357 Discipleship 1 (1/2)
It was early the next morning when Jun Wu Xie awoke. Jun Wu Yao had disappeared once again and she walked outside. Ye Sha appeared before her.
Jun Wu Xie stared at the familiar yet at the same time unfamiliar face in silence.
”Master Wu Yao has left to seek something. Please do not worry and wait here for a period.” Ye Sha said stoically.
Jun Wu Xie was thoughtful for a short moment before she guessed what Jun Wu Yao was seeking for.
He had mentioned yesterday that he would find a way to heal her soul to become complete again, but an incomplete soul was not that easily mended and what could have made Jun Wu Yao leave to seek can only be something that can heal her.
Jun Wu Xie felt a sudden warmth spread from her heart and only nodded to Ye Sha. Ye Sha then disappeared and his presence was completely erased in a moment.
The previous Ye Sha had done the same thing, protecting her in silence, and unnoticed.
Jun Wu Xie turned her attention back to the present and walked further outside. If she was not able to return to the Lin Palace, she had other plans in mind.
In the garden, Yan Bu Gui sitting on the stone bench, with a wine jar in hand, while he observed Fei Yan and Rong Ruo sparring each other. Right beside him, Hua Yao and Qiao Chu who were still rather weak stood. They had not recovered enough from their injuries to undergo any intensive training.
The two figures moved quickly in their battle, their speed an incessant blur, their actions too fast to be captured by the eye.
As Jun Wu Xie approached, she was watching the match between Fei Yan and Rong Ruo and she realised that the power of those two were in no way inferior to Hua Yao and Qiao Chu.
At such a young age and to possess such power, it was surely startling to many people.
”Little Xie?” Qiao Chu spotted Jun Wu Xie approaching immediately and he zipped right up to her without a moment's hesitation.
”You came here just at the right time. The match between Fei Yan and Rong Ruo is just heating up. Don't miss the show.” Qiao Chu had reached out to pull Jun Wu Xie, but he suddenly retracted his hand.
Jun Wu Xie nodded anyway, and followed Qiao Chu into the garden.
Hua Yao and Jun Wu Xie nodded in greeting.
Yan Bu Gui was trying to observe Jun Wu Xie discreetly when he found the cold eyes looking right at him. Yan Bu Gui immediately averted his eyes and kept them on the match in front of him.