356 I’m Here Now 5 (1/2)

”Before that is achieved Wu Xie, you cannot go back.” Jun Wu Yao said suddenly.

Jun Wu Xie raised her head to look at Jun Wu Yao. When Jun Wu Yao had said go back, he had meant the Lin Palace!

She can't go back?


”Your soul is no longer complete. You must have used an attack that utilised and burned up your soul. If your opponent still lives, he can use that piece of your soul and trace it back to you and find out your location.” Jun Wu Yao explained in all seriousness as he looked at Jun Wu Xie. He had not expected Jun Wu Xie to use her own soul to carry out an attack, as the price for such an attack carried too heavy a price.

Jun Wu Xie's eyes widened in surprise.

When she had used her soul to strike at the opponent with the black beast, she had fully intended to kill him with it. If Little Lotus had not forcibly intervened, she might have perished together with the little black cat and the white robed man. Due to the forced termination of her attack where she burned her soul to achieve, it was possible that she might have left bits of her soul within the body of the white robed man.

Had he died then?

Jun Wu Xie could not be certain. Although Ye Sha had dealt a devastating and deadly blow to the white robed man that day, when it came to the people of the Middle Realm whom she knew nothing about, Jun Wu Xie did not dare underestimate them.

Jun Wu Yao had only painted half the picture with his words, but Jun Wu Xie knew what the other half comprised.

If she were to return to the Lin Palace, the people from the Palace of Flame Demons would find her there. And Jun Xian and Jun Qing would sacrifice everything to shield her and the whole of the Lin Palace will fall!

She had set her heart so strongly on returning, but the way home had been cut off mercilessly. Home had become a place she longed for but was unable to return to…..

Jun Wu Xie suddenly felt her heart wince, that brought about a dull ache. She was already weak and now, her face turned even more pale.