561 THE TRUTH (1/2)

\”Enter into your conscience?\” ,Sitaram asked, \”What exactly is the procedure?\”

\”I can't tell you here.\” ,Arjun said, \”It is kind of confidential.\”

Sitaram and others didn't ask anymore. They don't know why Arjun asked them to enter in his conscience. But since he is going to tell them after all nine of them entered his conscience, they didn't further complained.

Arjun would naturally never hides his secrets from them. But today he is secretive with others. Only the nine of them were summoned today very secretively, they could understand how serious this matter is.

In fact, Arjun was secretive about this issue back in the Life Realm. They understood how serious the issue is. So, they didn't ask any further. They entered into their own conscience first. And very soon a tunnel opened in each of their own conscience where it's destination is Arjun's conscience.

Everyone of them entered Arjun's conscience indifferently. But as soon as they entered, they were shocked by what they were welcomed with.

If there was a City, then it would be fine. But Arjun's conscience was totally empty. It was as if they were in a pitch Void! If they could see anything within Arjun's conscience, then that was only that weird liquid. And they weren't foreign with that strange liquid. They saw Arjun using that liquid during battle against the Assassins Organisation back in Life Realm. And Arjun called it with the name Void Qi!

\”Big Brother! Your conscience... I don't know how to say it. But it's kind of empty.\” ,Ben said in astonishment.

\”It's not empty.\” ,Arjun smiled and said, \”It's just that, you can't see it.\”

\”Can't see it?\” ,Gnan asked in confusion, \”What's that supposed to mean?\”

\”You will understand very soon.\” ,Arjun said, \”But right now, please follow behind me.\”

Even though the nine of them doesn't understand, they just followed behind Arjun. Very soon, they stopped before a giant door.

Looking at this giant door, Ben and others rendered speechless. They all looked up to see the door's ending. But it was futile. The door was so huge that, they couldn't even see the ending. They were truly frightened when they saw this door.

\”What is this giant door?\” ,Gutherson asked.

\”Be patient, Grandpa.\” ,Arjun smiled and said. Back when he was forced to come near this door, he was stunned as well. He expected the similar reaction from others as well. Back then he had to inject his Yin-Yan Inner Will to open this door. But this time he doesn't have Yin-Yan Inner Will at all. What he has right now is the mighty Void Qi which is waiting to reach the Primordial level!

Arjun then turned back. He ignored the terrified expressions on the nine people and said, \”It's alright. You won't be harmed. Please walk through this door. You willl find the real frightening thing after you walk through this door.\”