The crowd became silent. It was too much of an information to digest. Arjun gave them the time. After all it was the similar situation find him when he learned all the stuff from the void. So as an experienced candidate, he knew that the nine of them needed some time to come down.

After around half an hour, Sitaram finally broke the silence and said, \”So the first step would be to let our soul divide into two parts. From the divided soul, Our avatar would be created just like yours. But this is not an easy task. We need to undergo a hell lot of mental torture while the sole tearing process begins. Is it what you're trying to say?\”

\”That's right.\” ,Arjun replied.

Gutherson asked, \”Young master! How long would this process take?\”

Arjun pondered for a while and said, \”It took me five years of hellish torture before success. I think it would be the similar case even for you people.\”

\”Five years?\” ,Ben was speechless. He asked, \”Big brother! How did you survive this torture?\”

\”As a cultivator, I want my fate to be controlled by me alone.\” ,Arjun said with determination, \”In the process, if you're going to face these kind of tribulations, then you have to do it without any complaints. I trust you Ben. I know that you have the talent. And if this is the reason why I chose you as one of the ten candidates. If you want greater power, then you have to pay some cost of equal proportion. So, are you ready? Or you are satisfied with your current status as an Universe Will?\”

\”I am prepared.\” ,Opportunities comes only once. If you don't seize it, then you will be regretting it for the rest of your life. As an ordinary Delivery Boy back in the Galaxy Pavilion, Ben always felt jealousy towards the primary or Inner Disciples. All you needed was an opportunity to prove his talent. But that opportunity never came.

Until Arjun came in his life. Arjun has completely changed his life. It was like ascending from hell to heaven. He was unique as he could be both combat master and lifestyle master. This achievement is something he had never seen before.

Today another greater opportunity is knocking on his door. So how old is say no for it? If he needs to face a hellish torture in exchange for a greater power then he would gladly face it.

\”That's more like it.\” ,Arjun then looked at others and said, \”I already told you about the concept of Mental Energy. Mental Energy has levels as well. Generally, a genius could reach Level 1 at fourth awakening stage. But I reached even Level 2 this early. All this became possible because I was able to endure this hellish mental attack. Hi when you have this possibility. You can awaken your mental energy to Level 1! So this is an once in a lifetime opportunity.\”

Arjun concluded and waited patiently for them to make their decision. After a moment of silence, Arjun said, \”I will take your silence as no objections. So are you all prepared?\”

\”Yes.\” ,Everyone said excitedly. Give up? There is no way they would give up. This is an opportunity for them to reach a greater heights. So why would they object to such an opportunity?

\”Alright then.\” ,Arjun smiled and said, \”Make your will strong. Prepare mentally. Because this pain is not something you have experienced before. I will count to 10. As soon as I reach \”ten\”, I will start the soul tearing procedure. Get ready. And remember. If there is no pain, then there is no gain!\”