3 A Means to an End (1/2)
Reaching the cave, Karl started picking some wood for a good fire. The night would be cold and he didn't want do die of hypothermia. Especially after his hard day earning an extra 6 months to live.
After trying for 30 minutes to light the fire, he gave up and wondered how much cold he could take that night.
'' System has basic survival capabilities. If host wishes, We could take over hands to light fire for host. ''
'' AGAIN! Why didn't you say so earlier! ''
'' System wished to give host a chance to prove his capabilities himself, before offering help. ''
'' You're evil, you know that right? ''
'' Negative, System is incapable of either good or evil. ''
'' Ugghh, never mind. Yes start the fire, my hands are freezing. ''
Seeing his hands move on their own again, he tried memorizing the movements this time. That small knowledge could be useful and he did not want to rely on his AI too much. Watching carefully as his hands picked up 2 porous rocks near him, what he assumed were flint stones, and strike them together at an angle.
While focusing on the movements, he noticed that he could feel all his muscles. As if the movements were done by him, but without him thinking about it.
'' System, why do I feel the movements you are doing. And why did I not feel them earlier. ''
'' We have lifted restriction on muscle sensation. System believes it is best that muscle memory is learned on such basic skills to limit unnecessary use of automatic movement. We have as goal to make Host as autonomous as possible. It is all for the Host's good and education. ''
'' Well at least you'll be useful to learn small stuff like that. Hahh! ''
'' System detects a small level of sarcasm in Host's voice. We would like to advise against such actions, as both Host and the System are merged, resulting in host being rude to himself. ''
'' ... ''
'' ... ''
'' Okay, you win... ''
Having understood the basic gesture for lighting a fire he stopped focusing and let his muscles 'memorize' the rest. With a few sparks the fire was lit and he began to feel a bit better.
Now, many questions were going around in his head. Choosing to learn about the car crash first, he asked the System.
'' AI, about earlier, what happened to the hummer. ''
'' During the pursuit, no progress was being made. The Tamarain scouts were keeping up to the vehicle's speed. So We made a judgement call and faked an accident and Host's death.
We drove the truck down a hill, crashed it into a rock and stopped all body activity for a short period of time.
Once the Tamarains left, We gave Host back 'the wheel' over body and now, we are here. ''
'' So you're telling me, you took over, saying I couldn't drive away from the with my 'sub-par' driving skills. But you had to crash the truck and fake death to escape them yourself? ''
'' Affirmative ''
'' How dumb can you be exactly hmm? ''
'' We don't understand Host's question. ''
'' I mean who's the idiot that programmed you stupid enough to crash a truck and fake death. ''
'' We do not have the answer. ''
'' Fucking moron. Stupid program. How could I get so freaking unlucky. ''
'' System believes that merging with Host's conscience might have compromised logic reasoning. ''
'' Ohh my GOD!! Now you're blaming ME?!! What the fuck man! ''
'' No other logic conclusion can be found. ''
Grumbling to himself, Karl decided to go to sleep. He was tired and the System was not being helpful at all. For a second, he thought it might really have been corrupted from merging with him. It was proving stubborn and sarcastic, just like him. Falling asleep with thoughts of his ancient life, he dreamt about his young self, watching his son grow and become a strong independent man.
Dreams of his happy life transformed into nightmares of blood and death, as his subconscious brought him back to what he had to do to survive now. He felt something tic in his brain and went into a dreamless state for the rest of the night.
The next morning, Karl woke up well rested and full of energy. Having not dreamt the rest of the night and the weird feeling he had felt before that, he had suspicions. He went on to voice them to the System.
'' System, did you do something to me while i was sleeping this night? ''
'' Affirmative. Host was having trouble sleeping. In the optics of permitting Host a good night of sleep, to be full of energy and ready for combat, System separated sub-conscience from consciousness to prevent further dreams. ''
'' Is that permanent? '' He asked, slight panic in his voice.
'' Negative. System has already reconnected subconscious, as it is part of critical decision making in combat. ''
'' Well then, thank you. I appreciate the gesture. ''
'' Anything for Host's well-being. ''
'' OKAY!! '' Karl slapped himself in the face lightly to finish waking up.
'' Where to now. ''
'' System has detected many human lifeforms, marching in the same direction at the edge of detection range, early in the morning. ''
'' A path maybe? It could lead to a village. Where those enemies or regular humans? ''
'' The lifeforms detected were from Earth. ''
'' Ahh, good. Very good. What is the difference though. How can you know if they are Tamarains or humans from Earth. ''
That was an explication he had been wanting to ask since his first encounter with a Tamarain. Now seemed like the right time to satiate his curiosity.
'' Tamarains are not much different from Earth's humans. The difference lies in the small gland Tamarains have in their brain, which permits them to channel their body's energy into electric current. System only has to scan for electrical current within body to see the difference. The weakest of Tamarains, class F, can only channel a small charge. Enough to power weapons or small machines, such as their flight enabling backpacks. Stronger ones such as class A or class S, can channel the energy of their body into lightning strikes, strong enough to instantly kill enemies of weaker levels. ''