10 The sentries (1/2)


”Imagine an amount of burning coal itself. Imagine it as the fire you are creating but big and tangible, Master” she replied on the same high-pitched voice as before. She clearly loves to watch the magic being created.

Tangible, huh. Hard like a rock but burning as a lump of ravaging coal. I desperately imagined it as far as I could then it formed an edgy spherical ball burning. Getting the same feeling with my other hand, I throw it to the flowing river and it exploded the moment it touches the water. Not so much for an erupting clot of burning coal that explodes, huh. I think I can do this until the evening and it felt lighter than what I usually feel when using my own magic.

”Sprigg, Origin Magic is like the mother of mana, right?” I turned to her after seeing the explosion of water, ”... and to shape the mana you'll need enchanted items, right?” I added.

”Well, generally speaking, yes.” She chuckled and then brushed her lap after getting up from the boulder she rested from and added, ”magical items such as staff or grimoire are needed to harness the power of mana.”

”Then that also means that since I directly have the Origin of Mana within me, I don't need any magical items, right?” I teased her by poking her head.

”What are you up to, Master?” She annoyingly moved my finger.

”Then, what is a pixie needed for?” I asked with a smug look, walking towards the boulder to rest. I don't feel exhausted like previously and to be fair, it's like my body is lighter than before.

”My existence is linked to your soul, even if you removed our connection with telepathy, I am still connected to you. You might not notice but your body is struggling in grasping your own magical powers. Ultimately, your predicament is, that's only 10% of your true ability. Evidently, the problem lies in the vessel. Regulating your magic flow and making sure you are alive is my job.” she answered me with a serious face and it's as if she sounded like the dull and loud monotonous voice in the castle with her high pitched voice. I only want to tease you, I thought. I smiled awkwardly and said, ”Fine!”

”Rest for an hour, Master.” then she showed only one side of her lips curls up.

We tried several types of usage from the fire magic to control and master it. Sprigg told me to take it easy to learn one elemental magic at a time as it requires different aspect from each other, which I also agree. Patience is what makes a man, as what my father always say. Tonight we will be hunting a beast and put my efforts to the test.

We continued traversing the gap between which is the barren land connected to the King's City to the forest. Way back, I was afraid and sprinted from the forest to the dome-like Kingdom like I was being chased with monsters from the forest since there are no trees to stay hidden. I was so scared that I'll be dead once they decide to follow and kill. Huh. Such pitiful circumstances. Now that I realized, it's already almost dusk and we need to start collecting our dinner.

Moments have passed after the darkness covered the wide-area showing the massive, seemingly clear sky spreading out for eternity and the specks of lights that flicker, drawing sparks of lightning shattering through it. The wind blows out the leaves vehemently. I can't help but feel overjoyed as we streaked across the border of the barrier when the glistening light of the box appeared again.

”Easy Mode Deactivated”

Procuring food by hunting these monsters are really troublesome. Although I was able to grasp on how manipulating the mana is and turning it into elemental magic, but aiming it on a moving beast is truly tough. We've been working this out for a set of hours currently but I'm still not apt to slay them using magic because once I ignite my hands with fire magic the creatures will flee indefinitely. I can't also rely on Sprigg since she doesn't know how to track down beasts and don't have magic.