” A storage device that will guarantee us the victory?” , Sitaram asked doubtfully.
” What exactly is that?” , asked Gnan curiously.
” Before I tell you what is that, I want you to know one thing ” , replied Arjun, ” Spatial ring is something I created after refereeing some forging books. But the storage device which I'm going to forge is something that will be my own creation. So success rate is low.”
” But if I'm successful in this, then the victory is assured. ” , replied Arjun.
Sitaram and others were stunned. Gnan then thought, 'Right now, we don't have time for all this new creation. Because the thing what we lack is time itself. '
Sitaram smiled and asked, ” What exactly kind of storage device is that?”
Arjun replied, ” We can easily assume that, the enemy will be atleast a 6 - Grandstar realm or 7 - Grandstar realm warrior. All his or her underlings could be minimum of 4 - Grandstar realm warrior. So what I want to know is, who is stronger warrior in our group?”
Sitaram replied, ” Oracle's district governor Wayne 5 - Grandstar realm warrior is the strongest one in our group.”
Arjun replied, ” That means we don't have chance to obtain victory. Am I right?”
” Yes. ” , replied Sitaram, ” But we have no choice here. It's not like the enemy will wait for us to get strong, so that we can have a even battle. Nobody wants their enemy to get stronger. Everyone will try to destroy their enemy when they are weak. ”
” That's right. ” Arjun replied with a wiry smile on his face, ” That's why I came up with new invention which will guarantee us the victory for sure. ”
Aeron was annoyed and said, ” Just don't put us in suspense. Just speak what exactly is in your mind?”
Arjun replied with a wiry smile on his face, ” It's actually a storage device which I will give it to all the soldiers. All the soldiers and governors has to do is pour all their magic into it untillthe device will totally full and reach it's capacity. The device will store their power in it. This is exactly what they have to do. ”
Arjun continued, ” Then I will create another storage device which will gather all the power from all the storage device which I gave it to the soldiers and governors. Then all their power will become one power. This one power will be the key. If we blast the combined power on the enemy, then they are sure to doom. Because 7 - Grandstar realm is the limit for the magic users. But the combined power of all the soldiers will be much greater than the magician who is in 7 - Grandstar realm. ”
Arjun continued, ” This is the weapon which will be my first own creation which didn't exist in the history. I call it, 'The Umity Weapon '.”
Everyone who heard Arjun's invention's mechanism, they had only one thought in their minds, ” HE IS INSANE!!!”
Gnan shouted, ” Are you out of your mind? Do you think such thing is possible? There was no one who was able to do it. No one in the history! ”
Arjun replied with a smile on his face, ” Well your Son will be the first one to do it.”
Gnan said hurriedly, ” But..”
Sitaram interfeared, ” Do you have any other options?”
Gnan said hurriedly, ” But Father, you know we don't have time. Even if he can invent it, he will take lot of time to master and complete it. Time is exactly what we lack the most right now! ”
Sitaram asked, ” Then what do you think we should do to achieve victory? Do you have any efficient plan?”