Chapter 244 - No comment (1/2)
Kris walked over and sat on his desk chair. Ace also sat down on the chair across from Kris.
”I expected to see a picture of Lena here, but I guess you have not changed anything in here yet.” Ace said.
”What are you really here for?”
”To apologize. Regarding the information that I gave to your grandfather.” Ace explained.
”And what did you expect to gain from that?”
”To get you married, of course!” Ace smiled. ”Your woman has so many men chasing her, you need to up your game before she is whooed away.”
”You think a simple man can easily whoo her away?” Kris snickered.
”I was just trying to help you... but it didn't work out so I came here to apologize.”
”I don't need you interfering with my life, Ace. I gave you a clear warning last time. Stay away from me and Lena.”
”Fine. Then, I will give you a clear warning too. I am not sure Lena is someone who can stand up next to you. I will support her regardless because she is a special woman to you... but others may not be as kind as me.”
Ace walked out the door and left.
'Others...' Kris does not need anyone to approve Lena... only he needed to approve her.
The next morning, Lena had breakfast with Kris again. Last night he did not come home late but rather even brought her flowers. Lena was questioning at how good her man was at hiding his feelings from her...
Lena had taken off work today because she had personal things to do. She also gave James the day off. However, she still had to make a quick stop at her office to grab a few items.
Lena went into her office, grab the folder she needed and walked out. As she was leaving, she could feel an intense curiosity of eyes staring at her. Lena stopped and looked at Diane.
”What is it?” Lena spoke.
”Ah.. nothing Miss. Shen.”
”Really?” Lena asked again. ”I feel like you have been waiting to say something to me lately.”
Diane cleared her throat and moved closer to Lena. ”Is it true.... that you are dating CEO Li?”
”That was it? OF course.”
”Aiya! See I told you our boss was really dating him and the rumors were not just rumors.” Diane screamed at the other ladies in the office.
”Ah... then boss! Chairman Li was here the other day.. did he disapprove you of seeing his grandson just like the dramas?!” A female worker screeched.
”Obviously you have been watching too many dramas. He wanted me to marry his son.. not break up with him.”
”OMO!” The female worker used a Korean expression. ”Then boss.. would we be invited to your wedding soon?”
”No comment.” Lena shrugged and walked out to the elevator.
After she left, the girls all squealed.
”Did you see that? She said no comment... so she is really going to get married?!”
”I saw her wear a ring the other day!!”
”Me too! But she was not wearing one today? You think she is keeping it quiet too like her dating life?”
”I wouldn't care! Our boss is dating THE KRIS LI... of course, I would be hiding him away from everyone too if I was dating him... aiya... she always ends up with good looking men.”
”I know, right? She was with CEO Yang and now hit another jackpot with CEO Li. I must pity CEO Yang... his fiance ran away from him... and now his ex is having a better life than him.”
”I know right... but hey.. he is single again... maybe he'll be at the boss' wedding and we can get to see him too... ehheheh...”
The girls gossiped non-stop until Diane finally scolded them to go back to work.
Lena got out and drove to an outside market to pick some fresh fruits before going to visit Madam Li. She did ask if Kris had told his mother about dinner at her parent's house this weekend but Kris just kept making out with her all night long... seriously.. that man had been so bi-polar lately.
Lena did not mind it though... she guessed that she was a good stress reliever for him.
She married at the Li mansion and parked her car. She was immediately greeted by the head housekeeper.
”Good morning, Miss. Shen.”
”Hi... Is Madam Li home? Sorry I did not call ahead.”
”Yes, she is...” The woman led Lena to the living room. ”Please sit. I will go tell the Madam that you are here.”
Lena placed the fruits on the table and sat down, patiently waiting for Madam Li to arrive. After a few minutes, she appeared.
”Lena... I was just about to come to visit you today.”
”Is that so?” Lena smiled and gave Madam Li a hug.