Chapter 246 - Unearthing a Star (1/2)

Lei Xing cast a quick glance at the Emperor and then knit her brows. She was aware that she had rushed through her explanation and that he probably understood nothing of it...and she may or may not have done that on purpose.

Naturally, he would have questions, she expected them but still, she dreaded them. Doctor Lou had acted as a buffer of sorts, she had simply focused on her irritation with him and spat out the words.

Now they were alone, it was awkward and she felt incredibly pressured to make it sound alright. She was hesitating and she disliked the feeling.

{... I already said it and he already heard it, giving a further explanation isn't going to make him leave me or anything...What if he thinks I'm weird or crazy? Or worse, what if he gets angry that I lied to him - Technically, I never lied. I just omitted all unnecessary and confusing information, two very different things (  ̄^ ̄ )...Who the hell am I kidding? I'm screwed!  T_T)...}

”Xing er'...” The Emperor called when she still had not responded.

Lei Xing glanced at him and then her eyes shifted and she hesitantly began, ”Um...Well...I, um, it's not that I am not her per se...This is still her body's just the soul...” Lei Xing mumbled as she glanced at him again, feeling incredibly nervous.

{...Should I be begging or something?... This is so frustrating, stupid doctor! I hope you heard that! And I hope you choke on your next cup of wine! >_

The Emperor sighed, he had barely heard what she had said, ”Xing er', I can't help you, if I don't understand the situation. Answer this first, if you say you are not Lei Xing, then what happened to her?...Did you kill her?” The Emperor asked with knit eyebrows.

”NO! No, I did not. I would never kill anyone.” Lei Xing immediately defended, finding her courage as she directly looked at the Emperor with an appalled expression.

The Emperor let out a sigh of relief, that was his most pressing worry. While he did not know this other Lei Xing, he did care for Lei Yong. So he would feel conflicted being with the person who murdered his sister.

But now that was off the table, he felt much more at ease.

The Emperor relaxed and looked at the nervous Lei Xing, who was looking away again with a frown. He could tell that she was offended and probably irritated with him for asking that question.

Normally, she would have said more to him, but clearly she was feeling quite timid at the moment and was holding it in. A small smile tugged at the Emperor's lips and he sighed again, ”Xing er', I just what to understand your situation. You should know that regardless of what you say, I will not harm you.”

Lei Xing looked back at him with an irritated frown, feeling upset that he did not believe her. She said with conviction, ”I did not kill anyone. I had no choice or hand in me being here. As I said, I fell off a ship and woke up in this body. As to what happened to the prior owner, I assume she had drowned in the pond.”

The Emperor raised his eyebrows as he came to a realization, ”You never lost your memories...”

Lei Xing let out a little nervous laugh, ”Technically, I did lose them...” When the Emperor narrowed his eyes at her, she promptly backtracked and went, ”Okay... I just didn't know how to tell you the truth, especially with it being such an odd truth. I wouldn't even believe me...I mean, we weren't even close then and I thought you would kill me or lock me up or something...”

”...And later, it was just hard to bring up. You know, it's not exactly something you talk about over breakfast. I didn't know how to say it and honestly, what would have been the point of bringing it up? It would simply be starting unnecessary trouble, just like that old man is trying to accomplish with this. It's not like talking about it would solve anything. The bottom line is I'm innocent,  I didn't do anything wrong and it's not my fault.” Lei Xing finished her rambling and looked at the Emperor with a pout and an accusing expression.

The Emperor blinked at her a few times and then could not help smiling. This was probably the most he had heard her talk.

Lei Xing raised her eyebrows and blinked at him.

{...He's smiling, that's a good sign...right? I think so...I'd like to T_T)...}

”Just so we're clear, you're from another world and you died and then you woke up this body, Lei Xing's body. Is that correct?” The Emperor seriously asked, his smile was gone now.

Lei Xing was put back on edge and promptly nodded, ”That's what I've told - I mean that is what I know.” She knit her brows and explained, ”I had thought my soul had simply traveled back in time because where I'm from, this setup, this setting, a time like this did exist about a thousand years ago or -”

”A thousand years?” The Emperor exclaimed, blinking at her.

Lei Xing nodded, ”...Or more, I did say it was a futuristic world when compared to this one. You wouldn't believe the things we have there, we have lights, guns, nuclear weapons, we can fly -”

”Fly?” The Emperor exclaimed blinking with knit eyebrows, starting to doubt the validity of her claims again.

Lei Xing eagerly nodded again, ”En, well not really. There's this thing called planes which are like huge carriages that can fly, I really used to enjoy flying...Too bad I'm not mechanically gifted otherwise I would have made my own inventions...Ah, but I could still make some, like an oven, which is basically just a modification of a kiln, I think. I'm pretty sure it will work. Ahh, baked goodness~ You need to try pizza, pies, the good stuff, all amazing...” Lei Xing finished casting a longing dreamy smile in the Emperor's direction.

When she saw him looking at her with a puzzled and amused expression. She immediately recalled the kind of situation she was in and promptly reined herself in and demurely said, ”...But that doctor told me it was a different world. So that's it...”

The Emperor calmly looked at her for a bit as he thought things through. He was seeing her in a different light. She seemed different just now when talking about ”her world”. He was honestly not sure how he felt about all this, but it was not necessarily a bad feeling.