14 Saving A Matron? Part 2 (1/2)
'Activate Lv3 39/100 Misty Fist Lv243/150 Adrenaline Rush,' as I tackled my assailant close lining them in the chest. My observe finally showed results it went from bad to worst. Shots went off in the lobby area. A lot of shots. I yelled to Alistair.
”Go now, help Riku we will take care of this.” Don't know who I was fooling with this but gotta learn to buckle in. Plus my soul/pyscho power wasn't letting me stand down.
Alistair didn't hesitate for more than a few seconds backpedaling outwards heading to the lobby. Well, at least we have another possible survivor. Taking a look back at Slipp and the Matron the info for my observe was done and compiled. Ihad a few seconds to make heads and tails of it all while putting my sub mind to work on the residual info. I really need to learn how to do this ability actively. I am gonna need every bit advantage for this fight since sending Alistair away. What to do about this though...
Observe: Mia Leng Lvl 10 Cerebus Infiltrator/Vanguard Specialty: Hitman
Relations: a genetic clone of Kai Leng & Maya Brooks
Status: Mentally unstable, drugged, critically wounded
Observe: Slipp ??? Lvl 8 Ex-council Soldier Speciality: Subterfuge
Relations: Daughter of Saren Arterius Mother:???
Status: Depressed, exhausted, emotionally wounded
Observe:Sha'ira T'Soni Lvl 17 Spectre Speciality: Vanguard
Relations: Daughter of Matriarch Benezia Father:???
Status: Low-level mind-control, Partially sedated, Confused
'So many questions... my adrenaline rush is almost done. Damn it focus on the assassin everything else deal with later.' After getting myself straightened up mentally, Ikicked Mia in the leg bad move on my part.
”Your still such a sloppy fighter you know that,” said Mia as she flipped my leg back forcing me to fall on the table. Glass breaking from the drinks going into my back.
Health 15/74
”Damn this wine burns!” ' I forgot to heal myself yup need to rest and think stuff out. Memo to self no auto heals and going from mission to next place or scenario does not get me fully healed. Speaking of mission glad I didn't start one just yet.'
”Chsih. Woom woom.” I looked up in the corner of my eye. Mia had gotten an Omni blade ready. She tapped something on her wrist console then it highlighted red.
”Damn them! They are just useless and will not cost me this mission” Mia said to herself frustrated. She looked over to Slipp ”you and me we are gonna have words Turian don't go anywhere.”
A biotic field started to fluctuate around her. 'It wouldn't have been too alarming,just from feeling it but it was red and black and those colors are usually the ones that end badly. What the hell guess this is gonna be fun.'
System: Sending Quests now. Activating Cerebus Node quests.
Quest 1 Save the Patron Reward: Exclusive info
Quest 2 Save Slipp Reward: Companion quest
Cerebus Mission: Apprehend Mia Reward: ??????
'Oh, what the hell!' I stood up throwing some glass at my assailant. A few scratches on her face and a cut on the mouthpieces cloth. I moved back a few feet to get my bearings. I looked over to Slipp. She stood in front the matron guarded and ready with a heavy pistol drawn. Her eyes darted around from corner to corner. 'Damn she knows her stuff, her dad must have taught her well.'
”You shouldn't drop you guard failure!” Mia yells as she biotic charges over swinging her Omni blade at me. Her strength from the charge was downright inhuman for her frame, that speed was too quick.
'Lv4 13 /110 Biotic Shielding activate' ”yeah I wasn't. I was just baiting you to attack so I could do this” I paused as I observed my biotics shield clash with her blade. ”I may be a failure but at least I am not a looney toon like you” I shifted my shield arm that was against the blade guiding her to move to the side following that angle.
System: Persuasion Check 10 Strength Check 14
My guess was right there was no way I was gonna beat her in raw strength. Gonna have to use some cunning on this one if I was gonna complete the quest let alone survive.
”Boom, Crackle” her blade and my shield pusled when they came apart from the clash on her descent. I couldn't' miss this chance I came down with a fist strike of my own to hit her in the back to try to stun her a little at least.
Her hand caught the ground and she twirled, on the one hand, she closed her legs togethor into a wide kick. The blow knocking right into my arm. I took a few steps back from that one. ”Holy shit that was hot and freaking cool as hell,” couldn't help but say. I Immediately rushed in to put on pressure.
System: Charm Check 10
I started to focus my shield into a smaller zone mainly my left side to guard with. Focusing on my right side I tried to focus more with my misty fist.
System: Wisdom Check 18 Intelligence Check 16
It worked my misty fist on my left arm condensed to just my fingertips and the shield focus more on my left side but took on a whitish blue glow to it as well as becoming less sporadic. While my right arm became thicker with small traces of pink and purple mixed in the water.
Health 13/74
System: New abilities unlocked will describe after the encounter if you survive.
'That's very unsettling system yah know that. We are gonna have a talk after this the very moment I am done here.' Speaking of unsettling,I would have to unsettle her to get her to drop her to guard. It works in the movies all the time it should work here as well.Plus with her condition, it should be easy with her being unhinged, maybe if I cure her that will help. Well, curing will be the last ditch effort.
”It must suck being a puppet, well no... that's not right... puppets are used for shows and bring joy to others. I got it,” as I sent a kick to Mia's side that she move away from with little effort. ”Your being used as a mobile doll showing off what pretty little things we can make. Don't worry as long as you keep them drugged up, they will think they are useful. Look at that craftsmanship and detail.”
System: Persuasion Check 17
”Shred,” Mia yelled as she sent biotics flying my way. They missed me and went flying into the light fixture. ”I don't need a lecture from a failure like you!” Her hand's armor spread open like it was trying to cool down. ”Tssh tssh” hot air came from the sides. I was able to glimpse a few drops of blood drip down.
”I mean don't get me wrong from what I could see you are crafted well, very well but not well enough. There are obvious flaws in the design especially upstairs. Such a bad clone, when are you set for termination?” I saw her eyes dilate at that statement and her biotics flared up.
'In for a penny in for a pound.' ”I mean hey you said I'm a failure and I am still not dead, I was able to get from the rogue scientist who is trying to take of Cerebus from the Illusive Man. And he is a higher operative than you. What's that say about you?” I moved in and got a decent hit to her stomach. I Moved my left fist to strike against her jaw, only doing little damage and cracking her mouthpiece. She didn't even buckle as her Omni blade came up from underneath us. I hurriedly placed my right hand unto my left pushing down to mitigate some of the damage.
We struggled to move about the area knocking down lamps and pots.
Shi'ara bellowed out ”that was a priceless artifact!”