40 Bardock Returns (1/2)
”HOLY SHIT!!! King Vegeta just got owned by that purple cat dude!” Jewel exclaimed in disbelief as she jumped to her feet dropping her giant 2 ft tub of greasy saltines onto the floor.
”Language young lady!” Broly quickly uttered flashing Jewel a penetrating corrective glance.
”Oops, tee-he, sorry Broly.” Jewel replied as she flashed him a wide grin while cutely tapping her right fist against the side of her head with a cute ”PON” before reiterating in a lackluster manner by saying ”I meant WOW! King Vegeta was easily defeated by that fathomless godly lavender cat-like expert.”
”Hmm....better.” Broly blandly acknowledged while secretly wondering to himself where she had learn such crude language before continuing by saying ”Remember what I taught you Jewel, when is the only time appropriate for a young Saiyan lady to use such coarse language?”
”When...fighting?” Jewel asked tentatively.
”And...” Broly prompted questioningly.
”And facing a life or death situation.” completed Jewel with a smile.
”Correct! Only in those two situations should you employ such rough language.” Broly reiterated for the umpteenth time while nodding repetitively with his arms crossed across his chest sitting in his usual lotus pose.
Still he could understand why she had been so surprised to see King Vegeta humbled so easily for the concept that he was the strongest Saiyan had been one that he had secretly promoted strongly causing it to be accepted as a veritable fact amongst Saiyans and whilst it was also common knowledge that Frieza was supposedly far stronger than King Vegeta no Saiyan had ever witnessed him being easily crushed.
But now that Jewel had witnessed with her own eyes Beerus crushing King Vegeta with ease in a mere second she had suddenly become aware of how despite him being lauded as the strongest Saiyan and warrior in the universe how truly weak in comparison to certain other aliens he truly was. Such a stark difference caused her to feel shocked but also secretly sowed the desire for power in her innermost heart. Perhaps this was the moment when she finally began to awaken to the true path that all Saiyans pursued, the path to absolute martial skill and power.
”Now Jewel, things are about to get quite lively around here and soon you and I will being going on quite the trip, so let's begin are preparations. Also I'm going to need you to make a few adjustments to are scouters and....”
The gears of history continued to turn and within a week of the departure of the god of destruction Lord Beerus, Frieza's suddenly issued a order to all of his alien force's to gather his armada around Planet Vegeta in preparation for a special announcement of a new galactic war campaign.
Several months later after Frieza's issued a second absolute order he could sense the end was near. Frieza's entire armada had already arrived outside the planet, completely surrounding the planet with and inescapable net, his flagship situating itself directly above the Saiyan capital in space.
Already Frieza's issued return summons to all Saiyan squadrons off-world had gone out, calling them back to their doom and already most of the squads had returned, his father Paragus and his remaining warriors were some of the first to arrive amidst cheers of their fellow Saiyans for their bravery. Only a few months more and the planet would be destroyed.
Fortunately Broly's preparations were done. Not only had he mastered all the necessary techniques to survive as well as memorized the star charts of the surrounding locations, but he also now knew the locations of hundreds of planets nearby to Planet Vegeta, of which a few dozen had a breathable atmosphere, while only half of these had life and vegetation.
After careful consideration he had already decided on a small habitable planet 20 light-years away which could sustain them both. The database also said there was a small decommissioned outpost on the planet shut down four years ago.
A few months later, only a few short weeks from the end of age 739 Bardock finally returned to his home Planet Vegeta. With his arrival Broly finally knew that the clock was already ticking and that this would be the last day of Planet Vegeta.
Tonight, Bardock from his instinctive fear for the unknown future of the Saiyans would send off Son Goku as a infiltration infant to Planet Earth just before the day that Frieza would commence his attack on the planet wiping out the majority of the Saiyans and destroying their home, Planet Vegeta.
Because of the long journey before them Broly has already gotten Jewel to gather a feast for herself which she happily began to consume at a rapid rate while Broly secretly watches with his Ki Sense the last moments of Goku's father Bardock on Planet Vegeta who is happily making his way home. Greeting his lively fellow Saiyans which he had not seen for quite awhile since he was a battle nut who had been gone for several years now off-world invading other planets.
As he entered a meat supply warehouse a short distance from his home a smile appeared on his face as he gazed upon a lovely little Saiyan beauty, her brown silky furred monkey tail waving around playfully behind her, holding a large meat cleaver in her right hand as she methodically sliced with skill a large piece of meat into steaks.