Chapter 260 - THE END OF OPENING NIGHT (1/2)

”You ask how deeply I love you

And just how great my love is

My affection is real

And my love is true

The moon represents my heart

You ask how deeply I love you

And just how great my love is

My affection does not waver

And my love doesn't change

The moon represents my heart…”

--- The Moon Represents My Heart

WHEN Shen Ji Yun heard Luo Yan sang the first word of the song, he felt an arrow stab straight to his heart. It's not because the rabbit's singing was particularly great. It's simply because Luo Yan was the one who's singing. Add that to the fact that he was singing about love and Shen Ji Yun just simply felt like he's in heaven.

Luo Yan's singing voice was particularly sweet. He was singing it in a way as if the person the song was pertaining to was standing right in front of him. Making his voice full of emotion. Shen Ji Yun couldn't help but fantasized that the person the rabbit was singing to was him. Imagining this, his heart began to beat faster and faster. As if he's participating in some kind of race. And the one waiting for him at the finish line was none other than Luo Yan.

This weird train of thought almost made him want to beat himself up. Seriously, when did he become so cheesy? He looked back at the stage and stared at the figure clad in red. He once again felt that special thumped in his chest. The heartbeat that was solely dedicated to Luo Yan. At the end, all he could do was helplessly smile.

Because that's just how helplessly in love he was with his rabbit.

”Wow. I didn't know Xiao Yan could sing,” Bai Ze said on the side full of admiration for his little cousin.

Su Yuqi didn't comment but anyone could see on her face that she was very satisfied with Luo Yan's singing.

Luo Jin, on the other hand, was totally unprepared. He didn't that his second brother had prepared a song number as the finale performance. He suddenly remembered that Luo Yan also danced in that advertis.e.m.e.nt video. Could his brother have a natural talent for these things?

He wouldn't want to enter the entertainment industry, right?
