Jimmy smiled and said, \”Our city has many villages under it's jurisdiction. Because of weak family background, they couldn't afford to let their children cultivate. Even if they want to, but their financial background is so shallow that they are helpless. And the higher officials like us would never bother to groom them. Because since we need to take care about our own cultivation, we can't afford to groom them.\”

\”That's right.\” ,Bill said, \”We barely manages to gather resources for our own cultivation. How can we bother to groom others? Even if we really wanted to, we truly can't afford it. After all, cultivation is something easily affordable for the strong family background. The likes of us has to struggle to gather resorces.\”

\”To be honest, we don't have any proper cultivation teaching. Back in our pavilions in the God Realm, we were unworthy assets for our Pavilion Lord! We were sent here to gather cultivation resources which are easily affordable in the War Realm, but tough to find in the God Realm. We don't have any proper cultivation teachings for ourselves. How can we afford to teach others?\” ,Daniel said emotionally.

Jimmy went silent. He never thought that these six Pavilion Lords who were always respected by the citizens here had such a miserable past. He truly pitied them. He said, \”I am sorry to hear that. But in order to increase the number of soldiers we need to do it. We have no other choice left here.\”

\”How about this?\” ,Sitaram said, \”We will ask those poor people to work for us in the Resonance Mine. And we will teach them the basics of cultivation. Among those children, if we found any talented people, then we will take them as our disciple and groom them. Everything depends on those children talent. We are giving them a chance to prove himself. As for how far he can go, it will depend on their efforts.\”

\”I think this will work out.\” ,Jimmy said, \”With this we can not only lower down the number of disciples, but we can also get the talents. By keeping the long term development of the city in our minds, I think that we had to do it. With this we can also minimise the resources consumption cost.\”

The Six Pavilion Lords sighed. Even though this plan would bring them loss in terms of resorces consumption, they had no other choice. So they agreed.

After that, Jimmy said, \”But now, we need to award our warriors in public. So let's conduct awards ceremony in the public square.\”

\”This will be great.\” ,Andrew said, \”This will improve our committee's relationship with the public. We will get a step closer to their hearts.\”

Everyone agreed. They needs to maintain good relation with the public. In the times of crisis, this is very important. So, the committee has announced the public award ceremony which was given a positive response by the public. The ceremony would be conducted next day.

But since their children were getting an opportunity, they were excited. They immediately agreed to participate in the mining work in exchange for their children's cultivation future. They didn't hesitate at all.

And with the things developed to this extent, both Arjun and Jimmy were free. They were thinking about giving the power of void for the ten people for a while. But the time was merciless as it didn't allow them so far. Today they want to give the power of void to ten people. They already had those ten candidates selected a long time ago. But they still had a problem.

If they gave Rick and others the power of Void, then their is a possibility for them to start cultivation from the very beginning. They are prepared for this. But when keeping the city which is in crisis, they were hesitating. If Rick and others don't have their current cultivation, then how are they going to defend the city with their power?

This was indeed a troublesome situation. So, they decided to ask for the Void's suggestion. Since they had contacts with such a mighty existence, their is no problem if they wanted to take some suggestions from the Void.

So, Arjun asked within his conscience, \”Lord Void! I have a doubt. Please clarify it.\”