9 Learning magic | Part III (1/2)
”I am alright.” I said while removing dirt on my knees and added, ”can I at least sell it?”
”No!” she instantly replied with her arms crossed.
I continued walking by the riverside still feeling heavy and is about to burst while she's flying around me on our way to the forest. She reiterated that although the barrier extends to the edge of the forest, the restriction is only inside the Kingdom.
In some way, I am grateful that her former playful attitude is returning. The goal why we are now heading to the forest is we need more supply of food since I am running out of meat jerky and I am also thrilled to see the artefact again, knowing that it holds great benefits toward such goal. I can't help but think that if I can't sell it then how can I even use it to realize my plans and how can I even escape carrying that around?
Before we embark the wilderness, Sprigg told me to practise with my magic once again and recommended me to unlock the link for transmission. Connecting both of us where we can use to exchange words without saying anything like what she's been doing before. She also said that it is imperative to never sever the link between us again. Although she sounds overbearing, I kind of feel that this is her way of securing our connection. Regardless, detecting such beasts is not enough if we want to escape from here alive.
”Alright then, master. I have completed scanning your body and I found out that your body is still learning to adapt to her majesty's Origin Magic. So, we'll work with something else instead. You will be using elemental magic and....” she informed me while flying in front of me.
”...I can't use magic as of the moment,” she added
”W.. What?” I panicked.
Here I thought she'll be helping me slay the beasts inside the wilderness. So establishing the link of communication is to be certain I can understand her instructions and what's with using the elemental magic instead? Isn't that using the magic from nature, the mana?
”Alright, calm your emotions, master.” she touched my face with the worried look then flew away.
I have been wondering why Sprigg is not teaching me any offensive enchantments or any spells for attacking before, perhaps she is only limited to defensive or detection enchantments. I thought, aside from the fact that it is the only magic I learned so far, this magic that I am using is depleting my energy, thus it is exhausting. Now I will be learning a new kind of magic, the elemental magic.
”Seriously, Sprigg. What you are trying to say now is that we are consuming the magic from the forest?” I furrowed my eyebrows, showing that I am not agreeing to the idea since this might not work out and exhaust my energy. And though, I need to hunt for food I still don't want to kill them all. I am not as savage as I look.
”Not if we don't use it,” she answered while we both check the beautiful flower appeared at the back of my hand as I raised it. I almost forgot about this grey-brown flower scar. She then explained the elemental magic that I will use. She said that it is a basic spell, and every magic wielder can use it as a form of any offensive or defensive manoeuvre.
”Isn't that the same thing?” confused about what she's attempting to tell me I asked her again.
”Yes, and No, Master.” she quickly responded with a light thud on my shoulder. I can see her gracefully thin wings moving up and down.
”Please remember that I regulate the primordial magic flow from within you which is also the reason why you are feeling uncomfortable...” She drifted looking for a boulder to sit on.