82 Chapter 82 : The Doctors Inside Joke (1/2)
After doing her morning routine and finished her breakfast and drank an ibuprofen, Xiulan went ahead early to the hospital and didn't bother to tell Hongqi that she was going to get her IUD implant today.
Hongqi didn't ask her as well where she was going. He was busy talking through his phone during breakfast that's why it did't occure to him to ask where she was heading. He guessed that she may have some personal stuff to do or work.
In her point of view, she doesn't understand why she needs a man's opinion about this. Either she ask or not, either he agrees or disagrees. It doesn't matter, it's still her choice and her body. She's the one who's gonna get all the infliction anyway. It's for her health too.
But if she was already pregnant, she won't abort it of course. She's not that heartless to do that. And she's already in the age that can give a better life to her future children.
When she arrived in the hospital, she almost cursed the person she saw in the lobby. It was Mao Zhilan looking fragile while she held onto an old woman's arm.
She can't believe that she has to see that employee thief in this place. She's still pissed off how the Mao couple caused employment trouble to her company.
Xiulan quickly retreated and hid behind a potted plant near her. She gaze sharply at the two women who slowly walks on her side.
”Mama, don't worry about me. I am sure I won't lose this child this time. The doctor prescribed me effective medicines so I won't have any miscarriages again.” Mao Zhilan calmly and slowly muttered to the old woman who obviously has that worried look on her face. Mao Zhilan already have two lovely sons. According to rumors, if she didn't party during her three pregnancies, she would have five children by now.
Speaking of, Xiulan now remembers who the old woman is. She was that old lady she helped back in her university days. As she remembers correctly, the kind old lady has dementia and prosopagnosia, a neurological disorder characterized by the inability to recognize faces. Find authorized novels in Webnovel,faster updates, better experience,Please click for visiting.
It was during her sophomore second semester exam day. The old woman was looking for her son, Mao Fa Dai, so she can pass him a good luck charm to help him succeed the exam. Since she was classmates with Mao Fa Dai, she offered to pass the charm to him since outsiders are not allowed to enter during exam.
The old woman was so fascinated by Xiulan's beauty and kindness that she can't help but shamelessly offered her son as a future husband for the young Xiulan.
Xiulan kindly rejected the old lady that time and made an excuse that her parents are strict about that topic. The old woman didn't listen and continued to pester her for a few minutes. When the old lady got tired, she gave Xiulan a lucky charm too before letting her go and left with a delighted smile plastered on the old lady's face. It was a weird, funny and heart-warming scenario whenever she remembers that.
Ever since that day, Mao Fa Dai would always tell her that his mother wanted to see her again so they can have tea and enjoy the sweets the old lady made. Xiulan would chat with him for a little while about his mother and he would always blush for no reason. That moment, Xiulan knew Mao Fa Dai had a small crush towards her. She kindly rejected his invitation not because she was bothered that he likes her. She knew that getting close with other people's parents will be the start of never ending teasing of marriage and she hated that the most.
Xiulan's aware that the male classmates always blush or gaze at her quite differently. She didn't try to think about it that much during her college days. But now that she's an adult and very aware of the malicious gazes like how Hongqi looks at her, she was thankful that her old self was very oblivious of her surroundings. Less awkward situations with male classmates.
She now understands why Zhilan hated her so much. Those gazes that Fa Dai would always give to her, it might have made Zhilan fume like a furnace. Even when Fa Dai and Zhilan officially dated, Fa Dai would still gaze at her quite differently.
Well, it's not her fault she was born with this face.
The only thing that still bothers her when she remembers that memory was that the old woman pestered Zhilan one time during graduation where was the lucky charm she gave to her during the exam. Zhilan lied that it was somewhere in her closet. Truthfully, she doesn't know anything about that lucky charm her mother-in-law kept mentioning.
It occurred to Xiulan that the old woman thought Zhilan was her since they both have the same hairstyle, height and figure back then. But since the poor old lady has prosopagnosia, she wasn't able to tell the difference. Regardless, in the end the old woman was really happy at Fa Dai and Zhilan's marriage.
Xiulan wonders if the old lady ever found out that Fa Dai didn't marry the girl with the lucky charm. She still has that lucky charm in her room back in her parents' mansion.