

I shake my head and cycle my pyscho power through myself. For safe measure, I hit myself and the colonist with another dose of mental cleansing.

”Alright, people my team is in trouble. I can't' stay here anymore.” I said to them as I looked at my map trying to figure something out. 'What is the fastest route as well as an escape method?'”Lunabella ideas go if you have none I am just gonna charge in.”

Lunabella: That is not a good idea. However, I may be able to trace the signal back if I upload myself into the drone and follow it back.

”Sounds like a plan. Do it! Wait what are the side effects?” I don't need to lose any more teammates.

Lunabella: There shouldn't be any. Nothing is ever perfect.

At that the little drone took flight. It turned and waved its little antenna at me to follow. I did just that.

”Wait what about us?” Some of the colonists asked.

”Hmm.” 'Galtea what do you think?' I think I can help but should I?

Galtea: Tell them you will try. I believe that you don't want to generate any additional missions right now. If you offer them assistance directly I will not be able to hold the generated mission back. The difficulty level will skyrocket. Good news Agria is almost finished. This place feels wrong I suggest getting out of there as soon as possible.

'Damn that is quick. How in the heck is she almost done?' I look back to the colonists. Time to give some bad news.

”Look there are Krogan mercs here. I have no idea how many there are, or what they ar here for. But what I can summarize it has to do with the Genophage. You'll all should know how they react towards that subject. It is up to you. What do you want to do next?”

Galtea: She has been placed in an incubation chamber as well as nourished by the system. She has been gone one year so far doing theoretical training and education. It will go a lot faster if you cough up some more points.

'Fat chance!' I retorted angrily. 'I need the points. Also, I don't know her that well.'

After saying that I sprinted to catch up with the drone. In one minute I caught up with it. In three we came across a firefight.

A 15 squad of Krogan were firing at my people. I used Observe to see what I was dealing with as I approached closer.

Observe: Krogan Warband Lieutenant x2

Specialty: Vanguard

Main Title: Krogan Purist

Relations: ????, ???

Status: Healthy, Excited

Observe: Krogan Warband Grunt x12

Specialty: Soldier

Main Title: Purist Grunt

Relations: ????

Status: Healthy, Excited

Riku was pinned behind rocks. Mia was laying covering fire with a sniper rifle. From the looks of it that was the only thing keeping them from getting overrun. Sophia was doing her best to get an old door opened. Several bodies laid blown apart between both groups. The dead geth was facing away from my team.

System Check: Willpower 8 Charisma 19 Constitution 19

Cerebus Node: Mission Protect Human Team. Bonus Protect Colonists. Renegade Kill all the Xenos. Paragon Find out the objective of the Krogan. Rewards Vary.

'What the everliving hell!' ”Shit! Why for the ever living hell why?”

”Are you ok?” One of the colonist asked.

”No, I am not. This place is having a weird effect on me.” I said as I unclipped my heavy pistol.

I felt a weird throbbing at the base of my neck. It overrode my judgment to call out to them. Before I knew what came over me. My pyscho power activated making me charge into the group of Krogan. I was lucky enough to fire my pistol as I moved in. Round after round landed in a Krogans back before I had control.

”Who the hell are you?!” A Krogan across from me yelled. ”You think you will interfere? Die!” The Krogan yelled as he fired his shotgun at me.




The blasts of fire tore into my armor shields.I sent out a wave a biotic energy to disrupt him and the rest of his mercenaries. It wouldn't last long but give me some breathing room.

Me an a Krogan started bashing each other in hand to hand. Due to my flexibility, I was able to move around easily. Took every chance I had to fire at one of the other mercenaries.

A flicker caught my attention. I also noticed something else with Riku's movements.

System Check: Perception 11

”He is our Boss you overgrown lizard!” Riku yelled through gritted teeth.

”Not by himself he won't. Good thing he has backup.” A voice came from nowhere that I could see. A few of the mercenaries looked around to try to determine where the voice came from.

'Move now! you are in a bad position.' A stern voice said in my thoughts.

Galtea: Agria is done. Do something to distract them.

”Riku grenade!” I yelled. With some of the mercenaries looking that way, I dropped a flash grenade. I made sure to drop it at the Krogan Warleader feet. I sprinted to Riku with my back turned to her. I directed all my shields to the front of me.

”Get Burned!” Riku threw a fire grenade into the grouping. It landed right where I was previously standing.

The flash grenade went off a little before the fire grenade.

”Thanks to my previous eye upgrades there was only a 2-second delay before they readjusted to normal vision. I couldn't believe what I was seeing when the adjustment finished.

Agria appeared in the fire. At least I think it was her. I only saw a few glimpses of her at first. She was moving stupid fast. In her right hand was a heavy pistol but it had the marks of the Imperial Aquila. Each shot was precise. The shots blasted chunks out of legs or kneecaps. With each flinch or buckle of the legs, the Omni-mace in her left arm and chest with each swing took out a mercenary.






A loud set of rounds went out in succession. A head disappeared with every shot.

I flipped over the boulder they were using for cover. And saw what made those sounds. Mia was loading up her sniper rifle with a fresh thermal clip. The gun had a white glow on the side. Must be one of the special ammo's.

System Check: Perception 23 Medical Check 19 Intelligence Check 17