Sitaram and Gnan gone back to the meeting place where all the district governors were there. They then started to discuss the strategy for the upcoming battle against assassin's organisation.
After 20 hours the guard came with the spatial rings which Arjun asked to deliver to his grandfather.
Sitaram immediately called all the troops and district governors to the training ground. There were around 2000 soldiers who came to fight against the Assassin's Organisation. All of them were assembled there.
Sitaram then started to distribute the spatial rings for the soldiers and governors. Each person was distributed with 10 spatial rings.
Sitaram shouted, ” All of you, please wear the rings to all your 10 fingers.”
Everyone started to follow Sitaram's orders. After some time all of them wore the rings on their fingers.
But everyone were surprised. When they were called, they thought that they were called for some strategy meeting. So everyone were mentally prepared for it. But they were surprised by the different outcome. They were given some rediculous rings.
Sitaram continued, ” Now everyone, please inject your Magic at the middle of the Ring. Please inject on all 10 rings that we have given to you.”
Everyone were stunned even more than the last time. They started to think in their hearts
[What the hell is wrong with him. Is he sick or something. ]
[ OK. You called us to this town because we are going to fight in a battle. But what the hell is up with this ring. You gave us the ring, that is alright. But why we have to inject our magic. ]
[ Dude! Speak something that is related to the current situation. ]
But none of them dared to speak out loud. They injected some of their Magic at the middle of the Ring.
The moment they injected magic , they felt that their exist a strong connection with the Ring. They felt as if they and the rings are one!
They were surprised. Even the district governors were no exception. They thought
[ What is happening! Why am I feeling as if this ring is the closest thing in my life. ]
[ What a feeling. This feeling of closeness, I didn't even felt it when I was with my wife!]
[ Wow! I feel their is a space inside the ring!]
The district governors knew that these rings are Arjun's creations. Because Arjun already told them that he is going to forge a storage device. But they didn't thought that it's size was way too much small and easy to carry it. But they didn't imagined that an 18 years old kid could forge something that didn't exist in the history before.
This Time nobody doubted Sitaram's order. In fact they were following the instructions excitedly this time! After they tried to put their weapons inside the ring and they were successful.
Everyone noticed one thing. All their weapons were inside the ring but none of them felt any weight. They were stunned by this.
[ OH! What is this magical ring? it's awesome. ]