Chapter 312 - Goodbye, my love. (1/2)

Lena and Gary continued to have a good heartfelt chat about things. Lena discussed some plans with Gary regarding what he wanted to do next regarding his father and the Yang family.

Around dinner, Lena received a text from Tyler.

Tyler: Can we talk? :sadface:

Gary looked at Lena. ”If he can still make a sad face... then you didn't punch him hard enough.” He spoke.

”Should I go punch him again?” Lena joked but then she replied back to Tyler.

Lena: Sure, meet me in 15.

Lena sent the message and then looked at Gary again. ”By the way... I jabbed Tyler with something of yours.”

”What things of mine?”

”That needle thing of yours.”

”What needle.... Oh... OH!” Gary looked horrified.

”What is it? What's in the needle?”

Gary went close to Lena and whispered to her ear. Lena's face turned black.

”So.. it's a good thing right?” Lena asked. ”Cuz it's bad.... but I gave it to Tyler.. so it's good?”

Gary smiled at her. ”I am still going to tie that man up one day... and leave him in a room with Dr. Tye.”

”AHAHA!” Lena laughed. ”You have to remember the whip too!”

At the next moment, Lena recieved another text. But it was not from Tyler this time but from Kris.

Kris: Ur not allowed to go see him

Lena: Ur grounded so ur not supposed to text me

After a few seconds, Lena received a few more text messages.

Lay: Kris said that you are not allowed to go see him

Lay: Who's him?

Lay: He also said that you are not allowed to stay late with Gary

Lay: I think Kris really don't like being grounded

Lay: Do you think I can get invited to dinner too?

Lay: So I can get away from this devil?

Lay: How does Collin put up with this man every day?

Lena did not reply back to Lay or any other phone Kris was using to contact her. Gary did not feel hungry so he only ate something light before taking his medicine and going to bed.

After a few minutes, Tyler texted back to her that he was waiting for her in the lobby. Lena grabbed her bag and left the room. Without a word, Lena could sense that one of the bodyguards also followed her.

When Lena went up to the lobby, she went to get Tyler and they both went to the cafeteria. Lena got a hot coffee from the vending machine and sat down on a table further away from other people.

Tyler sat across from her while the bodyguard sternly behind Lena.

”So...” Lena took a sip of her coffee. It was very hot so she blew on it.

”How is he?” Tyler asked.