Chapter 228 - Pick up a random stranger (1/2)

Kris was able to get a few hours of sleep on the plane. Right as the plane landed, he opened his eyes immediately and got off the plane. It looked like he did not sleep one bit at all but he did. He drove himself here so he can drive himself back home.

He knew that he should go back to the Li mansion so he can head to the Main Li mansion in the morning with his mother but he really did miss Lena. Plus, with her temptation, seeing her for one second would not kill him.

Kris knew that Lena was not at the apartment tonight so he sneakily drove to the Shen mansion as he did before. He parked his car a few blocks away, hiding it in plain sight. He walked in the night with stealth, climbed over the Shen mansion walls, and stood out front Lena's balcony.

Just like last time, he climbed his way up to the second floor and arrived at Lena's room. With his skills, he was able to unlock the balcony doors and gently slide it open. He spotted Lena sleeping soundlessly as always on the bed.

He quietly walked over the to bed but stopped. ”You know.... you're not as fat as the pillow you hid under the blanket,” Kris whispered.

”NO!” Lena came out of the window curtains that she was hiding by. She silently spoke to Kris. ”How did you know?!”

”Like I said... you're not as fat as the pillow.” Kris flipped over the blanket, revealing the body pillow that Lena used to pretend to be her.

”You always say I have big body parts.”

Kris chuckled. ”Of course... big body parts in the appropriate places. It's not like you suddenly got fat in the few days that I left you.”

”Fat? What if I did?”

”Then I'll make you do more push-ups.”

Lena walked over to him. ”That's not what you are supposed to say. You are supposed to say 'I will love you even if you are fat.'”

”Mhm... only if you are fat with my babies.” Kris smiled at her.

Lena quickly put her hands on his cheeks and squeezed it. She smacked her lips on him and then released him. ”I miss you so much.”

Kris wrapped his arms on her waist and pulled her to the bed, letting her sit on his lap. He closed his eyes and breathed in her scent... only she would smell this sweet.

”Me too.” He replied. ”How did you know I was coming?”

”Of course, because I was sending brain waves to yours, saying that you should come to see me.”

”Mhm.... I see. I was expecting a naked Lena waiting in bed for me though...”

”Yeah? Well, maybe another day. You have big stuff tomorrow.” Lena stood up from his laps.

Kris sighed... yeah... big stuff tomorrow. He stood up with Lena and walked to her. ”Do I get a goodbye kiss?”

”Of course... after your welcome back kiss that is.”

Lena turned to face Kris and put her hands on his neck. He put his hands around her waist and brought them closer to each other.

Lena initiated the first kiss, putting her lips onto his and passionately kissed him.

”Welcome home.” She whispered.

Kris nodded and then kiss her again, a deeper kiss this time. He made sure to make it long too so he did not have to leave her so soon.

Lena finally pushed him away after he was taking to long to leave her.

Kris got the signal. He kissed Lena one more time on the forehead then released her from his arms. ”I'll see you on Monday then.”

Lena did not reply but just smiled at him. ”Goodnight.”

Kris opened the balcony doors and climbed back down. Lena went out and watched him every step until he climbed over the walls and she could no longer spot him in the dark.

She sighed and calmed her heart before going back into her room. She locked the balcony door and closed the curtains before finally going to bed.