Volume 1 Chapter 9 Part2 (2/2)
”The holy nation Seoul is protected by Sunang-nis and relics of the prehistoric era are not worn away by tis and relics exist in Seoul, so in order to progress research, access to Seoul is vital”
The buildings and ite just happened from a state of darkness In that case, the books are safe, and ineered to be easily understood I could even generate electricity with a senerator In that case, I could even operate h I can't make calls and the internet is out
But it feels good Really good
Research aside, I who have been living off the fruits of civilisation up till noill definitely find it harder to live out in a lower level of civilisation And now I have the possibilities of recovering so hope, ht be fine as well
”But due to the barrier, there are sixteen set doors that you can enter Seoul by Also, due to Sunang-nim's decree there's only a set nuh the doors at a time”
”So the reason the great war started…”
I understood
To put it sie of the prehistoric civilisation' To be accurate, the routes to earn that knowledge
”It was in order to obtain even one more plot of land that had access to the doors shi+n Chaeho-hie openly and fairly, and didn't like war and so forcibly suppressed conflict, but after his death there was no one that could stop it All nations were livid at the probability that the number of doors a country possessed would have a massive impact on the country's future power”
Although it would be a bit of a stretch to call it an analogy, it is quite similar to the codoms era At the ti land but also one of the few places that could make direct contact and trade with China, the superpower of the time
”Did this person called shi+n Chaeho not have any disciples?”
”Thinking about the problems between countries he took a disciple from each of the races for four disciples in total However, since three of them couldn't even match up to a fraction of shi+n Chaeho-ni but watch Well, shi+n Chaeho-nim did find personality an important factor so they are kind people……”
Wow, savage
Although I couldn't pick up on any emotion in Flute's words, it's clear as day that she looks down on those disciples Just a personal thought, but perhaps this line of thinking is normal?
I feel sorry for them Those disciples I'll probably meet the them because they're apparently nice people For the record, I have a bad track record ofmy work and personal relations If I take to them I'll help then, if not then not
”That other one person?”
He took four disciples in total, and three of theht?
”That person is a great one And so is his influence”
”Is that so?”
”But because he was dragonkin, he not only felt a lack of need to care about the great war, but he also announced 'the reason that I research is because I want to accue, not share it”
So that's someone with a clear set of values They say that you don't study for the sake of others, after all
So to sum it up, shi+n Chaeho passed away, and since his disciples aren't exactly great it was touch and go for a while until I showed up in h the roof
(1) May be familiar to readers of Maoyuu The two field system, where half the land was planted and the other half lay falloas replaced by one where land was divided into three fields, one groheat or rye, one with leguen and so fertilise the soil) and one left fallow, and rotated around accordingly This allowed farmers to produce more crops and noticeably i/wiki/Crop_rotation
Translator News:
Two things you don't need to care about:
1) You knohat I realized? That slice of lifes only really get popular with frequent, near-daily updates I' in thisstory is insanely slow, but the author made up for it in the raith literally 1-2 updates DAILYMaybe it's because the author's updates faster than the Chinese novel translators (literally), but on all the sites the author posts this on, it's like, top 3 uys, when my exams are all done and I'm warm and dry and most importantly FREE back up north, I'll do my damnest to do this justice
2) So around a week or so ago, Naver released their list of Septe theratulations The author hasn't gotten back in touch with me so far, but he has previously told o
Two things that you probably SHOULD care about:
1) When a novel gets picked up by Naver officially, what generally happens is that the author will re to his/her Naver schedule, usually a re anyways So since we're not too deep into the story yet, I'll ask if you want me to finish at least:
The end of (Main) Volume 1 (which is pretty meh)
The FULL Volume 1 (Main and Answer) (which is like another 28 chapters (56 parts) extra, and the Answer volume in particular was the reason why I picked it up)
Or just drop it until the author catches up til where ere at (Which IMO isn't going to take all that long)
Bear in mind, my default is option 3 If you have any opinions either coe me on Novel Updates (username is Eeveelutionlvr) or PM/comment on Reddit Also:
2) All novels that Naver takes on board get a full colour illustration every chapter Yep EVERY chapter