15 Talking to the System and working on Myself (1/2)
After a few hours moving everything to the new ship, I settled into my new science lab and quarters. I made sure to get myself fully healed by using the ships omnigel and equipment. No sense in using my own supplies. Slipp still ignored me but fuck it, not on my top list of priorities right now.
I placed Mia in one of the observation rooms I had in my lab.It had all the amenities for her so she should be ok. Her omni tool was on lockdown and synch to the Cerebus node that way Luna could watch and maintain checks on her vitals and alert me for any changes. From what I gather from what Luna told me her cellular breakdown was gonna be a tough thing to crack but it was doable. Luna also said she wishes to speak with me once there was time. Apparently, there was a lot to talk about along with some info she found in Mia's Omni tool.
Still had trouble with it being my lab but the Captain made it clear to me give it a few days and I will be fine. She didn't spend more, than what was needed to with me. I couldn't tell if she was upset with, didn't care what I did, or had confidence in me. She explained what was needed in my unit. We are the science field team that's about it for now, and that Alistair, Riku, and now Mia where my responsibility. She made it clear, their pay would be dealt with by me only. For that matter any others I bring to the crew fall under me.
Riku and Allistair took the adjacent rooms across from the science lab. They were about the size of dorm rooms neither spoke of any complaints. Both said it was better than the usual digs they slept in. Told them both to come to me later if they needed to talk but other than that after I get everything straightened out I would visit them and we can discuss how to help them and when we could go. At the mention of that, the smiles on both of their faces became damn near radiant.
”Talk to me in a few days' Boss I am gonna get some sleep. With no monsters around la la land is calling my name.” Riku skipped off into her room throwing her clothes to the side before the door even closed.
After taking a shower I placed some sleepwear on and pulled out my omni-tool. I looked up some material to read. Specifically on genetics. I pulled up the basics and advanced. I then tried to get better control of my sub mind by focusing specifically on this task while splitting my focus on my main mind onto the consciousness on my Lin Kuei meditation. With this working so far, I switched my main mind to address the system. For all purposes to outside watchers, I was hoping it would give the feel of me relaxing but also studying.
Quest 1 Save the Patron Reward: Exclusive info. Cleared Info has been sent your Omni-tool
Quest 2 Save Slipp Reward: Companion quest. Completed Speak with Slipp to Start
Cerebus Mission: Apprehend Mia Reward: Choice. Completed option to receive either her loyalty or order her to do one hit for you with a high success rate. The choice is yours.
System: 6x common pulls, Cerebus Blueprint, Digital field: has been configured from data retrieved from Mia's Omni-Tool and added to Cerebus node,
System Points: 4440
Companion Points: 170
(Gonna have to take my time on what to do with the specific stuff reward wise. So system care to explain my mood swings?)
System: The mood swings are a result of your psycho power. It has mixed with your renegade influence. Your soul power has mixed with your paragon choices. Your understanding of the Lin Kuei is keeping a balance.
(What happens if the balanced is broken?)
System: Mental degradation and a personality shift. If you continue down the renegade option you will become more aggressive, but arrogance will seep in as well first. You can expect more episodes of you being a prick to me and others as well.A dominant personality will begin to manifest. If you wish for a quick path to power this is the route to take. But be forewarned user not many survive this path. The psycho power is not for the faint of heart or of the weak-willed.
After a little pause, the System begins to speak again.
System: The Soul power will create an aloof personality. You will become detached with a common interest and begin to go towards a higher calling. Focusing on the end goal and not the means to take to get there. You will give off an otherworldly feel and an air of sophistication average people will tend to move from to keep from stopping your path. Strong-willed people will flock to you seeking guidance.Maintaining a balance will keep you integrated like a regular person not excelling in either route never getting either's full power. Considering your desire for power I assume you will go full Pyscho power.
(Hmm, food for thought. But most likely not I want to retain a lil more control of my self yeah may go balanced. Why do I have memory problems still?) This was the big one and the main reason for my agitation.
System: That is on the Universal System end. You have been pulled out of the driver seat, so to speak. Outside of my control and governance. I was unable to observe, what was then going on myself. My connection with you is undergoing maintenance as we speak.
(So what are you doing to fix that. I mean hey I am trusting you with my very being so there has got to be something you can do? You are undergoing maintenance?) This sounds like a train wreck. I forgot that she is more of an operator of the System than the System itself.
System: The steps have been taken to repair my console and I have received compensation from the higher part of the Universal System. The maintenance on my console shall be done in a few days. Then I will run a new check on everything.
(So are you like hurt or anything? If so tell me that way it should help me from lashing out at you.)
System: Thank you I will keep that under advisement.I have a proposition for you user.
(Hmm, go ahead you have my full attention. Well, my main attention anyway. What is it?)Please let this work out somehow. I have got to get stronger without losing my shit, or becoming a dick for that matter.
System: We can enter a pact. It would allow me among other things, to keep from lying to you and vice versa. And will allow me to give more info.
(Huh sure, it's not like I was lying about anything anyway.) Eh, you have been lying well fuck it all.
System: Do you wish to not hear all the terms first before agreeing? One shouldn't enter these so arbitrarily they are quite old and have a lot of conditions and ties that predate even...
I cut the System off at her rambling of old traditions and whatnot. Don't know if it was me or the psycho power that did it. But something was telling me if I heard it all I wouldn't want to continue.
(If it will get you to trust me not really. It's not like it will end mind controlling me are anything right? Or force me to do things will it?) Better not if it does what would be the point.
System: Doing so will allow more than surface thoughts to be read between us. With me being a higher life form, it will not work on your end till you reach a higher level. But I will be able to read deeper into your mind. We will also be able to help with the assimilation of your different selves, and power's you acquire. I will have the ability to intervene in a crisis situation at a cost.
(Uh huh..so you can go look around my crazy lil noodle deeper, but I can't look inside yours. That seems like a jip. But considering what's inside your head might kill me it makes sense. But will you tell me more and not just straight up ignore me?). At this point, I will take what I can get.
System: ... I will do my best User.
(Dammit just fuck it. I died once already let's do more stupid things with my life.) This better not make me pass out. I was able to finish one mission without doing so don't wanna start jinxing myself.
System: Pact Confirmed..initializing now…
(So what now?) I didn't feel a thing.
System: Over the next few days we will integrate more. Till then work is the best course of action. And I am sorry User from the thought's I have grabbed so far I have been a tad bit cold to you I will rectify that.
(Holyshit you just apologized! Totally accepted. So what the hell is your name?) If there is a difference between her and the System should have gotten her name, in the beginning, did I ask? or no?
Galtea: My name is Galtea. And yes you have asked but it was while you were passed out, not really something to answer to.
(Nice intro there Galtea let's try to get along better. Why do I keep meeting women anyway?) Not that I am really complaining they are quite interesting so far. Well, the ones that don't try to kill me anyway.
Galtea: This is mostly due to your own arrangement as well as my own.
(Uh huh, so wait a minute is this from the survey questionnaire I first filled out?)
Galtea: That is correct. For the most part, you are driven by your libido due to your lack of achievement in your life. A constant need to prove yourself and self-worth has caused your desire to gear towards a more sexual nature. Sexual exploration will not solve all your problems you will need a balance. The Lin Kuei understanding has brought you closer to normal levels. Your stubborn trait and refusal to give up your current self, has kept you balanced in that regard. I recommend you get married to a few wives to knock up. Those old archaic needs and beliefs of leaving an heir out of the way will solve a lot for you.
(Thanks for the analyzation there. If I would have pursued a relationship with Slipp would that have solved my problems as you put it instead of doing the tutorial ?)
Galtea: It would have decreased your problems yes. However you romantic notions would make the choices with her harder. She is a hard woman to court with your current beliefs. I recommend you begin a polygamist lifestyle. After you get stronger of course. Your hedonistic behavior is more suited to that. One man one woman does not work for our kind that well.
(I am only a heathen sometimes... polygamy sounds nice and all but one I don't have the money. Two I don't have the ability to protect them and I don't have the problem of them protecting me with them being stronger than me that will probably lead them to get killed for my actions. Three where am I gonna keep them when I am rifted? Four I am usually a better friend than boyfriend, not really husband material. Five I am selfish and honest that is a terrible combination looking at my track record. Six through ten I have no idea what goes there so yeah....)
Galtea: I will mold you into one then. You forget you are not a normal man anymore you will have to adopt new outlooks.
(Leaving that to you then. The planning of that will be up to you and I guess Luvia once I get to talk to her again.)
Galtea: It is good you remember her. Never forget about her ....ever.
(Ok...I won't. That sounds like a problem flag if I have ever heard one. What gives?)
Galtea: There is a war coming in the future. Users will play a strong role in it. That is all I can say at your current level.
(Right then so power is what I heard I need, recommendations?) Felt my butt pucker on that, not gonna lie don't want to get scrapped at the beginning of the upcoming war. I wonder if I will become a war criminal or will I be able to keep my sanity.
Galtea: Moving on. You have been given temporal portals for the error the System has made with your mind and outside interference. I will hold on to them till you have a better understanding of the gravity of these devices. Also to keep you from just porting and taking powerful things from others.