5 Do or Die (1/2)
Henry wanted to get out of there ASAP, he ran as his life depended on it. He was so panicked that, throughout his mad sprint, the System had to often correct the steps he took to prevent him from falling. Nonetheless his dreams of escaping were soon crushed.
'' System detects a 4 man squad, rapidly approaching from Hosts left. Does host wish to initiate evasive manoeuvres or engage in combat? ''
'' EVADE !! There's no way im fighting them. It's not reasonable. Their ship is RIGHT above us, why do you even offer the option. Stupid AI. ''
'' Engaging evasive manoeuvres. '' Said the System in his head, not even hearing the rest of his answer. ''
He lost all feeling in his legs as control switched over to automatic. The System made him switch course 45 degrees to the right and kept running. Dodging the trees and rocks in his way, Henry was getting anxious about his pursuers, as he couldn't see them.
'' System, how far are they behind, I can't see them. ''
'' We can offer Host a view of detection range. Would Host like to see such information? ''
'' Yes I would really like that. ''
A round screen appeared in the upper right corner of his sight. It looked like a radar, with 3 layers in it. He guessed it was separated in layers of 100 meters. He could see in the 'radar' 4 dots of light that were slowly creeping closer the middle. They were a little more than 200 meters behind.
After a few minutes of chase, the small armed group was almost on him, only 50 meters behind him by what he could see. They started shooting at him and he was going to get hit any moment now.
'' System advises a change in strategy. We recommend to engage enemy in guerilla tactics, as fleeing is no longer a viable option. ''
'' Shit! What are our chances in combat with the recommended tactics? ''
'' We estimate a 60% chance of victory without injury. ''
'' And if I permit a minimum of injury? Like a flesh wound let's say. ''
'' System can guaranty victory with only minimal injuries. ''
With a shot nearly missing his shoulder, he decided to go with that. Disappearing from his assailants sight, he ducked behind a rock and stayed low to the ground while circling back to get behind them. On the way, he let go of the jetpack and rifle he was carrying, as they would get in his way. The System was clearly pathing his way, but for once, he was in control. He wanted to learn this, as his survival depended on him being capable of such fighting.
The Tamarain soldiers had come to a stop. Losing sight on their target, they were now surveying the trees awaiting an evident ambush. While they were in fact expecting to get ambushed, what happened next took them off guard.
Running out from his hiding spot, Henry yelled as he ran at his enemies. The System had recommended him so, as it would confuse the well-trained soldiers. They were indeed confused, as not one of them thought about taking a shot and 1 even stumbled back. Taking advantage of the moment, Henry pulled out his 2 knives and slashed the first man's throat with one knife. Pivoting on his left foot, he stabbed the second one under his chin, right into his brain. Leaving the knife there, he ran back into the forests cover, dodging the plasma shots from the 2 remaining soldiers.
'' I can't believe that worked! Hahahh! ''
He was very satisfied with what he had done, but the fight was far from over. Spotting a large tree he went to hide behind it. Looking at his newly acquired mental radar, he could see that the 2 Tamarains had taken chase on him. They were moving slowly, but surely enough, they were closing in on him.
'' System recommends Host to climb tree and wait for assailants to come around before dropping on them. ''
'' Good idea! This is where you shine. Maybe I'm not cursed after all. ''
He hurriedly climbed the tree. He got about 15 meters up, before having to stop making noise. The soldiers were very close now. As they slowly made it around the tree, Henry awaited the signal from the System. Getting his green light, he dropped down on the first soldier, stabbing him in the heart. He then quickly raised the Tamarains arms, with the rifle in them, and blasted 2 shots into his second target.
Meanwhile on the ship. A tall man in military attire was in the control room, watching from a screen. ON the screen was a display of his men's body cams. As one by one, the displays lost power, due to their users dying, rage was clearly gaining his heart.
'' How is he killing a full squad while being alone. He doesn't even look like a soldier. ''
'' We don't know sir, he appears able to predict our soldiers movements. ''
Bringing his fists down on the console before him, electricity sparked from his hands. The crew on the bridge, were all frightened of that power. Captain Hart was the officer's name. He was a class C Tamarain fighter, who had climbed the ranks quickly, due to his potential. Being class C meant one could extend the electric current to a small part of their body and externalize it, bringing forth lethal weapons from his own body.