40 Chapter 40 : Shanghai Television Festival 1 (1/2)

Xiulan carefully went out of the Tesla car with the help of Zhu. This will be the first time she has gone out of the penthouse that doesn't involve going to hospital ever since she got injured very badly.

”Did they really capture him already?” Xiulan helplessly asked as she eyes the huge cottage house with full of men guarding the place. She believes Zhu will not put her in harm but she was really nervous that the secret guards of Hongqi might be following them right now. She's both worried for the guard's safety and tensed that they will report this to Hongqi.

They are currently in a woody forest. According to Zhu, this place was their turf and territory. So incase the secret guards will try to follow them, death will awaits them since they will be considered as suspicious spies.

”Yes, missus. Actually, they are interrogating him since an hour ago.” Zhu nonchalantly said.

Zhu greeted the guards on their way and opened the door for her. ”Relax, missus.”

”How can I relax when my husband's guards might be following us or your men already killed them?” Xiulan tensed. Though she was feeling nervous and tensed, she didn't forget to appreciate the interior inside the cottage. It may look dangerous and suspicious outside but it was homey and clean inside. There was some female staff as well who were taking a coffee and tea break.

”I already told my brothers about the secret guards and they will only scare them away. Apparently the guards weren't able to follow us and they already lost us when we entered the suburbs going here.” Zhu informs. ”They are in the basement.” She added and led the way to the basement.

”I see… wait. May I ask something?” Xiulan suddenly thought of something while she follows Zhu.

”Yes, missus?” Zhu asks and she smiled at some of the staff they ran into.

”About the Tesla car. My husband might already have a hint that you are working with Dejiang since he owns that car. My husband will be really mad if he knows about this since he scorns Dejiang for some reason.” Xiulan curiously asked.

”Ah! About that… Young Master Mo said that the Tesla car ownership was named after you and your husband haven't found out yet that I'm working under the Mos.” Zhu glances at Xiulan and checked her reaction.

”Wh-what?! How come he put my name as the owner?” Xiulan suddenly panics. That car is very expensive and it will be more troublesome if Hongqi finds out about it.

Xiulan fully knows Hongqi's inflated ego will pop if he finds out that the wife he grooms gets a random Tesla from her male friends and that male friend was the one he hates the most.

”Uhh… I am not sure, missus. Maybe to hide the fact that young master Mo is helping you from your husband?” Zhu mumbled and continued walking downstairs. All she knew the car will be used specifically for this mission.

”Ugh… that Dejiang. He should have put the ownership after you. After this interrogation I will ask him to change the ownership to you immediately.” Xiulan declared. She doesn't want to add more misunderstanding. That Hongqi would suspect her relationship with Dejiang again if he finds out about the car.


”We're here.” Zhu announced and quietly opens the door.”Ah before we enter, put this mask on.” Zhu halted and quickly took a black mask that robbers usually wore from the table beside the door.

The sound of slap, hysterical shouting and grunting of a man can be heard inside.

Xiulan nervously gulped while slowly wears the mask. She can't believe that she'll be witnessing a brutal interrogation.

”I will not say anything! Just f*cking kill me already!” a man shouted and another slap and grunting can be heard after.

”This man is very stubborn.” One of Zhu's brothers said.

”Enough of that! We will interrogate him instead.” Zhu arrogantly announced to the people inside and made way towards the pitiful spy who was chained to the chair and his half naked body was full of bloody scratch and bruises.

Xiulan can't really bear seeing something like this but she must endure. She quietly follows Zhu and tried her best not to look at the pitiful man.

”The old bitch is here. Make sure we will be compensated generously.” One of the brothers said. Xiulan doesn't know which one since she was staring at her feet.

”Shut up. Just get out!” Zhu screams at them and chases them away.

”Old bitch!” a man shouted before he exits the room.

”Hmp! That bastard…” Zhu mumbles as she stares vehemently at the closed door. ”Ah! I apologize for my behavior just now. Bad habits die hard when you encounter people like my brothers.” Zhu apologetically said.

”It's fine, Zhu.” Xiulan smiled but Zhu noticed that her smiling mouth was trembling.

”She must be really nervous.” Zhu secretly thought.

”Thank you, missus. Since we are here, what would you like us to do to this man?” Zhu said and started picking a paddle to hurt the poor man.

”Do you really need to hit him?” Xiulan meekly asked and stared at the paddle in Zhu's hands.

”He won't say anything if we don't hurt him.” Zhu said and her eyes became cold.

”Is that so?” Xiulan sweated and let Zhu do the talking first.

”Eh~ so you are that spy. You do know that you are harming a lot of people with your group's pathetic plans, right?” Zhu starts to interrogate and she playfully hits her palm with the paddle.

”Whoever you are, bitch! I will keep my mouth shut until I die!” The battered spy angrily shouted.

”Ahh… why are men keep on calling me a bitch?” Zhu muttered. She coldly stares at the man sitting in front of her. ”This bitch will make sure you suffer. Your men almost killed my boss!” She ferociously shouted and hit the spy on the back with a heavy blow using the paddle.

”Aargh!” The poor spy grunted and spat some blood. Zhu's force seems to be really painful. Xiulan purses her lips as she watches this inhumane treatment.

Xiulan's eye wanders to the documents on the table beside her. It's an information report about this spy.

”Name is Dong Yong. Age 36 years old. Has been working as an Army Linguist for 6 years under the government. He also translates some receipts and requests that's why he managed to manipulate and use the government funds. His family was captured by the TERRO group that's why he's working under them.” Xiulan silently reads the profile of this poor spy.

”Tell me, what's your group's plan? When is their next attack? F*cking psychos trying to hurt the innocent. Where is your headquarters?!” Zhu suddenly became beast mode and bombarded the injured spy with questions and poisonous words.

”Whatever! If you don't kill me right now, they will kill me instead once they find out I got captured. You will never get anything from me! Bitch! Whore!” The spy shouted as blood also comes out from his mouth. His face and body were now really red.

”This f*cker.” Zhu curses and quickly switches to a new weapon. She is now using a mace with pointy spikes on it. She hits the spy on his back again and again.

The spy painfully grunted and cried. His back was full of small holes caused by the spikes from the mace.

Xiulan pitifully grimaced at the poor spy and thought ”This is wrong. Before we can get any information from him he'll be dead.”

Xiulan finally stops Zhu from whatever brutality she was doing. ”Zhu, enough. You will kill him. Stop it.” Xiulan calmly said as she begs Zhu to stop. She held onto Zhu's arms.

”Missus…” Zhu halted her actions and looked at her lady boss. She did not expect that her lady boss would suddenly stop her.

”Why are you stopping me?” Zhu questioned.

”This is not right. Please, let me handle it.” Xiulan firmly said and forcefully took the mace out of Zhu's hands. Xiulan threw the mace back on the table.

”B-but--” Zhu was about to retort but she remembered Dejiang's words. The lady boss knows what she's doing. ”Okay, missus.” Zhu meekly agrees and went to the side to watch what the lady boss will do to tame this bastard spy.

Xiulan heavily took a deep breath first before she bravely went near the spy. ”Mr. Dong Yong, I read that your family are held hostage by your group.” Xiulan started and touched the spy's shoulder to get his attention and also to calm him down.

The spy Dong Yong raises his head to look at Xiulan. He can only see a petite woman with a slender waist and bright eyes was looking at him.

Xiulan curled her lips and showed Dong Yong a piece of paper with words written on it ”Isn't it pitiful for them to know their only hope to get out of there will just disappear?”

The spy flinched from Xiulan's words and stared at the piece of paper. Dong Yong did everything to make sure that his wife and son will not be harmed. He did everything what they told him to do. Everything was going smoothly but these bastards suddenly found out about his dirty work and captured him.

Dong Yong knows that it'll be the end of him regardless if they let him go or not. The TERRO group can kill him with a snap. He has an implanted device somewhere inside his body that will electrocute him to death.

Xiulan was satisfied with Dong Yong's reaction so she immediately writes something again.

Zhu was bewildered by this weird type of silent interrogation. But what appalled her more was the spy giving a reaction.

”Mr. Dong Yong, just please tell us when they will attack. Please whisper it to me. We really don't care about their headquarters but if you want to reveal then we will be eternally grateful.” Xiulan wrote on the paper and showed it to the spy.

Dong Yong reads it and frowns at the weird woman. Dong Yong doesn't understand why she was writing instead of talking.

Xiulan slightly understood the spy's confusion so she immediately writes again. ”I am writing in case the implanted device inside your body might have a mic and send noises back to your HQ. I will remove it to make you safe.”

Dong Yong eyes got bigger and was surprised that this lady knew that the device was inside his body has a mic to spy on people's conversation.

Ever since that encounter with TERRO group during GEA, Xiulan tried to search for the source of their electrocution. Even though she doesn't want to remember, she kept repeating the moment the blond man suddenly fell onto her. She wants to know which part of the body it was attached to and she should have been electrocuted with the man but she didn't.