ONCE all the lights below the stage completely disappear, the guests inside the pavilion also started to leave. They were escorted by different NPCs. Some showed a satisfied expression, some looked thoughtful, while there were others who seemed very unwilling. With this, the live broadcast also ended. Whether it was a success or not could only be known the following days.
Yu Jiao was still sitting inside the private box provided to her as instructed by Luo Yan earlier. Thinking about what he said, that he would introduce her to his team mates, the thought made her even more nervous. What if they didn't like her? What if they thought she was weird? What if she embarrassed Luo Yan? Those thoughts kept circling inside her mind. Making her more and more nervous by the passing minutes.
She didn't even know how long she waited. Even the performances on the stage, she couldn't manage to enjoy. That's how nervous she was. She kept drinking tea to alleviate her nervousness. She probably had already drunk buckets by now. If this was real life, she'd probably gone to the comfort room a number of times already.
She was about to drink another cup of tea when the door of her private box opened. She turned her head towards the door and saw an elf with white hair walking in. surprisingly enough, the elf looked just like the NPC courtesan Luo Yan was playing. Well, at least the upper half of his face was. But this one was not wearing the red robe but a white cloak over a black costume.
”Jiao Jiao, are you ready?”
Hearing the familiar voice and seeing that familiar smile, Yu Jiao knew that the one in front of her was indeed Luo Yan.
”Um,” she answered, standing up and walking up to him.
”Then, let's go?”
She nodded and followed Luo Yan outside. They started to walk towards a certain direction.
She wanted to ask about his team mates but she felt that it was a bit rude to just ask about that without any kind of preamble. So, she asked instead; ”I-is this your real game avatar?”
”Yes. I didn't actually change my avatar, I just died my hair temporarily to black. Now, it returned to its original white,” Luo Yan answered. ”This look is prettier, right?”
Yu Jiao was unaccustomed with this side of Luo Yan. A guy calling himself pretty should be a bit disgusting in some way. But since it was Luo Yan, one couldn't help but feel that, 'yes, it's just right for him to consider himself that'. Because no matter what others said, he was indeed pretty.
”Both suits you,” she answered honestly.
Luo Yan grinned. ”I know. But I just prefer this one. It brings more magic in the air, don't you think?”
Yu Jiao nodded.
Luo Yan noticed that Yu Jiao was fidgeting, even clasping the hem of her shirt. This girl was probably nervous again. He already had an idea why.