4 Choosing a Path (1/2)
Having left the library with rage at heart, Henry headed back to his cave in the forest. The System mapped him a path in accordance to how he had traveled thus far. Making back there he sat down and let his emotions pour out. Half crying and half enraged, he yelled and hit the trees outside the cave until his knuckles bled.
'' System, what would be the fastest way to kill all those sons of bitches. '' He asked angrily.
'' We can see 2 efficient ways to achieve such goals. The first would be to join the military, as they are in constant battle with the Tamarain threat. But System would like to advise against that as military forces do a frequent DNA check to regulate their soldiers. ''
'' What's the other way then. '' He asked, almost frothing to the mouth.
'' The second option is to become a mercenary, a war hound of sorts. User would need to buy equipment and weapons to enact the second option, as they would not be granted by the military. ''
'' But i don't have money! How do you want me to buy gear if I don't even have a penny to my name. ''
'' System suggests Host go back to entrance of lab, where he killed his first hostile and loot corpse. There should be a plasma rifle and a flight enabling backpack still on body. ''
'' Can I even still go there? How far is that? ''
'' We estimate half a day's walk to site of crash. ''
'' Fine. Then let's get going. Show me the way. ''
Once again, the System made a mental map appear to him and he started walking. Making use of the forest density, he sometimes jogged a bit, to shorten his distance. Getting the mountain in sight, he was happy of his progress. Only 8 hours had gone by and he believed he could make it to the mountain in only 1 more.
Finally making it the side of the mountain, he went into full alert, making sure to keep on his toes in case the scouting party was still around. Slowly walking towards the corpse of the Tamarain, he encountered no one. He took the rifle from him, which was strapped around his neck. He wasn't capable of firing it, as it's power source was on the ground, dead, but at least now he had some hope. He tried taking the backpack off of him too, but it was apparently stuck to his back.
'' System, how can I take the jetpack off of him. '' He asked, not wanting to leave such bounty laying there. ''
'' Host will have to dislodge backpack from his nape and spinal cord to remove it. ''
'' Okay, but how do I do that. That thing is stuck to him like glue. ''
'' Soldier has a knife in his belt, Host will have to forcibly separate backpack from body using said knife. ''
Locating the knife on the belt he took it out. He then proceeded to stick the knife between the back and jetpack until he was at the hilt. He slid knife down, following the edge of the backpack, feeling all the flesh he was cutting through. Once he had reached out of under the jetpack, he stepped on the Tamarain's head and yanked on the backpack, dislodging it with a suction sound.
'' SYSTEM ON FULL ALERT!! We have detected the scouting party airborne and incoming. We advise host to hide or get ready to engage in combat. ''
'' I can't fight them, it's 3 against 1!! Could I fire at them with the rifle? ''
'' System detects enough energy remnants in Tamarain body to fire 2 shots off rifle. With Systems aid in aiming, Host could take down 2 hostiles. ''
'' What about the third one. ''
'' System will advise Host once situation advances, as it cannot predict enemy movements. ''
Dragging the body into the tree line, Henry hid behind a cluster of closely grown trees, waiting for the Tamarains to land in the clearing he had left. A few seconds later, he heard the jetpacks overhead, and then saw the 3 soldiers land. They inspected the ground and then noticed the marks left by him, when he dragged the body into the forest. Cursing at himself for being so stupid, he realized it was time to act. He put the rifle back into the body's hands and ordered the System '' Fire the shots, make 'em count! ''
* Thud *
As he heard the bodies crumple to the ground, Henry dropped the rifle and zig-zagged into the dense forest, hearing shots whizzing near his head.
'' Hostile number 3 has taken chase of Host on foot. Recommended course of action is to circle back and confront threat. ''
'' Okay, guide me, and don't fuck up! You and I both don't want to die here! ''
'' Affirmative ''
As the System took slight control, guiding his steps, he circled around. Weaving himself through the trees, avoiding the rifle shots, he closed in on the Tamarain soldier. When he got near enough he ducked behind a rock. Hearing the shots stop and footsteps getting closer, he asked the System to notify him when to lunge. Holding the knife with a firm grip, he waited for the signal.
'' Proceed! ''
In a swift motion, he jumped out from his hiding spot, ducked beneath the rifle's aim, lunged and stabbed his assailant straight in the throat. Seeing the soldier grab him, he yanked out the knife and struck again, this time in his ribs. Feeling his grip loosen, they both dropped to the ground, one dead, the other his breath taken away.
'' I did it. I DID IT!! ''
He felt so relieved to have survived this encounter. Now all he had to do was to consume a part of them to live longer and grab his loot. He had noticed a small chariot in the burnt village when he taken away in the humvy the day before. he decided to go look for it and come back to take his loot. Coming back with the chariot a few minutes later, he put all his newly acquired jetpacks and rifles in the chariot, grabbed 2 knives of his victims, strapped them to his own belt and went on to slit his wrist and theirs to gather their genes.
'' Host has obtained an additional month from soldier's body. ''
He heard that notification 3 times, once for each Tamarain.
After absorbing their blood, Henry became curious about the effects of draining their body completely. So he asked.
'' System, would I gain more lifespan if I were to drain them of their blood completely? ''
'' Negative. Only the set amount of gene consumption grants Host lifespan. This limitation was implanted to restrain unnecessary desecration of body. ''
'' Why? They are enemies after all. ''
'' Measure was put in place by a superior officer of Project GoWSS when maniacal tendencies was noticed in earlier subjects. ''