41 Friezas Worries (1/1)

Meanwhile in space aboard Frieza's flagship in the command center sitting comfortably on his floating throne the hover pod gazing down on Planet Vegeta is a unique looking child-like alien with a likewise youthful face. His head was a large white chestnut-shaped skull with two straight black horns that protrude at near 45 degree angles. His body had purple sections on his head, shoulders, and abdomen.

He also had pink parts with lines on his body which appeared on his arms, legs, and cheeks. He skin was lilac in color which was visible on his face, feet, and hands. His faces most arresting feature was his terrifying red eye pupils which brought a chill to ones soul and his large dark red lips in their perpetual state of a disdainful sneer which stood out in stark contrast to his light lilac toned skin.

He wore white armor wristbands and ankle bands with brown sections with lines on the front on all four of his limbs. He also was girded with a white natural armor covering his chest and shoulders atop of which he wore the standard armor of Frieza Force, consisting of a purple body suit with yellow shoulder guards. Hanging over the edge of his hover pod was a section of his long tail which had a spiked end and was relatively thick in width, about the same width as his legs which ended with three talon-like possible toes for feet.

This alien was the emperor of the universe, Frieza in his first form. While other beings in the Dragon Ball Universe would usually transform to increase their power, Frieza was born with power so immense that originally his body could not properly control it, and so Frieza developed a series of physical transformations to limit his actual strength. After many hours of internal contemplation he created four forms, with his fourth and final form being his true original form. The first three forms were the ones he had designed to restrict and conceal his true power from his enemies.

Many a time he would claim in the future that even upon transforming to his second form he had a hard time controlling himself due to the immensity of his current strength. That was because his second and third forms were mere physical augmentations that allow Frieza to build enough strength to revert to his true form.

It also was a sadistic method for him to mentally torment his opponents by giving them a false sense of hope. With each transformation his power would increase tremendously and he would fully rejuvenate and even repair any damage sustained in his previous form. Especially his fourth final form which released all of his power increasing his regenerative power to their highest level ever with him being able to even regenerate any previously lost anatomy.

Wearing a menacing grin upon his youthful face, Frieza gazed down upon the doomed Planet Vegeta as his thoughts were filled with impatience and fear. Although he had been contemplating destroying these warrior space apes for quite awhile as a preventative measure to his rule he had continually delayed the issue for more than a decade because they had been such a helpful race of soldiers. Helping him immensely by shedding their blood to conquer thousands of world for him which had been sold for vast sums of money filling his forces coffers with immense wealth which fueled the gears of his war machine.

Still as he watched their population numbers plummet thru the years of interplanetary conquest he had noticed a steady increase in the growth of their power. This coupled with the legends that were known thru the universe that even his parents had told him since he was a little boy of the Legendary Super Saiyan and Super Saiyan God born once every new eon with immeasurable power had caused him to grow increasingly worried thru the years which is why he had secretly ordered many years ago that all equipment issued to the Saiyans was to be bugged so he could keep a close eye on these space apes.

He liked being the emperor of the universe, feared by all beings and doing what he wanted. Which is why he would mercilessly eliminate any threat to his sovereignty of the universe. Now despite believing these legends were merely stories his fear had finally overshadowed all of his thoughts of still using these useful peons for he had begun to oddly sense the shadow of his doom from this race of battle crazed space apes.

”Legendary Super Saiyan and Super Saiyan God...” Frieza spoke aloud with displeasure.

”Master Frieza, I'm sure they're just the usual heroic legends we hear about all the time.” assured the alien attendant behind him confidently.

”I know. But I cannot overlook even the slightest possibility. Anyhow, the Saiyan race are a bit too proud to be truly loyal to me. It's about time I wiped them out along with their planet.” replied Frieza with a terrifying grin.

”That is a pity. The Saiyans make really good warriors.” acknowledged the alien attendant.

”Hmph...indeed those primitive space apes were decent warrior peons.” agreed Frieza indifferently before asking, ”By the way, how many Saiyans have returned to Planet Vegeta so far?”

”Most of them should be back in another month or so. But it will probably take a little longer for every single one to come back.” answered the alien attendant informingly.

”I CAN NOT WAIT THAT LONG! I WILL EXETERMINATE THESE SPACE APES TOMORROW MORNING!!!” Frieza ordered aloud impatiently while firmly slamming his right hand clenched in a fist down upon the side of his hover pod. For it had been too long since ”that” person had commanded him to remove this planet from the universe and he knew quite well how fickle he was with time. Sometimes he was loose, giving much leeway to complete his orders while other times he was incredibly precise. Either way it was in his best interest health-wise if he finished this backwards planet and these untrustworthy and now greatly unliked by ”that” person space apes as soon as bloody possible.

”But won't the surviving Saiyans suspect you Lord Frieza?” questioned the alien attendant.

”HAHAHA suspect me ... Tell them a huge meteor fell on the planet.” laughed aloud Frieza disdainfully.