39 Chapter 39 : More Clues (1/2)
Hongqi coldly purses his lips while he checks the CCTV footages of last night GEA event. He rubs his chin as he disappointingly browses each video.
”Where the hell are the CCTV footages in the fire exit?!” Hongqi angrily spat. For some unknown reason, all the footages in the fire exit were missing or either they have a blank display. It was appalling!
Secretary Yang Bo sweated. He was also appalled that the Golden Eagle team gave him blank videos for the fire exit footages. The team was also surprised by this embarrassing negligence. They don't have any concrete explanation as to why they have blank videos.
Secretary Yang Bo speculated that the GEA security team was hacked or someone deliberately tried to make the videos blank to cover something.
”GEA team was also disappointed to give us these blank videos. They don't have any explanation yet but they speculated that they were hacked or someone managed to manipulate the footages real time.” Secretary Yang Bo nervously explained.
”Tsk, this is bad.” Hongqi muttered.”With Xiulan's story that she thought she was being followed then this blank videos only in the fire exit. Someone must be desperate to catch her.” Hongqi darkly added and narrowed his eyes on his laptop.
”Young Master…” Secretary Yang Bo can feel the cold and murderous aura from Hongqi. His young master has a point. Out of all the videos with issue, it's the one in the fire exit.
”Add more shadow guards to protect Xiulan. As a husband who owns a future security company, it will be a huge disappointment if I can't even protect my wife.” Hongqi contemptuously said.
”Yes, young master.” Secretary Yang Bo affirmed.
”Also, make sure you eye on that new female bodyguard Xiulan hired. I don't know where she got that person but I'm not happy with how she protects Xiulan. She seems to be careless.” Hongqi distressed. He really hates how that female bodyguard let Xiulan wander around and getting hurt.
”Whoever that person tried to follow and hurt my wife, that person should know who he's dealing with.” Hongqi menacingly announced.
Secretary Yang Bo stiffly stands on his position before Hongqi let him leave and start his work. He just can't help but pity the person who tried to do something shady to Mrs. Xing. ”Who is that idiot trying to stir problems with the Xing couple?” Secretary Yang Bo sighed.
In the Xing penthouse master's bedroom, Xiulan sneezed like her whole nose will come off anytime. She didn't have any cold or even felt cold but that loud and over the top sneeze was so random.
According to an old saying, some might be gossiping or thinking about some when that person suddenly sneezes like suffering from pneumonia.
*Sniff* *Sniff*
Xiulan exaggeratedly sniff the watery snot back and wiped her nose with a tissue. She glanced at the air conditioner and the temperature is set to only 23 degrees Celsius. It's not even that cold yet she's sneezing like she played in the rain.
”Are you okay, missus?” Lau Zhu came in the room with some tea and soup. It's already three in the afternoon and her lady boss seems to not going to end her work yet. Her doctor already advised her to work for a maximum one to two hours for today. And in the next two days if she wants to work more she should rest for a good two-three hours before going back to work and repeat. But this stubborn boss was glued to her laptop.
”I sneezed so much. Thank goodness it disappeared already.” Xiulan nonchalantly said as she eyed the tea and soup on Lau Zhu's plate. Her eyes twinkle and she suddenly felt hungry.
”By the way… thanks for manipulating the GEA CCTV footages last night, especially the parts in the fire exit. I just checked them and thank goodness originally there's really nothing suspicious happened there.” Xiulan said and happily thanked Lau Zhu.
”Yes. No problem, missus. Also your CCTV hacker app is a genius. I managed to capture the original and switch the blank edited ones to GEA's security system.” Lau Zhu informed. She put the tray beside on the coffee table beside the bed.
”That white lie I said to my husband just to cover everything, I feel really nervous that he will find out the truth anytime soon. He said to me last night that he has people following me every day.” Xiulan tensely said then suddenly she purses her lips and her eyes wandered like someone shouldn't suppose to hear it.
”No other people are inside this house, missus. Don't worry.” Lau Zhu chuckles when she saw that nervous expression on the lady boss' face.
Xiulan sighed heavily. ”I feel like my privacy was robbed off. I don't even get it why he monitors me.” She depressingly said. Out of all her pet peeves, she hates the most are the nosy people.
Lau Zhu only smiled to her lady boss but on her mind… ”Oh missus, there's another person trying to rob your privacy and he's paying a lot for that.” Lau Zhu secretly mutters as she points out the Young Master Dejiang's ulterior motives.
”Anyway, I'll deal with that problem later. For now I think we will postpone going to concerts and award shows. I just can't let you deal with it by yourself. Though you might need to visit big events just to hack their CCTVs.” Xiulan informs and her long lushes fluttered as she looks at her laptop screen.
”Alright.” Lau Zhu agrees.
”Once I fully recover, I bet that will on the second week next month. There will be a very big event that my husband will attend. I think it's the last award show for year 20XX. I might get us some VIP pass so that we can freely roam around. I have a huge guess that those punks will attend that.” Xiulan meticulously planned.
Lau Zhu nodded submissively. This time she should listen to her lady boss. She got a scolding from Dejiang so late last night. She reported back even though she was tired. Dejiang was so furious at her and he kept telling her repeatedly that she should follow what Xiulan will instruct to her. Xiulan worked only by herself on very complex cases. Though this time is different, but she never failed any of her missions.
”Since you have people following that brown haired brat, I will assign you to plant a device near his home and the ex-butcher's home. The device is a small Android smart watch that can be charged through solar energy for 24 hours use. It will capture all the CCTV footage in that vicinity, thus we will have better leads.” Xiulan explained and showed Lau Zhu a replica of the device on her laptop screen.
”Did you invent it as well?” Lau Zhu curiously asked. She's amazed how smart and capable her lady boss.
”Yeah. Actually it's just a regular Android smart watch with installed CCTV hacker app and it's charged on a separate small solar panel frame that can only accommodate a small device. I have tried to use this like a month ago but the version installed is very old so I must update that first. I didn't use it because I don't have any confidence in putting it in a secret place. Now that I knew my husband has people always following me, thank God I didn't pursue putting it on shady places.” Xiulan sighed in relief. Whenever she thinks about those secret guards Hongqi assigned, she's now delirious of her situation. She felt like her movements are very limited from now on.
”Very amazing, missus! I will put it on the most secured place. Also, I will try my best to be incognito outside. Your husband might also have people following me.” Lau Zhu praises her pretty boss and also informs her about being followed.