18 Episode 4- Mystery Papers (1/2)
”I don't get it!” John deep sighs as he puts his face into his hands. ”I need to figure out why she did this..”
”Good luck with that..” Simon says as he walks in the tent. ”She won't say anything to any of us lower class.” He sits in the chair next to John. ”It's like we are just her pawns...”
John looks at him. ”I thought we were? You honestly believe that she sees us as her equal?” He laughs. ”Elxa is nothing more than someone that uses others to get what she wants. Didn't you know that when we started this?”
Simon shrugs. ”Well if it means not being out there being eaten alive than I'm alright being someones puppet.”
John rolls his eyes. ”Of course you do.” He looks down at the papers before him.
”What you got there?” Simon asks curious.
”Honestly, I don't know myself” John shows him some of the papers. ”It says here that the first zombie attack was in DC.”
”Yeah?” Simon looks at him.
”But how can that be? I mean by looking through all of these news paper articles and such it seems to me that the first zombie encounter was not there but...” John swallows hard. ”Here...about eighteen years ago” He looks at Simon.
”What?” Simon looks at the paper. ”Where did you get this?”
”I snuck into the lab after everyone went to sleep and searched through some of the files on the computer and I found theses there..I wasn't looking for them. I was looking for something else but this...this was wayyy more important.” John rubs his head.
”Does she know you did this?” Simon asks as he reads.
John shakes his head. ”No...but I know she'll figure out soon enough but when she does I'll be out of here.”
Simon looks at him. ”You mean your leaving?”
John nods. ”I have to. I need to find Carrie”
Simon laughs.
”What?” John looks at him angry.
”What is wrong with you?” Simon stands. ”First you want to save her. Than you don't. Than you want her dead and now you want to make sure she's safe? It's like your bipolar or something”
”I don't know...maybe I care?” John stands. ”What's it to you?” He goes to his bed and pulls out a bag from under it.
”John..” Simon grabs his arm. ”Don't do this. If she finds out you left she'll...”
”She'll what?” John looks at him angry. ”I don't care what she'll do to me. I just need to make sure Carrie is safe.”
”John they won't let you come back” Simon crosses his arms. ”You really think they will open their arms and say ”Oh John! We missed you so much! Please stay this time!” You really think that?”
”I know what I did was not right...” John remembers June. ”But I have to make sure-”
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”That Carrie is okay. Got it!” Simon goes to the tent doorway. He stands there. ”I'll make sure the coast is clear....just promise me that you won't die..” He walks out leaving John alone.
John sighs. ”I'm sorry but I have to do this..” He goes to the papers and shoves them into his bag.
*Five Hours Later*
John walks through the woods as he yawns. ”God I should have left sooner...” The sun shines bright through the trees. Suddenly, a gun shot is heard nearby. ”Shit..” He gets down.
”Listen, we aren't going to hurt you!” A female voice is heard.
John looks up. ”Carrie?” He looks around. He notices a white van and Carrie. ”Carrie!” He starts to go toward her but he stops when he sees the others. ”Damn” He hides behind a tree. He waits until he hears them calming down. He looks again and sees Carrie pulling away from Ellis.
”Thank you” She smiles as she walks toward the road.
John moves closer. He stops behind the van to peep on them. He sees them going on the road. ”I need to think!” He tries to think of a plan to get Carrie away from the others. ”Damn!” He sighs. ”I need to wait until she's alone.”
Everyone gets on the road.
”Thank you everyone for helping me” Carley says with a smile.
Carrie looks back at the van.
”Everything okay?” Mike asks as he looks at her.
She nods. ”Yeah. Just still shaken up” She laughs as she looks at him.
He nods. ”Got ya”
”Well lets get going to this store” Shawn looks ahead. ”We got like maybe a mile before we reach it so be prepared.”
They nod.
Ellis looks at Carrie.
”Well lets go!” Mike says excited. ”I can't wait until I taste some sweet candy!”
”How do you know there will be candy?” Ellis laughs at him.
”I just know okay? I can feel it in my gut!” Mike growls at him.
”A store huh?” John looks down the road. ”That's where I'll do it..”
Shawn, Mike, Carrie, Ellis and Carley all walk down the road headed towards the gas station.
”I can taste the chocolate bars!” Mike smiles big.
Ellis laughs. ”I just want something to eat.” He looks over at Carrie. ”You okay?”
Mike looks at her too. ”Yeah. You haven't said anything since we left.” He goes to her. ”You need anything?” He whispers to her.
”Okay we're here” Shawn says looking back at them.
They all stop.
”Do you think it looks like someone has been in there?” Ellis asks his father.
Shawn shakes his head. ”No but can't take any chances.” He looks around before continuing to walk. ”Remember the plan if something goes down.” He looks at all of them. ”Don't forget it”