\”What do you mean by last conversation?\” ,Arjun asked.
Void said, \”A Void like you or me can give power of Void to ten people. Why do you think only ten? Why can't there be eleventh or twelfths member? Do you know why?\”
\”I don't know.\” ,Arjun replied honestly.
Void said, \”It's because the ten candidates a Void chose won't be a Void like you.\”
\”They won't be a Void?\” ,Arjun was serious as he asked, \”Then what exactly they will become?\”
\”How should I explain it to you?\” ,Void thought for a moment and said, \”You know that I gave birth to an Astral and a Chaos world, right?\”
\”Yes.\” ,Arjun acknowledged.
Void said, \”In your case, if you are the Void, then your ten candidates would become Chaos and Astral. In other words, they will have equal status as both Chaos and Astral world. You have awakened the Void Qi. But they will awaken Chaos and Astral Qi!\”
\”Chaos and Astral Qi!\” ,Arjun Kind of understood where this conversation is going.
\”Then I can decide who will get the Chaos Qi and who will get the Astral Qi?\” ,Arjun asked.
\”No.\” ,Void said, \”Listen to me carefully. This will be an important issue. This might force you to change your plans a little!\”
As Arjun listened attentively, Void continued, \”When you started your training in Void, your soul was split into two parts and then your Avatar took birth. Am I right?\”
Arjun nodded his head in agreement. How could he forget that horrible experience where his soul was being torn into two pieces when he wasn't prepared for it? And the birth of Jimmy is something he won't forget in his life at all.
Void said, \”All your ten candidates has to undergo that horrible experience. Then their Avatar would take their birth. Where their real body would be given the Chaos Qi from you. And your Avatar Jimmy would take care of their Avatars.\”
Arjun nodded his head. He understood what Void wanted to say. After Arjun gave birth to his Avatar, he devoured the Chaos energy and kind of became the \”Chaos Void\”. While his Avatar Jimmy devoured the Astral energy and kind of became \”Astral Void\”. The same concepts were applicable for his ten candidates.