5 Episode 5- The Dream (1/2)

Empocalyse GeekyCryBaby 29990K 2022-07-21

Eva and Carrie took turns driving. It was Eva's turn this time. As she was driving she noticed Carrie looking sadly out the window. She knew Carrie was sad about earlier.

”Hey, its going to be okay.” Eva said with a fake smile. She knew there was nothing she could do but give Carrie hope for the future.

”I...I don't know. Somehow I know something bad is going to happen...” Carrie looked out the window. She just watched the trees go by. She wanted this day to end and tomorrow be back to normal.

Eva was worried about her. She too wanted answers. Carrie missed John and Eva missed her husband. Tears began to form in her eyes. She quickly wiped her eyes.

Carrie noticed. ”Do you want me to drive?”

Eva shook her head yes. She pulled over and they switched.

Carrie started the car and drove down the road.

”I don't know why they took Joe..” Eva said crying.

Carrie looked at her worried. ”Listen, I get it..” she looked ahead to the road before her. ”All we can do is hope...” She cried a little but wiped them away as fast as they came.

”Hey maybe we need to sit for awhile so we can get some rest” Eva said looking at the time on the car. It read eight a clock.

”That sounds good.” Carrie said pulling over to the side of the road.

”Is if alright if I sleep? Or do you want too?” Eva said looking at Carrie.

Carrie shook her head yes. ”That's fine.”

An hour passes by. Carrie was still watching the road.

”I hope you're okay...” She watched the sky.

She started to get cold so she put her hands in her pocket when she felt something. She pulled it out and realized it was the necklace. She smiled. ”I miss you” she kissed it while tears ran down her face.


She jumped and looked behind her. ”Oh Mike. I didn't know you were up” she put the necklace back in her pocket.

”Sorry just woke up. Saw you talking to yourself.” he laughed.

”Well I'm not” she said mad.

”Then who are you talking to?” He said looking around to see everyone asleep.

”Well maybe I was. So what?” she rolled her eyes.

”Hey, I know how it feels to lose someone...” He said looking worried at her.

”Thanks..but I'm fine...” she said faking a smile.

”Also if you want some sleep I can stay up and watch” He said putting his hand on her shoulder.

She sighed. ”Okay but if anything happens wake me up”

”Promise” he smiled.

She closed her eyes and began to fall asleep....

Carrie suddenly was surround by black. She than heard a little girl behind her. She turned.

”Mommy! Mommy!” the little girl whined. She was standing in front of a huge white house.

”Mommy! Mommy!” the little girl whined again. This time a woman that looked to be in her 20's came out of the house. She was tall. She had long black hair. She also had light purple eyes. Carrie realized that it was her mother.

”Mom?” Carrie said looking confused.

”Yes Carrie what is it?” the woman bent down to the little girl.

Carrie realized the little girl was her.

”My dollies head fell off.” Little Carrie cried.