10 Let Me Think - 3.2 (1/2)

After talking with his son, Feng Bing Wen couldn't help but feel a tinge of sadness mixed in with when he thought of how matured Feng Li Zian's way of thinking was but at the same time, it pained him to see his son be forced to grow up.

Knowing the guilt his son carried, his hands clenched tightly due to the anger he felt until his knuckles turned white and his nails pierce the soft flesh of his palm, drawing blood.

Feng Bing Wen was furious that someone had the gall to actually make a move on his family while both him and his father, Feng Guo Liang where out in the front lines, fighting the war with the army sent by the Cangdi Kingdom.

Sighing, he slowly loosened his grip and didn't even notice the blood that was trickling down his fingers because of his chaotic thoughts and just made his way back to his wife's room.

It was already late and only the guards he posted where near Feng Wan Ting's courtyard patrolling it and guarding her chambers.

Nodding his head to the guards he passed, Feng Bing Wen silently made his way inside Feng Wan Ting's room where he carefully sat down on thd bed, just beside her unconscious form.

Gently stroking her cheek, a bright streak of crimson was left on her pale and colorless cheeks that briefly jolted him from his thoughts.

The garish sight of blood against Feng Wan Ting's snowy white skin made Feng Bing Wen's hand tremble slightly before he snatched it bacl and hastily took out a handkerchief to wipe the blood away.

Due to his high level in cultivation, the moment Feng Bing Wen wiped his hands, not even a trace of his self-inflicted wounds were seen but still the blood on Feng Wan Ting's face remained.

It was like a harsh and brutal reminder of what happened during that fateful night to Feng Bing Wen.

With shaky hands, Feng Bing Wen gently brushed away the stray strands of hair that rested on Feng Wan Ting's face while simultaneously wiping the streak of blood away.

”Wan Ting...” Feng Bing Wen choked out, his body shaking with slight tremors as he bowed his head and grasped his wife's hand in both of his.

Shadows hid Feng Bing Wen's face but the crystalline tears glistened in the faint moonlight as they fell from his eyes.

”I don't know what to do...”

”I'm so sorry...”

His muffled sobbing could faintly be heard by the guards outside and even they felt their eyes sting and their hearts feel heavy when they think about what their master is going through.