119 Chapter 119 : Brewing Trouble (1/2)

The moonlight was really beautiful and romantic that night. It was a great time for a hot snu-snu but Xiulan didn't have the energy for such things.

Unexpectedly, Xiulan was able to sleep peacefully without any sexual interruptions from her dear husband.

Add the calming effect of the air diffuser and Hongqi's warm cuddles made everything easier for Xiulan to enter dreamland.

Hongqi didn't pester his wife anymore since he knew that her legs are really in pain from all the walking and sex. He's not that awful to not let her rest.

Since he can't do anything spicy tonight, he watches her sleep peacefully and kisses her blossoming, beautiful face while he cuddles with her.

At this rate, he's really in the deep ocean of love. He just wants to dote and dote her.

Regarding the meeting he attended with Mr. Sato, it only took a few minutes to talk with the said government official. Hongqi is a generous man. He immediately agreed to invest in the old man's business.

He has a lot of money, why not share and help people who are in need? Also, Secretary Yang Bo already gave him a complete report of Mr. Sato's business and purpose of meeting him. He didn't find anything shady and the amount Mr. Sato needed was incredibly little.

For Hongqi, the hundred million yen was rather small. He earns a lot each tick of the time. Millions of money enter his accounts. With so much money, he gladly helps people.

He might be a domineering person, but if he knew that a person deserves a chance to get this amount of money, he'll agree without any judgments.

The next morning, Xiulan's poor legs were five times more in pain. The pain reminds her of the days during the first warmup exercise for her volleyball gym class back in her junior days.

The pain made her bedridden for a whole day just like what's happening to her right now. It's so excruciating and bothersome. She wanted to pee but moving her legs can be really agonizing.

The time she was struggling to stand up, Hongqi enters and he just came back from the gym. He was all sweaty and his natural body odor spreads inside the room. It was not pungent, rather it smells like a natural powdery smell.

”What the hell are you doing?” Hongqi watches his wife struggle in standing up. He was drinking in his water bottle while he reads the situation of his wife's struggles.

Since their room is decorated in a traditional Japanese tatami room, Xiulan can't find any objects for support. If she tries to put her weight on the walls, it will either tear or break.

”Hongqi, help me get to the bathroom.” Xiulan raised her hands so her husband could pull her.

Hongqi drank all the water first before helping his wife. Instead of supporting her to walk, he carried her instead and left her inside to finish her private businesses.

He's not that insensitive to watch what she was doing inside the bathroom. He treasures bathroom privacy so much.

”Call me when you need to go out.” Hongqi raises his voice before closing the bathroom door.

He went to look for his laptop so he could start checking the stocks of his businesses and invest if he finds any new ones. This is his best activity to kill some time.

Xiulan struggled a little bit inside the bathroom but she managed to endure excruciating pain and angrily mumbled to herself, ”Damn, I will never walk that long ever again. I must learn how to control myself when it comes to visiting temples and shrines.” She was such a history geek that it excited her whenever she sees cultural and historical heritages.

It took her almost one hour and a half to finish all her morning bathroom rituals. The pain was really agonizing to the point that she only wants to lay on her bed as quickly as possible.

When she came out of the bathroom, she was only wearing a white bathrobe and she must find clothes and underwear to cover herself. Another agonizing movement for her.

Hongqi briefly checked his wife while he types on his laptop and asked, ”Are you finish using the bathroom?”

”Yeah!” Xiulan loudly answered. After a few minutes, she heard the bathroom door closed.

While she's in the middle looking for underwear. She contemptuously looks at the leopard print lace underwear and bra she's holding. Such a naughty piece and she couldn't help but shake her head.

It's the first time she saw one in person and she's even holding them. She never thought that such a thing could look erotic and this will really make any man drown in desire. She imagined that she will look like Lum from Urusei Yatsura [1]  by wearing this piece. It made her chuckle.

She quickly buried those provocative lingeries in the depths of the paper bags and took her time to look for a presentable and non-erotic design.

She decided to take a rest today and stay in this room so wearing a naughty piece is not the best idea.

She almost forgot that they were supposed to go to Disney Land today. But she made up her mind that their Disney Land trip can wait tomorrow. It's better to do it tomorrow so her energy will completely replenish.

When she finished dressing up, she went back to the bed and covered herself with the duvet. She badly wanted to rest and just be lazy.

When Hongqi came out of the bathroom, he was holding his phone and busy talking to someone with an angry tone. ”Didn't I said that the while I'm on vacation, don't disturb me? As long as the contract doesn't look shady and will not cause us any future trouble, then it's fine without my go signal. Ask the company lawyers for advice.”