Chapter 243 - Shawty, Lets Party Till The Sundown! (1/2)
If one asked Xiu what it felt like being a celebrity, she'd quote what Megan Fox once said, ”I've learned that being a celebrity is like being a sacrificial lamb. At some point, no matter how high the pedestal that they put you on, they're going to tear you down.”
And if these words didn't reflect the life Chen Xiu lived, then Xiu didn't know any other words for it. People say being a celebrity sets you free but Xiu could say that being a celebrity was the real hindrance in her life. Being a celebrity is also a dangerous job. One day, the fans shower you with a lot of love but the very next day when you try to do something for your own happiness, those very fans turn their backs on you.
What fans never realize is that if they put their trust in the celebrities, the celebrities also put their trust in their fans. Because for a celebrity, fans also become a family but do you realize how it hurts when that said family tries to tear you apart?
Staring at Dylan's face under the dim lights of the bar, Xiu was going through a surreal experience. She had to do a lot of convincing to get Dylan out of the office in the afternoon when the office hours weren't even over now. She had heard the term, 'Die-hard fans.' The ones who are willing to be there till the very end no matter how the wind has changed its course. But it was her very first time being an acquaintance with that said 'die-hard fan' and that too of herself. It that wasn't surreal, what else could be?
Dylan felt really uncomfortable being at the end of her piercing gaze. He swirled the whiskey in his glass while trying to look anywhere but Xiu. But her aura was so damn strong that he could feel her gaze even at the back of his head. He gulped down the bitter drink and asked, ”Are you even allowed to drink? I thought Dazi asked you not to drink with others.”
Xiu took a sip of her drink saying, ”He said not to drink with others. You're not others. Or are you?”
Dylan brows knitted together at her reply. She didn't seem drunk since her eyes were still focused and alert. Then why was she talking so differently?
Meanwhile, Xiu had already had enough drink down her throat to make her tipsy. ”Oi, Didi!”
”Eh?” Dylan looked at her with a raised brow.
”Reporters tarnished Chen Xiu in every way possible to the point where even all her fans went against her. You should also give up on her like she gave up on herself,” spoke Xiu while tracing the top of the glass with her index finger. ”People still blame her for things she didn't do. Why don't you try hating her as well? Perhaps it'd make your life easier.”
”My mom says that sometimes people pretend you're a bad person so they don't feel guilty for the things they did to you. And I believe the ones who still don't want to accept her goodness are only those people who knows that they are guilty of her suicide.” Dylan's reply left Xiu in a stumble.
She leaned back in her chair and laughed out like a crazy person. She laughed to the point where even her tears started falling. However, only she knew those weren't the tears from her laughter, those tears were because of the idiot sitting before her. There was a limit to how much a celebrity could mean to a fan. But Dylan seemed like someone who really crossed all those limits and borders.
She wiped the corner of her eyes saying, ”Man, you're really a dysfunctional person.”
Dylan looked at her eyes for a moment longer. Even under the dim lights, he could see that her eyes held a bit of hurt. What he couldn't put his finger on was... Why? Why was she hurt? However, since he didn't want to take the blame for her tears, he tried to joke, ”I know, I'm dysfunctional. After all, I put that 'fun' in 'dys-fun-ctional'.”
Xiu's brows raised slightly before she laughed at his face again, ”Bro, I put the 'hot' in 'psyc-hot-ic' as well. You can't compete with me.”