Chapter 221 - So many questions (1/2)


NSFW topic explained


Kris hugged Lena and they both stayed in each other's embrace for a few moments of silence.

”I don't think I can ever forgive your grandfather too...” Lena replied.

”...” Kris did not speak back. He just gently hold Lena tightly and safe in his arms.

”How old were you?”

”It was a bit before my mother work up... so 13? I don't remember my age until my mother started celebrating my birthday again.”

”My gosh... and your grandfather did all of this... training just so you would be the perfect protector of the Li family?”

”That's what I had been told... his reason, but I don't believe it.”

Lena parted away from Kris and placed both of her hands on his cheeks. ”It's okay. When we get married, you can marry into my family instead. I have a good family.”

Kris smiled at her. Lena released her hold on his cheeks. Kris pushed her front hair back, putting it behind her right ear.

”It's so hard sometimes... to love you when I only know how to hurt you.” Kris softly spoke.

”That's fine... Well... I mean like it not a good thing to hurt someone, but...” Lena clasped her hands on both of Kris' hand, wrapping their fingers with each other. ”we can't avoid perfection, only aim for it. A relationship with no single argument is too perfect... we will disagree once in a while.”

Lena continued. ”And hurt... as long as it's not intentional, we can both go through it together. You're still not 100% good yet and there might be a day you go rogue, a day you might hit me again, but we will get through it until you'll all better. Just promise me I get to hit you back when you're sane again.”

Kris gave Lena a soft peck on her lips. ”You can get three hits for every single one I do.”

Lena smiled at him before turning back to look at the closed laptop. She placed a hand on top of it and breathed. ”Was this... the tough love you were talking about?”

Kris put his hand on top of Lena's hand that is above the laptop. ”Yeah...”

Lena closed her eyes as the video flash quickly in her mind again. As much as it was something she would never want to see again, this was part of Kris... and it will affect their relationship.

Kris once told her that the art of seduction, for him was taught differently to him because of his condition. And these ”training lessons” only make his condition worse.

In the video, Kris was a young boy who was tied up to a chair... psychologically abuse. His unemotional eyes stared at two couple making love. Scratch that... it was not even love... it was rough interc**rse.

In his world back then... he probably would not know sexual abuse was if he saw it. Although he was never physically abused... he was psychologically abused. He stared at them like it was an educational lesson to remember for a test, something that needed to be ingrained into his brain and for him to never forget it. He was a robot who just stared with no emotion or value.

He was taught how to look for a woman's weakness. Her fears, desires, pains, and vulnerabilities... to use those against her and make her answer to your every command. He has been taught how to degrade a woman and to use them just like tools.

He was also taught the same things for men. How to get a man's trust and get inside his head. To never trust anyone but only depend on yourself. To protect only your name and your assets. To not attach yourself to anyone nor anything.

Lena remembered what Kris said before... ”Please don't think that just because I have the skills, it means they are fake to you.”