Chapter 243 - I am an only son (2/2)
”Wow... is this how you guy had work thing whole time? No, good morning or how was your day so far, or Hello.” Gary rolled his chair to Kris' desk as Collin just walked over.
Kris did not reply and just look at the computer geek. Gary sighed... he liked it when he was working for Lena better.
”I looked into the medical report as you asked. And you are right, someone did alter the information on it. And again, it's that guy you told me... what was his name again?”
”Ace.” Collin replied.
”Yes... now you see, I only put in a program to detect if someone is searching for information, not changing information. But I did finish coding in a program for that now. However...” Gary looked at Kris. ”I know I don't know this Ace man... but to me... seems like he isn't doing anything bad. He is quite cunning and skillful.”
”Like you...” Kris spoke.
”Yes! And I am a good guy.”
”Ace... he is a wild card.”
”I don't know why he altered Lena's doctor visit information... but he fed that information to your grandfather plus a lot of other fake sh*t. Like I said... I don't know the man... but from an outsider's view.. he looks like he is really on your side.” Gary pointed out. ”And.. he was the one who blocked the other third-person after I blocked the Long Law Firm.”
”Who is that third person that was looking into Lena?” Kris asked.
”Tyler Huang.”
Kris rolled his eyes... Tyler Huang.. again. He needed to do something about this man after he dealt with Ace.
”I am just saying... ” Gary continued. ”With my dad now underground again... he is probably planning something. He still has not found me again after I visited him... but Lena is still a wide-open target. I think it's not so bad to have an extra hand looking after her.”
”Are you implying I am not capable of keeping Lena safe?” Kris raised his voice.
”No. Maybe.... Look, all I am trying to say is that you are not a one-man army. Even I thought that I can protect Lena... and look at me now, I am letting you do 80% of the job.” Gary admitted.
”Don't worry about your father. I already have eyes within his circle.”
Gary was shocked. He knew Kris was good but the man looked like he doesn't sleep at all. Gary was the best when it comes to the internet and its world... but his father knew that well and when he goes into hiding, he goes dark so Gary too would not be able to find him.
”I don't know what Ace is up to...” Kris looked at hand... but noticed that he had forgotten to wear the promise ring. He needed to make that a habit. ”How's Keso?”
”He's fine. I have checked up on a few things. Lay had taken care of the miscellaneous stuff also.”
There was a knock on the door and a man opened it. ”CEO Li, your office called and said there was a man who is waiting for you.”
”He didn't have anyone scheduled for this morning.”
”Yes, I told them that, Secretary Collin. But they reported from upstairs saying that the man insisted he is your brother....”
Collin looked at Kris and then back at the man at the door.
”I'll be there soon.” Kris replied and the man closed the door. Kris opened his drawer, took out his a small gun and hid it in his body.
”You have a brother?” Gary asked.
”No.” Kris stood up and walked toward the door. ”I am an only son.”
Gary and Collin followed him out.
”Gary, you're staying here. You still need to deal with your real brother.” Kris stopped and looked at Gary who rolled his eyes.
Gary had wanted to see who this brother of Kris was...
When Kris arrived up at the top floor, he told Collin to stay out and don't let anyone enter. Kris opened the door and he immediately saw Ace standing by the bookcase and looking at Kris' stuff.
Kris closed the door and locked it.
”What are you doing here?” Kris spoke.
”To apologize.”