16 My Power Up, and the Crew. Info Dump Chari & Mia Part 1 (1/2)
System: Your first heart is now capable of pumping blood faster throughout your body via the circulatory system as normal. An additional enzyme is now produced everytime blood is cycled through. The enzyme is called Psycha-I. As well as supplying oxygen and nutrients to the tissues and removing carbon dioxide and other wastes in the body as normal. A triple-walled sac has been added to your pericardium, that encases your heart. This additional layer will serve to protect the heart and anchor it inside the chest, a low-level energy barrier from your Pyscho Power has been placed to keep it in Synchro with your body. Between the outer layer, the parietal pericardium, and the inner layer, the serous pericardium, runs pericardial fluid, which lubricates the heart during contractions and movements of the lungs and diaphragm. Your Soul Power is constantly emitting energy into your second heart slowly. But enough about you, would you like to take this time to go over the upgrades for your team? All categories for them has been based on your thoughts that you believe will help them.
(Sure anything to distract me from this!) I bit down hard on my teeth. The pain of cracking teeth through my gums was barely enough to lessen the pain. I feel little holes drilling all over my skin. Seepage was coming through all over.
Galtea: Pulling from the Dragonball Xenoverse Universe for Riku... commencing pull ...Low-Level Saiyan DNA obtained. Comparing to Al Bhed DNA... genetic clashes detected modifying to give racial bonus without completely changing DNA structure. Riku has agreed to the advancement. User, You must give a genetic vial to Riku from your lab. Until then the transformation will not take place.
(Gotcha, gotcha I'll make a vaccine or something like a flu shot. Matter of fact I'll start a medical file on her that Luna can encrypt that way if I get murder or something there is proof for her advancements, and a way to help her if something goes wrong.)
Galtea:...User that was a fair assessment...I am proud.
(Argh crap!) I coughed up some white goo through my mouth staining the base of a lab table. It's a good thing I left Mia on a far table away from the door. (Dammit Galtea how much longer.?)
Galtea: 7 hours, 13 minutes, and 2 seconds.
(Oh man!) I flip over to my back tacking small breaths. I turn my mouth to the side hopefully I don't choke myself.
Galtea: Pulling from the Persona 4 Universe for Alistair... commencing pull ... connection established with The Throne arcana. obtained. Comparing to Final Fantasy Tactics internal system... fusing with the squire, white mage, black mage, knight class, and summoner class. A stronger class has now come forth. Bonus have been given to Alistair for being the first of his kind. Alistair has agreed to the advancement completely. User, it would be wise to give a genetic vial to him as well from your lab. Until then the transformation will not take place. His biotics will rise to a higher level. Recommend you make a new implant when you have the time or least a small one that can we can modify.
Galtea: High-Level pull has been used on support. Acquired Makai Kingdom Chronicles of the Sacred Tome. A large portion of reserve points has been Spent to prevent you from transforming into the tome. A substitute has been placed in its place. Fusing into the User... User has obtained Lord title, Your Netherworld is now locked until you have reached the appropriate level. Creatures created from your Netherworld are Human/Special not a demon. You receive additional benefits as well. We will go over when you are more cognizant. 3 hours 2 minutes and 34 seconds remaining.
(Oh by the god's that felt way better .Why couldn't all feel like that.) I felt like I was made of water, light as clouds.
Galtea: User the rest of your organ.... formation is left... I just paused it for the link of you and your Netherworld. The influx of magical energy could have damaged your heart... so get ready for the pain again.
(You are definitely a Sadist Lady!)
A little after 3 hours go by, and the procedure is done. My body is matted in raw flesh and old blood. I have spent the last 10 minutes after the procedure is done coughing and spitting.What was left over that did not go through my pores, I have spewed into the toilet. Took another bath when I was done to get cleaned up.
System: To continue from before, common pull used with conjunction of first free character creation. Engineer was created. Second pull used, using nonactive points as well to create a professor. Downloading them into your mind. Name and credentials have been added. They are now a citizen of the Citadel. Let's go over the upgrades that were all applied.
'Go for it.' I said while checking over my body and looking over some gear to buy on the Citadel.
System: 300 points spent on Lin Kuei training Intermediate. 200 points spent on sending Lin Kuei basics to Alistair and Riku. 100 points spent on the engineer to have info knowledge Imperium. 200 points on info weaponry Imperium. 300 points spent on armory info. 500 points spent on copying info on geneticist and 300 as well for her to be an apothecary. 1000 points spent on creating credits. Conversion rate done. 1,000,000 credits acquired spending on material. Material on route to the ship.
”Knock knock” someone was at the lab's main door. I yelled ”I will be there in a few seconds! Hold your horses!” I made my way to the door grabbed my new briefs and pants putting them on. Just as I reach the main door it opens as I fasten my belt.
Chari stands before me in a military issue training bra, combat boots, and shorts. Those are what I noticed first. Then I saw the combat knives on her legs with ankle weights, arm weights. She also had a brace on her back with metal coils that went to the legs and back up to her arms. Moving had to be extremely difficult. The training level had to be ridiculous.
”Sunstrider are you gonna invite me in or just stare at me all day?” Chari had a smirk on her face that showed coldness and maybe a hint of amusement. At least she still treated me the same.
”Come on in,” I said to her as I leaned on the frame with my hand on my chin taking in the sight. ”I can stare at you all day in my room without others getting in the way” I motion for her to enter the lab. When she passed by me I had to start to mediate a little bit. The intermediate allows for a little of it while moving. Her very scent drove me nuts. (System what the hell is going on with me now?)
System: You are horny as usual that second heart of yours will also increase your arousal state. In time you should be able to handle it... I think. Consider it as you are going into puberty again.
Before I could address her. A spike of biotic energy went off near me. Didn't' have time to react evasively I threw up a shield.Lv4 43 /110 Biotic Shielding I was still reeling from the shock. The blow from a Chari went right through my shields and smacked across my face. Fear of me almost dying instantly had to push my biotics. A whitish-blue barrier absorbed the full blow dissipating the energy and shutting off whatever biotic ability that was. What the hell was that, did her feelings transfer in the blow or something? I had to rub my face as I was smacked open palm by Chari.
Chari just looked at me, hands curled like she was ready to use me as a punching bag. She started to yell at me, ”What's wrong with you? Do you have a death wish or something? Experimenting by yourself in a lab without alerting anyone, what were you thinking? Bad enough all the entrances where locked and no one else could get in. Maintenance is pissed that the codes are changed to get in. I am, pissed that my codes can't get in, I am fucking security.” She paused finally. She must be done. I was so wrong. She came up right to me pushing me onto the second table. ” What would you have done if you died? Nothing cause you would have been dead you idiot. Do not do that again!” To emphasize that point she pokes me in the chest as she pronounced each word. ”The captain may give officers damn near free reign as long as result show but I make sure you idiots stay alive you got that!?”
Chari was right in my face, her breath smelled like fresh cut lemons. ”First I absolutely love this position. How did you know I love lemons? Second, what's wrong with me? well, my body is really weak and I need strength to accomplish my goals, and strength to help the people I promised to help. Deathwish no. Been there done that, don't wanna do it again but most likely will.Third, if the experiment had any adverse effects wouldn't want it causing a problem for the crew just that simple. Plus I was not paying attention and was like 99.00% I would be ok.” Chari raised an eyebrow at that last part. I moved my legs behind her keeping her close. ”What, you have to haveroom for error.”
On the final parts well I would have been dead so we wouldn't have this conversation. I understand that it's your job to keep me alive I am in good hands then. Just make sure you keep a good grip ok Chari?” I kept my eyes lock to hopefully show I was serious. She placed her hands on my thighs.