Chapter 227 - Future developments in China (1/2)
COO Brown led Lena inside the building. As Lena entered, she could see that the building was very much American inspired. It had a different aura than most companies in China.
”The building was designed by our special design team from America.” COO Brown spoke.
”I see. It is very beautiful.”
”Yes, indeed.”
”Actually, I know Miss. Shen is here today to see Mr. Sanders too but sadly he had unexpected plans and could not be here today.”
”I understand. Just being able to visit such an amazing and prosperous company like Cyrus is good enough.”
”Miss. Shen is too kind.”
Lena smiled back at him. She was really hoping to see Mr. Sanders today. She tried researching on him but there were not many articles about such a successful businessman. What interested her that the man's company was a bit too clean... and too clean can always mean that it is there to hide many dirty things.
Especially with such the high security for such a company like Cyrus.... her sixth sense could see that this was something strange. She only gets this intense feeling when she was at the Li group's company.
Lena wondered if everyone being gone had something to do with each other....
”Right this way then Miss. Shen. I want to show you our future developments in China.”
Lena nodded and followed COO Brown.
Throughout the day, Lena learned quite a bit about Cyrus. She originally suspected that they might be changing their mind and opening a competition for business in China, but no. Mr. Sanders is just mostly focused on investing in projects and company in China.
”And here... this is the team that is currently working on our most important project at the moment.”
”What is it?” Lena asked.
COO Brown entered the room and the group of workers greeted them.
”Have Miss. Shen heard of the Agato Land?” COO Brown spoke.
”Well of course... it was big in the news a while back. Something about the old Mayor Bai and his scandals.”
”Yes. Well, with the mass amount that Mr. Sanders has, he had chosen to do a charity clean up of the land.”
”Just because he had money lying around? Mr. Sanders sure invest in many weird projects.”
”Well, not only that. But also because his son requested it. Afterall, such prime land is a waste to just let it sit. With proper cleanup and safety features, the amount of money put in would be very little to the amount that he will get from it.”
”I see. Mr. Sander's son is a smart man.”
COO Brown and Lena left the room. They went to a private area to have lunch. The company has private chefs that cook meals for the workers.
”So... how many children does Mr. Sanders have that he is investing so much of his money?” Lena asked.
”Well.. Mr. Sanders has 5 adopted children but 2 who are his, so 7 children total.”
”I see. He must be a very nice man. I am more curious to meet him.”
”AHAHA... I do sincerely apologize that Mr. Sanders cannot be here today. But for sure he will be at the Shen Annual Company Event.”
”I sure do hope so.”
”Mr. Sanders adopted 5 sons. And then his biological kids are one son and a daughter.”
”I see... and do they work for Cyrus?” Lena wondered.
”None of them currently do. But Mr. Sanders was hoping his biological son would take over the company. As much as he loves the rest of his kids, he wants the best for this son. He cared for him the most.”
”And the daughter? I cannot imagine growing up with so many brothers.”
COO Brown laughed. ”Well.... Miss. Hannah is as you would expect, a wild and carefree child. She is the princess of the family and gets whatever she wants. Mr. Sanders is the only one who can control her.”
Lena smiled.... the typical pampered rich young lady.
”As long as she does not do anything bad, then she does whatever. She is ban from the family business though, one thing that Mr. Sanders would not allow her to get near. Mr. Sanders could tell that she is also a walking disaster.”
”Well... she will grow up. After all, I sure did.” Lena joked.