33 Introductions! (1/2)

I logged into the game and spawned in my cozy cabin. In the corner, I noticed Sia and Tania's extra items stored away with my spare arrows. A few teleport scrolls were also gone, so I guessed that they took them to use. Opening my menu, I confirmed the meeting place that Eugene had sent me and promptly teleported back to Zircon.

The first words I heard once I appeared made me unconsciously flip up my hood.

”Hey hey....isn't that Lynx dropping down on the leaderboards? Looks like they weren't so great after all.”

”What are you saying?! That maniac killed over two hundred PK players in a week and cleaned off the entire bounty list. If he isn't great, I don't know who is.”

”You brainless fan, you can't see reality from fantasy. The only thing that matters is the leaderboard, if you aren't on there, you aren't great!”

”Huhhhhh?! You wanna pick a fight you scumbag? If I say Lynx is great then he is! You better not slander my idol!”

”What a retard. Your mother is great! I'll give you the fight you want, come at me!”


Two men suddenly started a duel right in front of my face. If there was anything to add, I would say that their language usage was very colorful! I tugged the rim of my hood down and briskly walked past them.

So I fell down in the leaderboards huh, I'm not sure if that's good news of bad news. I guess it's bad since people with higher levels can inspect me when I have my hood down…...but I don't really care....so I'll just ignore that for now!

I strolled towards the bar at an easy pace. Just for safety, I equipped my mask and set the visibility off. Now Eugene would see me as Yuka, so having a lower level doesn't matter at all!

I'm a genius.

Arriving at the meeting place, I stood in front of the city's most expensive and fancy restaurant available.

I guess I shouldn't be surprised, Eugene is Eugene, whether in reality or not. I heard that a single private room here costs fifty gold, and each dish is at least one gold. The food doesn't even give buffs or anything, it's just expensive! Apparently you need to be wearing formal clothes to enter, but I don't even know how to get 'formal' clothes in this game. Maybe they sell it at some store nearby, I bet it's pricey.

Boldly striding into the building and towards the receptionist, I saw many curious NPCs glancing towards me.

Ah…...that's right, they can't see my roles with my hood up. That's good, I don't need creepy people annoying me all the time.

”Scuse me, I'm meeting someone here.” I said to the lady standing behind the desk in a straightforward tone.

She looked me up and down, it made me pretty uncomfortable. Noticing my tattered cloak, she furrowed her eyebrows and pointedly ignored my question.

The heck, what type of reception is this. Well, I suppose it's my fault for not being polite huh. I guess it's been too long since I've talked nicely to someone…...I've gotten rusty.

”Excuse me, ma'am, a friend of mine has invited me here. His name is Faraday, may I know his room?” I said with a gentle voice while pulling down my hood.

Here, take my smile! I've practiced it in front of my mirror countless times. It has been trained to perfection! I'm even confident it won't lose out to Eugene's smile.

I just don't find myself in many situations where I need to smile in the first place...

”...Y-yes, of course. You are the disciple of Master Abest after all, I'll lead you myself.” She stammered while staring at me with wide eyes.

Hey, you aren't moving.

I waved my hand in front of her frozen face.

”Ma'am? Are you quite alright, do you need assistance?” I worriedly asked.

The receptionist's face suddenly flushed red. Whipping her face around, she avoided my gaze and covered her face with her hands.


”YES??!!! I'm sorry!!! Of course!!!”

”....No problem.”

This game confuses me sometimes. Is this NPC glitching?

Following the stumbling lady, I was led into a large, expensively furnished room. There was a round table in the middle that could sit over ten people at once, yet there was only one lone figure.

”Ah, Yuri! You're finally here, and you've even managed to charm people while coming. As expected of my Boss.” Eugene cheerfully exclaimed as his gaze landed on the receptionist. ”You may go now miss, thank you very much for leading Boss here.”

He flashed his trademark smile and the lady blushed like crazy.

Ha…...Eugene, do you really need to charm every woman you see? See, now she's all flustered and weird.

”N-no problem, please enjoy the food, honored guests.” She bowed and flew out of the room.

Hm? Eugene must also have a special role if she thought of him as an 'honored' guest. I have to admit, I'm a little curious, but I won't pry into small matters like this.

Sitting down at the table and facing Eugene, I sighed and lazily leaned back.

”Hurry up and give me the contact information, I'm really getting annoyed with your constant dodging.”

”Tut tut, don't worry. I'll send it to you immediately, patience is important Boss!” Eugene chuckled as his fingers danced on his invisible menu. ”Alright, I've sent it over.”

I opened up my menu and saved the information that Eugene gave me. I made a mental note to ask Ryan to erase Tania's criminal record tonight. Standing up, I got ready to leave.

However, Eugene quickly stopped me. ”Woah there! Relax Boss, I ordered some food already. Just ten dishes, I'll even pay the bill, why not eat with me?”

....Free food....what to do...

”I'll order some drink as well, the best you can get in Zircon.”


I can't say no to free drinks! Especially since there aren't a lot of chances to drink such high-grade beer!

”Nice, I've invited a few friends over as well. I'll introduce them to you!”


I suffer from social anxiety, please no.

”Ah, don't worry. You can invite people too! I would love to meet your friends!”

Alright! Sia, Tania, come save me.

I messaged both of the girls and got instant replies. Both agreed and were already on their way over. Well, it's not like they had a choice…...the contract was still intact after all. But they didn't seem to oppose my invitation, it was a chance to eat the most expensive food in this city after all!

After just a few minutes, both Sia and Tania entered the room with Pink and three other people which I guessed were Eugene's friends. I gestured for both of them to sit next to me while Eugene did the same for his people. I noticed that all of them had Mizanco guild emblems on their chests, and they didn't seem to be low ranked. Must all be elders or leaders.

Heh, but I really didn't expect Pink to get promoted so fast! He sure deserves a high rank though, his loyalty to his guild leader freaks me out.

He seems pretty confused seeing me here though.

A few seconds later, everyone was settled in their seats and an awkward air was created. Not that Eugene seemed to notice or care.

”Now that we're all here, why not introduce ourselves! Starting with Pink over there, go ahead.”

”A-ah of course!”

Pink shot up from his chair and bowed deeply.

”My name is Pink, I'm a thief and an elder in Mizanco. Level 6, my specialty is scouting. It's very nice to meet you!”

Sia and Tani both politely nodded their heads. The next person got up and started talking.

”Saber, level 7, vice-guild leader, priest.” A man with long black hair tied up in a ponytail said while slightly bowing.

Hm. A man of few words, I like him already.

Next up was a female with navy-blue hair and an intellectual demeanor surrounding her.

”My username is Cynthiana, currently level 7. I'm a mage, but my specialty is water spells and speed casting. Um, some people call me the 'Water Maiden'.....but I really don't like the title that much. It is my pleasure to meet you.”

Hmmmmm! Eugene got himself some nice fellows. A good variety, yes yes. They're all really good looking though.

”Tch, this is so lame. Listen up, I'm Diane, level 7 and a ranger. You individual players better not waste Sir Faraday's time, you guys aren't worth it!” The last blonde yelled out while slapping her palm on the table.

Ugh, I don't get along well with these types. Reminds me of how Sia acted before we cleared up the misunderstandings.