29 Not much time. Feros is ... Dangerous Part 1. (1/2)

When I synced back with myself, the info of everything that has transpired flows into me. Days ago Final Fantasy wise the Mass effect World time started back up. It was not supposed to, However, whoever was messing with us choose when Galtea was resting to do so. The good news Galtea had a trap set to deal with them. A trace went out to find out those involved. Bad news they disrupted the timeline in Mass Effect. I have a few emails to send out later. Since I am planetside on Feros they will have to wait.

The second consciousness I have, took over good enough and started the mission. A lot of people were surprised at my behavior. But Riku and Mia covered for me. Yeah, Mia stepped up big time apparently her and Riku, as well as Galtea, are some kind of weird sisterhood thingy going on. Alistair was listed as sick so he stayed in quarters. Reported to the Captain that he was suffering from a biotic overload due to the implant adjustment. Which is technically true the other me installed a new implant to tie him over. The influx of energy he received as a Zodiac Saint affected his body a little.

The Professor I created with mana goes by the name Sophia she travels with us. The Engineer Bruno is working on fixing the ship as much as possible. They both are quiet to the others, but very social to me. The child that crashed in the lab earlier has a strong attachment to the engineer. other me did not care since it made the engineer seem more normal. Chari never came back to the lab but we exchanged messages. She is doing a lot better. The Captain and the other me have been sending messages. Mostly about medical interest. The other me sold a medical patent that awarded the crew 1.5 million credits debt free. It earned me some leeway with what I do on the ship. Also, solidfiy my crew on the ship.

Back to me and the crew currently. I have time to think about what happened later. The info reveals of them. The away team consists of two groups. Alpha squad... and Delta squad.

Observe: Azul Sunstrider Lv: 10 Sub-Title: Mercenary Age: 29 Total Age: 1123

Specialty: Soldier(Experiment)Second Class: N/A

Main Title: Primarch of the Argent Angels

Relations: Maldova Mercenaries, Alliance, Cerberus, Imperium, Eldar

Status: Healthy, Confused

Observe: Mia Lang Lv: 9 Sub-Title: Mercenary Age: 21 Total Age: 3

Specialty: InfiltratorSecond Class: Adept

Main Title: N/A

Relations: Argent Angels, Maldova Mercenaries,

Status: Healthy

Observe: Riku Al-Bhed Lv: 10 Sub-Title: Mercenary Age: 25 Total Age: 87

Specialty: Thief ???Second Class: Infiltrator

Main Title: Last of Spira

Relations: Guardian, Argent Angels, Maldova Mercenaries,

Status: Healthy, Excited

Observe: Sophia Sunstrider Lv: 4 Sub-Title: Mercenary Age: 25Total Age: 1 Month

Specialty: SentinelSecond Class: Adept

Main Title: First Of the Legion

Relations: Argent Angels, Maldova Mercenaries,

Status: Healthy, Intrigued

Group 2

Observe: Slipp ??? Lvl: 9 Sub-Title: Council Soldier Age: 26 Total Age: 57

Specialty: Subterfuge Second Class: Engineer

Main Title: Exile of Palven

Relations: Daughter of Saren Arterius Mother:???, Council

Status: Depressed, Concerned,

Observe: ??? Hotshot Lvl 24 Sub-Title: Council Vanguard Age: 31 Total Age: 341

Specialty: Demolitions Second Class: Adept

Main Title: Fallen Matriarch of Ios

Relations: Maldova's Mercenaries, Council

Status: Bored, Angry, Agitated

Observe: Chari Lvl 27 Sub-Title: Mercenary Soldier Age: 30 Total Age: 123

Specialty: N7 Soldier Second Class: Cerebus Vanguard

Main Title: Chief of Security

Relations: Daughter of ??? ???

Status: Moody, Depressed, Agitated

Observe: Lady Maldova ??? Lvl 39Sub-Title: Mercenary Age: ??? Total Age: ???

Specialty: ??? Second Class: Advanced Adept

Main Title: ????

Relations: Mother Deacesed, Father Deceased, Children Deceased.

Status: Angry, Scared, Anxious

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”Fucking hell...” I said as I blinked repeatedly at them.

”Everything ok?” Sophia asked.

”Good everything is done. Let me fix the frequency.” I said as I activated the final components.

Both teams were gathered around an old Mako. Waiting on my signal that the cycle cleaner for our suits were done. Apparently, it has been nothing but trouble. The groundwork and the finding of absolutely nothing the last few days on the surface, took its toll.

”Alright gather around. These devices will alert you for any hot zone nearby. It will also cycle any toxic air to breathable air. Any main neurotoxin into manageable air. Still, use caution. Let's check out all these tunnels and stay fresh. There should still be a danger present inside.” I said to everyone despite the fact this was not they're the first rodeo, and they knew the info already.

After a diagnostics of all gear, everyone calms down. We went our separates ways into the back tunnels and came across an abandoned shaft.

”Riku check to see if that is operational still. If it isn't cut the line and set up a rappel system for a quick descent. Mia check around for salvage material and what happened. Sophia give me a hand checking out this corpse.” I gave out orders before moving to the body.

”Not a problem boss,” Riku said as she got started on her task. She moved her head up and down the sides and checked under the console. ”aha, ” she said as her omni tool started to glow. She also tapped something on her wrist. Pulling something off she dropped it into the shaft.

I left that alone she is trained I think. Holy crap I need to check on her actual skills for this world. But in the meantime. This is more important.

”This guy should not be here. But then again my info is technically outdated. Let's see what he has on him. Sophia go over his vitals I would like to know what happened to his body. I will check his omni-tool. Lunabelle gather all the information you can and scrap it, if it's unusable. If the Omni-tool is salvageable I will remove it.” I said while checking the gear.

A few minutes there was a problem. First from Riku. Then Sophia.