34 Judging a book by its cover. (1/2)
I scanned my gaze over my little humble abode. A few things were moved here and there, so I suppose that Sia and Tania both used their scrolls and came to check it out. Good, I won't be able to come back in a while, so having them keep things in order will be very handy.
I inwardly sighed.
Man.....if it weren't for the fact that I need to lie low for a few days, I would have expanded this place a little.
Nothing I can do about it now.
I restocked all my items and scrolls before messaging both of my companions on my plans. They immediately sent back quick replies.
Sia is going to stay and develop her guild while Tania is going to start leveling again. Now that I don't need to worry about those two, I can do whatever I want!
I trust them enough to notify me if anything important happens.
Looking towards the tall mountains that towered beyond the beginner's forest, I grinned and set off with vigor.
It only took me around two hours to reach the mountain range while running.
I did kill a few monsters here and there, it didn't take very long.
Standing at the foot of the tallest mountain, I nodded to myself in satisfaction and started looking around for anything that looked interesting.
It wasn't long before I found two giant doors leading into a cave. Out of sheer curiosity, I stepped forward and tried opening the door.
Instantly, a system message popped up in front of me.
[Cave of confusion - Dungeon level 15 - Max players 20 - No solo]
Hmmm.....I'm not surprised that something like this showed up. Dad is quite a big fan of these types of things.
Deciding to ignore the message, I once again tried to push open the door. However, an invisible force pushed against me and did not allow me to enter.
How unfortunate, my curiosity is still not satisfied. The only thing I can do now is to wait for more players to find this place. It's honestly not that hard, it's not like the place is hidden or anything.
In fact, I wouldn't be surprised if someone finds this in a few days.
Right, let us continue!
I once again started jogging around the base of the mountain. Let's see if I can find a path that cuts through to the other side.
After an hour of running at a steady pace, I finally found what I was looking for.
There was a worn-down path that seemed to be abandoned.
I could tell why though, it was steep and had sharp rocks jutting out. It was also too narrow for carriages to go through, so only people walking on foot would be able to use it.
But it's perfect for me!
Without hesitation, I stepped onto the path and kept jogging.
”I beg of you, please help me find my lost daughter. She wandered away from the campsite towards the river, and she hasn't come back. I'm worried something happened to her.”
”I see.....”
”Please, adventurer. I will be in your debt!”
[Quest: Find the daughter
Info: Just find the girl that doesn't seem to know where she's going.
Rewards: The happy tears of her father.
Failure: Who knows.]
What the heck, system.
That sounds so sketchy.
”...No thanks. I'm pretty busy.”
Turning away from the crying old man, I kept walking down the path that had widened considerably and ignored his pleas.
I'm honestly surprised that a quest popped up so quickly.
I had only been walking for half an hour and I suddenly bumped into a couple sitting around a campfire.
Who do they think I am, some justice freak who's willing to help any crying person I see?
Nope. If anything, I'm definitely not a brave little hero that has plenty of time to waste.
You're gonna have to do better than that to get me to do something.
I let out a large yawn and played around with my two daggers. This path is really boring, nothing to kill and no interesting quests. Maybe I should have headed towards the plains instead.
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Looking at the system clock located on my menu bar, I decided to log off for the day.
I still had a party to attend after all. Even if I'm reluctant to go, I still need to prepare for it.
Although I'm sure glad my family likes lying low, nobody knows my family owns one of the largest companies in the world. At least I can act without worrying about losing face.
Hah, even after all this time, still nobody knows my family created the only VRMMO game in the world!
The paparazzi really need to do their job right.
Not that I want them to, but I expected more trouble from them.
”Log out.”