Chapter 245 - Revelations (1/2)
Lei Xing and Doctor Lou sat there deeply engrossed in their staring contest, so much so that they seemed to have forgotten that there was a third person in the room.
The Emperor glanced between them, unsure what to make of this situation. He had never seen Lei Xing look so heated. Doctor Lou on the hand, seemed to be amused, and this amus.e.m.e.nt seemed to be driving Lei Xing up the wall.
Now that the Emperor thought about it, why did Lei Xing think this old man could help? She must have known something about this old man and this old man appears to know her quite well. Their relationship seems quite close.
Rather than break them up, the Emperor decided to hang back and let it play out. He had an inkling that he might just discover something new about his beloved Empress.
Doctor Lou finally broke the stare-off and stood up with a triumphant smile, ”Since the situation here is like this, I will be leaving now~”
The Emperor could clearly see a dark shadow come over Lei Xing's face, as she lowered her head with a frown. In the end, the Emperor's hope for learning more about his wife, and this mysterious voice were dashed.
The Emperor inwardly sighed and decided to ask Lei Xing about her bad mood after sending the doctor off. So he stood up to bid Doctor Lou with a polite smile, ”I know about your great appetite and taste for wine, so I have arranged a small gift to accompany your carriage home. The servants will have everything ready for you. Perhaps some other time, we can exchange a few cups again...”
Doctor Lou chuckled, ”I always knew you were the most reasonable...”
The Emperor lightly chuckled as well and said, ”Take care...”
Doctor Lou nodded with a grin, then turned to leave, sending a mocking glance at Lei Xing as he swept past her. But then Lei Xing suddenly grabbed his sleeve and stopped him.
Doctor Lou blinked at her and then let out a nervous chuckle, ”Xing Xing, this...You shouldn't be like this~.”
The Emperor saw what Lei Xing did and began, ”Xing e-”
”Sit down.” Lei Xing coldly said as she glared up at Doctor Lou.
Doctor Lou pursed his lips and seemed to be hesitating.”..Or are you being a coward now?” Lei Xing asked with a mocking smile.
{...Running after issuing a challenge? I would have thought it above your brilliant self~...}
”Of course not!” Doctor Lou indignantly responded with a pout. Then he flapped his sleeves and Lei Xing released him. Then he huffed back to his seat and sat down, ”I told you that I'm very busy...the sun will be setting soon, I naturally don't have all day!”
The Emperor looked at Lei Xing to see her now frowning with a very conflicted expression, he could clearly see she was struggling. Although, he was not sure what was going on between the two of them, seeing Lei Xing look so upset was infuriating. The old man's tone right now sounded condescending and the Emperor clearly saw Lei Xing's mood worsen because of it.
Even if they owed the old man, that did not give him leave to come here and bully Lei Xing. But before the Emperor could set Doctor Lou straight, Lei Xing said, ”I am not the real Lei Xing.”
Those words stopped the Emperor in his tracks and he turned to her with a confused frown, ”Xing er', what ar-”
”Just let me talk.” Lei Xing interjected, putting a hand up without even looking at him. She then took a deep breath and held her hands in her lap.
Then she let out a breath and continued, ”It's the truth. I am not the real Lei Xing - at least not the one you all know here. I am from the future - Ah, no it's a futuristic world that's different from this one according to this old man here, who could apparently tell just from ”looking” at me.” Lei Xing said narrowing her eyes at Doctor Lou, who promptly looked off to the side, pretending not to hear.
Lei Xing speedily continued, ”Anyway, I was on a ship, fell overboard, drowned, thought I died - I did die. Anyway, I woke up here in this body, in this time - in this world after this Miss fell in a pond and apparently drowned as well.” Lei Xing curtly finished.
And then without even giving the Emperor time to ask questions or digest her words, she raised the hand which held the bracelet and ring and continued, ”Then I met this doctor here, who gave me this ring, which apparently is able to detect poison - which is how I discovered your crazy mother tried to poison me....”
”...Also, this bracelet is apparently a tracking device, which is how he found me when I was lost, Oh, and it also doubles as a communication device that he has been using to communicate with me through the mind all this time. Even right now while you were sitting there we were having a conversation in our minds.”
”...The bottom line is that I'm from a different world, which is probably the reason for the whole birth chart error and this old man here is beyond suspicious and has been coaching me all this time to get with you. Hence why he definitely knows something.” Lei Xing finished glancing at the Emperor, who was staring at her with a confused frown.
Lei Xing knit her brows and promptly focused her gaze back on Doctor Lou and went, ”There, I told him. Now it's your turn. Talk...”
Doctor Lou turned back to Lei Xing and then he looked up at the Emperor, who seemed to be frozen in place staring at Lei Xing with a confused frown on his face.
”Xing Xing, you don't explain things like that...Look what you did to him. He's confused now.” Doctor Lou scolded as he pointed at the Emperor.
Lei Xing cast a quick glance at the Emperor and her heart jumped when she met his gaze. She immediately turned back to Doctor Lou, swallowed, and then frowned at the old man, ”Stop trying to avoid the topic and answer the question... Is it you?”
”Is it me what?” Doctor Lou asked innocently blinking at her.
”Are you the one that has been talking to him all this time. I find it hard to believe that some random voice told him that we're the ”perfect pair” and then you also told me all that crap about similar energies and whatnot -”
”Why do you find it hard to believe?” Doctor Lou interjected with raised eyebrows, ”If I could tell that you're the perfect pair, someone else could easily have as well. I think it's perfectly possible s-”
”Just answer the question. Are you the ”voice” he hears?” Lei Xing asked narrowing her eyes at Doctor Lou, the Emperor who had been frozen also turned to look at Doctor Lou.
The Emepror's mind had gone completely blank, he was hoping to learn something about Lei Xing but not this. What did her words just now even mean? Lei Xing had spoken those absurd words so quickly.
While the Emperor was still confused over Lei Xing's words, he did manage to understand that Doctor Lou was suspicious...and that Lei Xing apparently suspected that Doctor Lou was the Voice and that she had good reason to.
”Are you really?” The Emperor asked finally finding his voice. If it were truly him, the Emperor was not sure what to do after getting the confirmation. He would thank him, naturally...but then he would have so many more questions.