Chapter 312 - Goodbye, my love. (2/2)

”Oh... so you're concerned about him now?”

”No.” Tyler honestly replied.

”He's fine. But there won't be a next time.” Lena assured. ”And don't think that Gary won't get revenge on you. You just made an enemy with someone who can wipe out your system in 10 minutes. Better back a backup for your backup system.”

”I'll take that into precaution... but I am not here to talk about him.” Tyler looked at Lena. ”I am here about you.”

Lena glanced up from her hot coffee and looked at him. She gave him a confused look.

”Guessed all the chances I had... for something to happen between us are zero now?”

”Chances..? You never had a chance in the first place.” Lena replied.

”Hah..” Tyler laughed and then look down. ”I just wanted to know though... if you never met Kris, would I stood a chance?”

”...” Lena took a moment to think about the situation. ”I don't know... it's hard to imagine a life without him. And you don't really know how much you are in love with someone until you lose them.”

Lena continued to blow on her coffee. She took another sip before continuing. ”You can have a crush on someone, but you will never really know if it's love until you go through enough with them to know if they are the one.”

There was a good amount of silence as Tyler just stared at Lena and she was just casually drinking her coffee.

”I want a hug.” Tyler suddenly requested.

As he said that, the guard took a step close to Lena. Lena paused and look at Tyler. She knew that he was serious about it.

”I should at least get a goodbye hug.”

”Are you really saying goodbye to me?” Lena asked.

”I once told you... I don't pursue a married woman. I say that because I am a man who knows how to stop or take a loss. I don't go down easy... but people also say that if you love someone... you would want what is best for them.”

”I don't really want to hug you.” Lena replied back. ”But...”

Lena placed her coffee cup on the table. She got up from her seat and walked over to Tyler. She bent down and whispered something to his ear... and then she slightly gave him a pack on the cheek.

”Goodbye.” Lena smiled.

She grabbed her coffee and walked out... not caring one bit how horrible Tyler's face turned. Tyler's heart stopped beating and he blinked continuously... repeating what Lena had just whispered to his ear.

Lena head back to the elevator to go back down to the basement.

”Here. For you.” Lena handed her coffee to the bodyguard.

He looked at Lena and then took the coffee.

”You seem tired.... you need it.” Lena's eyes were glued to the man's reaction. He did not say anything. ”It's good. Taste it.” Lena smiled.

The bodyguard felt awkward... but he can't go against the Lady boss' word. He slowly brought the cup to his lips and took a sip.

”Its good.” He replied.

”What's your name?” Lena asked.

”It's Brandon.” He replied.

Just then, the elevator door opened.

”Good. Well, Brandon... I hope Kris doesn't hear a single word about what happened today.” Lena walked out. ”Or... Might I remind you that I did drink from that same cup of coffee... I wonder how Kris would react from hearing that.”

Lena turned around and walked back to Gary's room, once again, not regarding how terrified the innocent bodyguard's face was.

He looked like he was about to cry. He was contemplating to report to his boss... or saving his life.. why is the Lady Boss as much as a devil as the big Boss??!!