122 Chapter 122 : Strict instructions of the wife (1/2)
The couple traveled to Tokyo once Xiulan finished communicating with her team back in S city.
It was a three hours ride and during those three hours, Xiulan made sure that her itinerary must be strictly followed.
”Hongqi, I must make sure that you won't ruin my itinerary so I'm going to feed you the list of what we will do tomorrow.” she seriously mutters while her husband watches her every move.
”Okay.” he cooly agreed and tenderly hugs her while she points at her mobile screen and firmly instructed to him what they will do.
”First, there will be a lot of people. More people than the ones you encountered last time in Kyoto. I'm giving you a heads up in case you don't want to come with me anymore.” Xiulan knew that he hated crowded places and Disneyland is full of it.
”Of course, I will go with you.” Hongqi quickly said and was determined to stay with her all the time.
”Are you sure, loverboy? You don't like crowded places, right?” Xiulan made sure to ask him again. Giving him a chance to decline.
”I'm going and that's final.” Hongqi rolled his eyes at her.
”Okay. No need to be so sassy.” Xiulan blurted and went back to scroll her phone to display something to Hongqi.
”Husband, as you know Disneyland is the place for good photos. I want to make sure that take the best photos of me.” Xiulan displayed him a bunch of photos of women being cute and pretty for the camera.
”This angle, make sure you get the right angle!” Xiulan gave her phone to Hongqi so he could browse the other photos.
Hongqi was quiet for a moment while he browses the photos but he suddenly blurted a mean comment. ”They are all ugly.”
Xiulan peeked at the photos and frowned at him, ”This man, look at the details of the photo, not the women!”
”Wife, why would I look at these ugly women? What I mean is everything in those photos is ugly!” Hongqi answered back and even picked on the photos that were especially ugly for him.
”Aish, this man.” Xiulan took her phone back and closed the app. ”Anyway, as long as you take good photos, that is enough.”
”My wife, I am talented at everything. Have you seen the photos I took of you?” Hongqi arrogantly said and pulled out the camera from his personal backpack.
He started checking the gallery in his very expensive mirrorless camera and displayed to Xiulan the photos he took.
Xiulan suddenly feels like she doesn't want to look at it. Just peeking at the hundreds of thumbnails, she could already guess that it's full of her face.
Hongqi shoved his camera in front of his wife, ”Look at that. Those are ten times better than that basic trash you let me see awhile ago.”
Xiulan hesitated to look at the photos but eventually, her curiosity won this time. She took the camera and looked at the photos that Hongqi shot.
Cold sweat and goosebumps suddenly lurk at the back of her body. How can he have 789 photos of her in just a few days?! ”Stalker, why is this full of me?!” She exclaims at him while she quickly scrolls down to briefly check the photos.
They were exceptionally good, but one thing that bothered her so much was that there are 789 photos of her in HD, good angle and color schemes were so fresh to look at.
”Pervert.” she glared at him.
Hongqi snorted and took back the camera. ”These are art. Just you wait, I will specifically let Yang Bo print these.”
”Don't you dare. That is embarrassing!” Xiulan exclaimed at him and tried to get the camera.
”Even if you get the memory card and delete it, I already saved them in my cloud and on my computer.” Hongqi held onto his wife's wrist and pulled her in a hug. Their faces are so close and she can even feel his breath on her face. ”What's wrong with the photos? They are pretty.”
Xiulan knew her husband has this obsessive nature but she can't believe that it'll turn out like this. When her heart suddenly starts to secretly question, ”What was he thinking while he took those photos?”
She quickly and shyly evaded his strong gaze and pushed him a little to have some space in between them. ”I shouldn't think about it. Something must be wrong with him.” she quickly removed all those lingering thoughts and behaved herself.
”They are really pretty. Thank you.” she meekly said and pulled out her phone again. ”Back to what I was talking about since you are good in photography, it looks like we are good in this part.”