124 Chapter 124 : Something is pulling me to fall more 2 (1/2)
The whole morning, they spent their time enjoying riding dangerous roller-coaster adventures like the Space Mountain, Wildlife Expedition, Big Thunder Mountain, Splash Mountain and lastly the Temple of the Crystal Skull.
They had to walk a lot since Disneyland and Disneysea are particularly different theme parks but in the same place.
The bodyguards panicked a little since their employers seem to like dangerous rides like this. It'll be hard for them to monitor and keep their close distance.
Xiulan is currently eating some caramel popcorns while they walk and enjoy the view. Hongqi became Xiulan's personal photographer so he kept taking pictures of her.
It may be a little bit creepy and stalkerish but Hongqi was really good at capturing every beautiful angle. It's like he memorizes her whole body and face that he knows which ones are the best pose to do and angle.
He also frequently took selfies together with her. He is extremely sweet today and Xiulan's aloof heart fluttered from his romantic actions.
If only she has a fragile and hopeless romantic heart, she might have fallen in love with him and easily confessed.
Right now, she's not even sure what she feels for him but she's not that cold to ignore his efforts. Her heart is definitely moved and attracted to him. But she's not sure if this can become love. She's still hesitant to fully like him.
Hongqi suddenly suggested that they should ride a boat in the Mediterranean Harbor, she happily agreed and rode the cramped boat with the other passengers.
The long seat faced each other, so there's a chance to see what the other people were doing. The couple sat at the center of the boat while the rower is at the back of their seat.
Everything is beautiful here and she kept staring at the beautiful scenery and buildings. She was still holding on to her popcorn that's why Hongqi could only put his hands on her waist.
While they enjoy the boat ride, Hongqi asks for a selfie with her. It was a perfect moment to shoot a sweet picture with the wife.
Xiulan agreed and automatically snuggled her head on top of his shoulders while his hands wrapped tenderly around her waist. Being this touchy with each other became a norm for them. The photo gave the feeling of a couple who's in love with each other.
No one knows if they are genuinely, really in love but there's an obvious romantic tension that the couple is not aware of.
After taking the photo, his hands were still on her waist and tenderly stares at the photo.
He was about to tell something sweet to his wife but he suddenly notices a few couples who are staring at them instead of the scenery. The women are eyeing him and their eyes scream that they are jealous while the men were looking at his wife. There's an obvious adoration in their eyes.
Xiulan is not aware of this since she is busy eating her popcorn and looking at the beautiful view.
”How can she calmly eat like this not knowing she's so beautiful?” Hongqi asked himself and put his attention back to look at the photo on his mobile phone.
Suddenly, he thought of something playful. He quickly kisses his wife's sticky, caramel lips and gave her an annoying, suave smile after doing such an act in front of so many people.
Xiulan, once again, surprised by his sudden sweet attack. ”Do you really need to kiss me right now?” She frowned at him and pointed at her lips. ”My lips are full of caramel and this is not the right place.”
Hongqi handsomely smirked at her, ”That's better.” and to Xiulan's horror, the roguish handsome stole another kiss on her and even licks her sticky lips in front of so many people.
It was a brief moment but the curious women around them feel extremely jealous of Xiulan. The men were surprised and silently cursed Hongqi. The men thought the same thing, ”Please don't do such things in front of our lovers. They will expect that we will do a shameless thing too.”
”Oh my God!” Xiulan gasped from his sudden licking. She quickly retracted her hands from the caramel popcorn's bag and hit his chest with the sides of her fist since that's the only part that doesn't have any caramel. She doesn't want to dirty his clothes.
”Behave!” She gritted her teeth and gave him an ominous glare.
Hongqi only laughed beside her and pinched her flaming cheeks and hugged her to coax her. Xiulan didn't avoid his hug and continue eating the popcorn. Her face is still red. Curious strangers are still looking at them but she decided to ignore them and enjoy the moment.
He didn't care much of the women's reaction but when he saw that frown from the men due to his actions, he was extremely delighted and told to himself. ”That's right. Get jealous because my wife is the most beautiful woman and I'm the luckiest husband.”
He put his attention back to his mobile phone and did not pester Xiulan anymore. But his silence is more dangerous for Xiulan. She quickly peeks at what he's doing right now and only saw him uploaded something in Weibo.
Xiulan is not fond of using and posting anything personal on social media, actually, the only social media account she has is Weibo and WeChat.