Volume I Part 45 (1/2)

Biphyllocera kirbyana, White, App to Grey's Australia, 2 462


Habitat: Australia

In figure 4a are well seen the beautifully pectinated laenus

The species is of a pitchy brown, beneath it is yellowish and hairy; the in of the thorax is yellowish, its disk has itudinal impressed lines, the spaces between transversely striolated and sorayianus, White, Annals and Magazine of Natural History, January 1845


Head green, punctured, head shi+eld yellowish, sides rounded, soinous Thorax narrow, the sides slightly rounded so as to be almost continuous with the lateral line of the elytra; behind it projects in the lossy green, the sides broadly ined with yellow Elytraa wide but shallow sinus on the sides; surface punctured, the punctures generally running in striae, solossy green, sides broadly inous, bases of abdoreen, as are the tips of the fes without teeth, hind tibiae moderate

Habitat: New Holland, North-West Coast

Cetonia (Diaphonia) notabilis


Head for thein a point to beyond a line drawn between the eyes, behind deep black, in somewhat thickened, brownish, four small obscure spots in front; antennae and palpi brown Thorax, with e black reater part of the upper surface, narrowed and notched in front, sinuated slightly on the sides, and with two notches in the ed indistinctly in lines, brownish yellow, the suture, tip and extreined with brown; scutellum yellowish, black at the base and tip Abdoidius black, posterior feth 9 lines

Habitat: New Holland

This species seems to be allied to Schizorhina succinea Hope

Transactions of the Entoical Society, 3 281

(Footnote I may here mention, that in the collection of the British Museum there is a fe the arded by both Burmeister and Schaum as the female of D frontalis, is decidedly a distinct species; it was described and figured by MM Gory and Percheron, froantula


Head cleft between the eyes; Prothorax above and beneath verreenish black spot in the middle, and two small black dots, one on each side Elytra with four double rows of impressed punctures, united at the end Apex with two sharp points, the outer the longest, a notch between them; the elytra are verular dark green spot before the middle, with two deep notches in front, and rounded behind, behind this and connected with it by a narrow sutural line of the sale in the middle of each elytron, and dilated on the suture, the tip of each elytron is broadly pointed with the sareen, as are the legs Abdoth about 6 lines

Habitat: North-West Coast of New Holland

This species cos of the Entoical Society 4 213