123 Chapter 123 : Something is pulling me to fall more 1 (1/2)
Their trip to Disneyland is tomorrow so Xiulan wanted to take a long rest to prepare the hectic day they are going to experience. It will be fun, of course, but definitely very tiring.
She needs to conserve a lot of energy for it. She'll try her best to block all of Hongqi's sexual advances tonight. She might even need to act and plead to him to let her be. But fortunately, it seems that her husband's currently busy.
The night is getting darker and Hongqi seems to be very calm and content while he works with his laptop. There was a sudden emergency and Hongqi has to make an urgent remote meeting with the managers and artists involved.
It'll be midnight soon and Hongqi's still listening to his staff's report and inquiry. He's really pissed but he didn't scold them like he used to. He doesn't want to disturb his wife's sleep. He's slightly irritated since he supposed to be cuddling with his wife by now.
While Hongqi's busy talking with his staff, Xiulan is already sleeping heavily and she's even wearing an eye mask. She really planned to sleep early to prevent Hongqi's wild attacks that she can't seem to evade.
She was relieved that Hongqi's staff had to call him and get his attention.
After that infuriating call, Hongqi went to sleep beside his wife. He didn't try to pester her anymore. He knew very well how excited his wife for tomorrow's trip, he doesn't want her to get angry and avoid and ignore him tomorrow.
That night, he slept very well. It might be because of fatigue and stress, but his wife's presence made his slumber more peaceful.
The next morning, Hongqi woke up from his wife's sudden attack. Xiulan hit her husband's arm with a huge pillow and tenderly told him to wake up.
She just came out of the bath and still wearing a white robe. The fresh scent of the body wash wafted in Hongqi's nose which causes him to sit up straight and catch his wife's arm.
”Ah!” Xiulan gasped when her husband suddenly pulled her to him. Because of her legs' bad coordination, she fell on top of him and her face crashed to his hard muscled chest.
She quickly tended her little nose. The sudden collision hurt her nose so badly. She feels like she'll get a nosebleed from the sudden pressure on her nose. ”Aish, this man! My nose hurts.”
Hongqi only laughed heartily and pulled her closer to him and embraced her with a pleased smile plastered on his face.
He did not mind her wet hair all over his chest and chin. He wants to cuddle first before he starts his morning routine.
”Hongqi! My wet hair is all over you. I also need to get change.” Xiulan angrily scolded him and tries to escape his bear hug. But the sweet husband didn't let her for a whole five minutes.
Once Xiulan escaped his romantic attacks, Hongqi rushed inside the bathroom to avoid his wife's menacing revenge on him.
Xiulan only shook her head and utter in disbelief, ”The hell is wrong with him?”.
She continued changing clothes and putting on some skincare and makeup. She also sorted her hair and added a nice pearl hairband and earrings. With her pink, floral dress, white sneakers and white coat, she thought that looks so girly and very feminine.
While she stares at her reflection on the huge body mirror inside the walk-in closet, she realizes that she looks like a teenager getting excited and anxious for her first date.
She snorted to her own conclusions. ”Pfft. This is embarrassing.” She blushed a little and patted her little face.
Hongqi came out of the bathroom. He caught his wife's antics and immediately went to her to ask what she was doing. ”Love, what are you doing?”
Xiulan only gave him a shy smile. ”Nothing. Hurry up and I'll wait for you. I'll just get my bag.”
Hongqi suspiciously looks at her but decided to just let it go and get ready.
After having their breakfast, they rode a luxurious nanny van along with a few bodyguards and Secretary Yang Bo. There's also an extra car full of bodyguards that tailed them.
While they are inside the car, Hongqi pestered his wife with his sweet gestures like holding and kissing her hands, stealing kisses on her cheeks and raining her with compliments. He kept staring at her very delightedly and roguishly.
Xiulan eyed him and gave him a hard frown. ”What's with you? Can't you stop it.” She's somewhat embarrassed by the attention she's getting from him. They are not the only ones inside the van but this husband kept on flirting with her.
”You look like a teenager attending her first date with her first boyfriend.” Hongqi teased, his smile made him more handsome. He quickly kisses her small hands and smirked naughtily.